Lux Thinking Aloud

This Happy Single Asks

12:00 AM

Never compare your beginning to someone else's middle.

Sometimes, this happy single asks...

What's out there?
Is this all in my destiny?

Sometimes, this happy single asks one too many times, it seems:

Is it tomorrow? Is it next week?
How much longer do I have to wait?

Some nights are colder. Longer. Some days are cruel. Hollower.

People could be ruthless, laughing at her life choices, making her feel she's not good enough. 

Pointing at her flaws. Making her feel broken and beyond redemption. 

So sometimes, this happy single asks: 

When will it stop?

But there are days---many, many days when her faith prevails, and her hope is renewed.

So this happy single asks with excitement:

What's he gonna be like?

Have I already met him? I hope not!

Will it be just another ordinary day, and destiny will sneak up on me?

Or will I be swept off my feet like in the books or movies? 

Yes, sometimes her imagination runs wild.

But that's the beauty of being single. You have a blank canvas. You can paint your future the way you want to.

She's genuinely happy for her peers who are getting married or starting families. She celebrates their milestones with joy.

Yet, sometimes, this happy single still asks:

How about me? 

Where's my story? 

Is this all that's written in the prophecy?

Being curious and anxious about the unknown and the uncertain is normal.

And it's okay to get tired of waiting sometimes.

Maybe one day, she'll unravel life's mysteries. 

Or perhaps just a few.

Or maybe none at all. 

But that's alright, for each finds their own path.

You can't compare your beginning to someone else's middle. 

And no matter what happens, she knows for certain that she's gonna live one epic life.

For this happy single's journey is of her own choosing, written by her hand.

Wait! I've got more stories for you...


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  1. Take each day as it is. It's the only way.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  2. And i will tell this happy single, "enjoy every moment there is, you are allowed to dream and as well create the future you desire, trust God and He will crown your life with happily ever after"

    I have missed this space. How are you darling? Sending my love your way

  3. Married or single, may we enjoy this day!

  4. Lux, I think there is nothing wrong in wondering... for me I think I have decided enough is enough... but you are young, I believe you two will find each other... just out of the blue xox

  5. Beautiful post Lux !!


  6. Aww. That is so sweet and optimistic. I hope people who are in a relationship can be equally so...

    It's all too often I hear about more divorces and split ups.

    7% Solution

  7. I can't help but think of the apostle Paul, who wished all men were as he was--single and able to wholeheartedly and undistractedly follow and serve the Lord. This, too, is a gift, and a time and season that should never be wasted. I wish I had done more for the Lord during my season of singleness. May God richly use yours for his glory.

  8. I wish I had the solution but the truth is I am in the same boat... have been in this boat for a very very very long time. And yet, I feel I cannot give up. I cannot compare my story to that of anyone else's. Who knows when our time is meant to be? We can only hold on and hope...

  9. I wish you a wonderful week dear.

    La Flò ♡ blog

  10. Loved how you have expressed the feelings of a single girl. Love happens in strangest of places :)

  11. I love this: "You can't compare your beginning to someone else's middle." You speak for many of my friends, both single and married. Thanks for sharing your heart here through your words. Beautiful.

  12. Oh how beautiful...and deeply moving.
    Just take it one day at a time, I'd say...and see where fate takes you...:)

  13. You can't compare your beginning to someone else's middle - very powerful words !!!

  14. From my perspective... Singleness is a blessing as much as marriage is. Enjoy each moment ♥

  15. Each day can be an adventure. My friend is newly single, following the death of her husband about 8 months ago. She is struggling with a new identity.

  16. You keep right on being a happy single. It seems like the person you are wishing for will never appear. You begin to look too hard. The special person for you will come along and appreciate the fact that you are a happy single. You will see him and appreciate him for what he is. It will happen when you least expect it.

  17. I have asked these questions a hundred times over. I'm still young, but no matter the age, the inquiries are always shouting at the front of your mind. I have come to a place though where I am happy being single. Yes, I do have my moments, but I am content.
    Keep trusting in the Lord! :)

  18. Hi, Lux!

    I appreciate your musings about being single. In all probability, love will not come into your life the way it is depicted in movies. Instead, you will be going through an ordinary day and gradually become aware that something is going on between you and the other person, a certain chemistry that signals both of you that it is time to take the next step and get closer. It will indeed sneak up on you, I'm betting. It's the more natural way to fall in love. Even though you are often lonely and see a parade of happy looking couples going by, be patient. The river must flow. It cannot be pushed. Your day will come.

  19. Beautiful! i love your Words <3


  20. What a gorgeous read. And wonderful way to sum up this happy single too. I think what pains me most is not the waiting but the cruel judgments you see in the eyes of others as they size you up and wonder why you're still single and living the way you do.


  21. Sure, live life to the fullness and the singles sure have a choice on their decisions.

  22. seriously, single life is the best and interestingly, most of my married friends say this too :P

  23. Sometimes eyes meet and the future becomes crystal clear. If it happened to me it can happen to anybody. All my best wishes for your happiness now and in the future.

  24. Beautifully written :)

  25. xoxox is funny so much being in couple as much as being single almost married with my friends
    Melange-Boutique Blog || Instgram

  26. Another beautiful post from you!
    Nilu Yuleena Thapa
    BIG hair LOUD mouth

  27. Love to read your posts. Thank you for sharing your wise ideas with us. Liuba x

  28. I have not been single for many years but I am grateful to have spent a stretch of my young adulthood unattached. This much I know with certainty: it's far better to be alone than to be in the wrong relationship. No contest.

  29. its like you have written my thoughts :D Loved reading it

  30. I choose to make the moment I'm in my time.

  31. what a lovely post my dear
    your style is so amazing and inspiring
    simply love it!
    lovely :)
    with love your AMELY ROSE

  32. enjoy the questioning, the pondering, but don't forget to just enjoy YOUR life and be content and happy with who you are... when the time is right, you will find love :) have a blessed week!

  33. Awesome! I absolutely enjoyed reading this. Happy Wednesday!


  34. Let all your dreams come true asap :)

  35. I wondered the same thing when I was single...and no, he wasn't someone I knew already. Yes, the day we met was like any other day. You never know when you'll meet the man you'll spend the rest of your life with!

  36. Love the lines..beautifully expressed Dear.


    New Post:

  37. This made me feel better about my current status: single :) Happy love month, Lux :)

  38. Great post.

  39. We are so single and atleast you're not bitter about it! and the Vday, (not like me, hahahha) and you're seeing the best part of being a single. :) Keep the positive vibe G! :)

  40. This is a beautiful post! I think it's great to make the most of being single :)

    Rachel xx

  41. This is beautifully written. I wanted it to keep on going so I'd never stop reading. Enjoy every moment of singleness. "The beauty of singleness is that you have a blank canvas." Totally loved that!!

  42. Being single has its own beauty, a sedate charm ... loved the perspective :-)

  43. will never know how long the wait be as everything is in gods hand,ask.

  44. This is beautiful and you are correct, you cannot compare. You have to enjoy the now as later will be different and the right guy is worth the wait.


  45. Hello, greetings and good wishes.

    Being single and dreaming is the most beautiful period of one life. You can paint anything you want on the blank canvass. However, reality very often doesn't match the dreams. The best thing to do is to enjoy this fabulous period before cupid strikes you.

    Wish you all the best

  46. When I was single, I always said to myself that someone out there must waiting for me as well. It was like a jigsaw puzzle that needed to be completed

  47. Awesome! I like this a lot.

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  48. It can be so hard to wait, not knowing what the future holds. Thank you for the beautiful reminder to live today with a purpose for tomorrow! We don't have to setttle, but can determine to wait for the best!

  49. I liked your wording very beautiful

    Best Wishes to you


  50. There are surely benefits to the single life at least for a time.

  51. nicely written :)
    Have a good day!

  52. Enjoy the beauty and freedom of your single days. And one day when you meet "the one," it'll be that much sweeter bc you waited well.

  53. You certainly have your head on straight!

  54. We just love the way your write! The first line itself was just ughhh. It definintely deserves to be made into a pinterest quote

    M + K

  55. GReat post! I love these words!

  56. Lovely words lux, we must think positive!!!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Facebook

  57. Keep going, best comes to those who wait!

  58. :)

    A vida é singular para cada um.

    Ótima quinta!

    Beijo! ^^

  59. Hi Lux! I really like that quote about not comparing your beginning to someone's middle. So wise. How do I know where someone else is in their journey? There's always a plan my friend. We often don't know what it is, but there sure is one.

  60. this is beautifully written
    I find myself asking those questions quite often

  61. i agree that some days it feels OK and some days it doesn't ... but i like how there's always still a glimmer of hope in life :)

  62. You are such a great writer! Yes I never compare somebody's journey with mine. I hope and pray you find that special someone but in the main time enjoy and have fun.

  63. I ask a lot myself too, believe me. You posts are always so lovely, I didn't know you are a pharmacist by profession :)


  64. Have a lovely day dear Lux!
    Nilu Yuleena Thapa
    BIG hair LOUD mouth

  65. I love the opening quote to this post, such a good one - and a brilliant reminder that we're all at different stages of our journeys :)

    Gabrielle | A Glass Of Ice

  66. Lovely writing dear! Enjoy each day of your journey. What's yours will never miss you! You'll see him and know its him at the right time. Kung di ukol di bubukol. Happy weekend! Single life is happy life!

  67. I am happily married to Robert - - BUT I almost made a mistake and married someone else before Robert came along. It is better to remain single than to end up with the wrong person. May you continue to be a Happy Single and Smile. Men love a happy woman. Thank you for sharing with us here at Tell me a Story.

  68. I know what you mean about how it can't always easy being single. There will be times where you do feel down and lonely. Just remember that in good time it will be your turn, and then all those lonely nights will feel worth it.

  69. This is so true. I will pray for you. I know your day will come. God has someone waiting just for you.

  70. Yes, I applaud Hazel's words. And your sentiment is lovely.
    Being single is great for many reasons. And it's much better to be single than in a toxic relationship. Waiting for love, or anything for that matter, is wasting time. Easier said than done, and I learned this the hard way. There's no fairytale. Love can be wonderful at times, but it's always painful and challenging. Self-love is most important.
    Be well, Lux.

  71. The life of the single can be one happy canvas ~ Thanks for sharing ~

  72. Nice post!

  73. I loved this! Thank you so much for sharing at #weekendwhispers

  74. wow, "you can't compare your beginning to someone else' middle." Loved reading a post from the "single" point of view.

  75. I remember asking myself ALL those questions. Now, I've been married almost 16 years. It will happen in God's time. I know God picked out a great one for me :)

    I hope you can stop by:


  76. The post is fantastic! I love it so much:)
    Have a great weekend!

  77. Dear Lux, Before I comment on this post I just wanted to thank you for your last comment on my blog, when you said, "Aw, John. These photos are so amazing and beautiful. They make me feel nostalgic for some reason." I can't tell you how much I smiled after reading that. I actually went over my post again and, looking at the pictures, could see exactly what you meant! They really were nostalgic! Well, your kind comments, like that one, just delight me and I always look forward to your comments. Now regarding your post here ... As I think I've told you before ... You are wiser than your years! You sound like a much older person with many more years of experience. You are right on about comparing one person's beginning with another person's middle. And, if I may, I will even add to that by saying not to compare the middle with the final parts. Life is always changing and always a challenge. Thank you, as always, for your wonderful posts.

  78. Awwwgghhh luxxy of Destiny!! This was a beautiful read from top to finidsh! My oh My!!! you have a very beautiful mind... Aswear down Baby mi.

    In Time Lux... In time.. and then one day ba.. surer than sure.. You will wake up and realise that all the dots of hurts, and kweShions connected to lead you to a perfect moment.

    Blessings Bubba.. and with plenRRy love from the colder side. xx

  79. That was beautiful. :) God bless you.

  80. Yes, hopefully it lives up to our response to questions.

  81. This was beautiful. I'm going to print this out and put it on my wall because it's exactly what I needed to read. As always, Lux! You know how to make my heart swell with inspiration through your words.

  82. The people in relationships have plenty questions too like "what is it like to be single again?"

    I read somewhere that single people envy the married people while the married people envy the single people.

  83. I've been single for about 2 years after 11 years of relation with my ex bf.. I must say it's hard to be single, at the beginning, but now, in the last few moths, i feel freeee and awesome. I've learn how to embrace the solitude.It's awesome!

  84. What a beautiful and honest post. You're right, being single has its perks, but it definitely does get daunting at times. It's liberating once you find your groove as a single chick.

  85. You know what? I like you! Keep shining on for Jesus! I like your posts! :)
