
7 Sweet Fruits Of Waiting

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7 Sweet Fruits Of Waiting

The Sweet Fruits Of Waiting

Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet. -Aristotle

The waiting period is the most trying and painful and will always be the longest period in a person's life—no matter how short. Here's why, though challenging, you'll love the sweet fruits of waiting.

7 Sweet Fruits Of Waiting

1. Patience

Waiting for results really shows what we're made of and teaches us some important lessons about patience and persistence. It strengthens our faith and helps us appreciate the blessings that come after us.

2. Introspection

Waiting for God's answer can be filled with a deafening silence. Yet, this silence can be a powerful tool for introspection. It allows us to focus on our inner voice and deepen our connection with the divine.

3. Delayed Gratification, Amplified Appreciation

The longer we wait, the sweeter the reward. When our prayers are finally answered, the joy and gratitude are magnified. We learn to cherish what we have and appreciate the journey that led us there.

The day has finally arrived

4. Learning to Serve

Active faith is crucial while waiting. Serving God strengthens our connection with Him and allows us to experience His love unexpectedly. Sometimes, the answers we seek appear through acts of service.

5. Finding Joy in the Most Difficult Time

Waiting doesn't have to be a period of misery. We can choose to be happy and trust in trust in God's timing. After all, waiting is inevitable – why not embrace it with a positive attitude?

6. Gaining Wisdom 

Waiting offers a unique opportunity for growth. We gain wisdom and insights we wouldn't have received otherwise. It strengthens our faith and reveals God's faithfulness in a way that immediate answers wouldn't.

7. Trusting the Divine Architect

God has a plan, and waiting is often part of it. How to deal with unanswered prayers? Trust that He wouldn't put us in this situation if He didn't believe it was the best path for us. Finding peace while waiting and trusting His wisdom allows us to surrender to the process.

Beyoncé making the sign of the cross

Benefits of Patience While Waiting

If you wait and stretch your patience a little bit, you'll find that the benefits outweigh the pain. 

Waiting helps you grow closer to God. It gives you self-control and makes you appreciate what you already have.

For you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. -James 1:3-4

What's the longest you've waited for something? What lessons did it teach you?

Wait! I've got more stories for you...


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  1. Thanks so much for the comment on my latest post
    it means so much to be and Iwanted to say THANK YOU in a more personal way.
    you are amazing.

    with love your AMELY ROSE

  2. Our nature makes us inpatient... The waiting time is nearly all the time, haha. I try to focus on on here and now, than to wait for some hypothetical future events.
    ave a lovely week!

  3. Waiting in joy is indeed very important. You are most wise.

    Have a blessed day. ☺

  4. I want just a little bit of your patience... I know it is better to wait with joy even if it takes a long time or maybe not in this life time but being able to hold that joy is amazing... wonderful post, I like that even though people think you are silly, you don't care because you made a covenant with Heavenly Father xox

  5. I'm so prone to impatience, Lux. Your words are a breath of fresh air this afternoon ... an important lesson that waits for me to embrace as my own.

    Appreciate this wisdom ...

  6. I have to trust Him as well...

  7. One of my mother's favourite sayings 'Patience is a virtue'. Lovely blog post, I hope you continue to choose joy. ceri x #sharethejoy

  8. I think I need more patients, there is alot to be said for what you say here #SharetheJoy

  9. Hi, dear Luxie!

    I am reminded of "the patience of Job." As Wiki explains "From the Bible Book of Job where Job demonstrated faith and patience with God while suffering many severe trials."

    Sometimes as we await an answer from God and hear only silence we fail to realize that the silence IS an answer, that God is asking us to be patient until all things are revealed to us in His good time.

    Thank you for giving us food for thought, dear friend Lux!

  10. I'm so incredibly impatient. I really love all you've shared here, Lux. I'll be taking this thought with me: "In my waiting, I choose to be happy because whether I am miserable or joyful, I'd still be waiting anyway." Such truth!

  11. Lux, your last three words say it all..."I trust Him." When we do, waiting is more about spending time with Him and not hurrying Him to give us what WE want. Thank you for giving me this food to chew upon! I have been blessed.

  12. All the statements you have posted here are full of wise and full of truth. They are definitely not easy truths to accept, but I agree that God knows best and is in control. I am often not good at waiting either, especially when it seems to be for the good to occur. He has taught me a lot by telling me to wait on Him alone!!

  13. I am also impatient sometimes but yes it is true that if we can keep patience in our life, we will never miss the best thing in our life...

  14. Waiting needs hope and motivation... believing in Him gives the much needed strength... I totally agree!

  15. Ha...what IS it about we humans that makes us so impatient?
    I have always been impatient...although these days I do try hard to wait and let things take their natural course...and then things always seen to turn out for the best.
    I totally agree...there is a power at word in our lives that is far greater and wiser than us!

    A great post, Lux! Many thanks.:)

  16. When I was young I was very impatient. But as I aged, I am more patient now. Learning to take things easy and trust in the Lord.

  17. Deep post! I'm not a person who knows how to handle the waiting, but I try to become more patient :D

  18. Oh yes... waiting can be so very hard. Particularly if you're waiting for something that could change your life for either better or worse. I'm learning to get better at it. Wise words. Linda.

  19. I think if we wait for joy and appreciate what we do have it would make waiting not so painful! Thank you for reminding me of that!

  20. I liked the line about choosing to be happy in the waiting because if we must wait, then why not be happy instead of miserable? Great point!

  21. Such a beautiful testament and a great reminder to all of us. ~Lowanda of Sunshine and Elephants

  22. Then again, much of the time, we have no choice but to wait.

  23. Interesting thoughts.

  24. thanks for today's inspiration!

  25. Great post. I choose to be happy as I wait. Waiting isn't easy but it teaches patience and endurance. It makes us hold on to faith and go deeper into fellowship with the father.

  26. Waiting is never easy and requires patience. Thanks for such a beautiful post 😊

  27. I hear you there. It seems to me the pattern is that you wait and hope and pray for ages, and then suddenly things come together overnight. He takes us to the very edge of our faith, and sometimes over it, before showing his miracles--but they wouldn't be miracles if they happened any other way. He is so good to his children.

  28. Lux, thank you so much for posting this beautiful truth! This shakes me and steadiness me..."in waiting for the Lord to answer your prayer, you will encounter His most deafening silence...If I understand Him then we are equals..." wow! Sharing!

  29. choosing to be happy - that's the key to success!

  30. Very wise words. Waiting is difficult - I love how you say you choose to be happy while you wait, that's a wonderful out look to have! And having faith in God can only help with that happiness. Thanks so much for joining me for #candidcuddles 50!!!

  31. Good one, I am trying hard to be patient and learn to be happy while waiting too!

  32. I've learned to focus on internal resources versus outer forces or "God". That makes so much more sense to me.
    Have a great day, Lux.

  33. You are an excellent writer. I enjoyed this, thank you!

  34. Patience is so important and it often builds a hearty character. I hope that I can encourage my little one in this more, as she finds waiting very hard indeed. #candidcuddles

  35. Beautiful inspiration Lux !!!


  36. Be happy and patient while waiting ~ Thanks for the inspiring message ~

  37. love this, we learn so much in waiting about our own character and about our faith. I hope you receive all you are waiting for ;)

    Simply Shaunacey

  38. great post ! thanks for the share :)

    P.S did you take the photo aswell :) ?

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    Stay Gold

  39. such a beautiful piece.Sometimes its hard not be impatient but if we wait upon him all will be well

  40. This has become a world of instant gratification. People are unwilling to wait for anything - especially children! Hang in there!

  41. "Waiting has revealed to me the faithfulness of God that I would not have known had all my prayers been answered immediately." Such a beautiful truth!

  42. Lux, Your profile says you would like to make a dent in the world one post at a time. You made progress with this post for sure. Just this morning, in one of my spiritual books, I read that, when confronted by a challenge, try a different approach: Thank God for the challenge and ask for guidance on how to resolve it or what should be learned from it. Let me quote from the book, "The very act of thanking Me releases your mind from its negative focus. As you turn your attention to Me, the problem fades in significance and loses it power to trip you up. Together we can deal with the situation, either facing it head-on or putting it aside for later consideration." Surely this involves a good amount of patience!

  43. É verdade! Só a embalagem é maravilhosa! hehehe! ;)

    Esperar é difícil. Ter paciência é mais difícil ainda!

    Ótima quinta!

    Beijo! ^^

  44. I love your perception here on being patient and waiting. It really does show true character. I totally agree that we appreciate the things we have to wait for, too.

  45. I love that when i look back in my waiting period, i find out that God has been faithful through it all and He answers prayers but i just can't understand why He makes us wait, that's why He is God

  46. You're quite right about 'waiting' revealing aspects of our personalities and character - sadly, more often than not, waiting will reveal angst and frustration! I love how strong your faith is and the positive messages you convey via your blog :)

  47. I've been dealing a lot with waiting, asking God to help me during this long period. I confess that's not being easy, it's really really hard! I just have to trust in God, I know He will bless me in bigger ways that I can't even imagine! Just trust and trust and trust in Him!

    NEW POST on


  48. None of us like to wait and often we may never know the reason. it's a part of life that we need to adjust to and welcome.


  49. Waiting is so hard. This post is so encouraging as it brings the reminder that our God deposits into us the tenacity to hold onto Him in the wait. Blessings!

  50. The waiting can be so difficult... but the decision to be joyful, or at least attempt to be, is so essential in obedience most of the time. Love how you're sharing your heart in the process.


  51. Grateful to find you at #faithfilledfriday today! I've been through so many periods or waiting, and am in one now too. The Lord is always faithful and His plans are always worth it!

  52. Waiting is always the hardest but if we have faith in God then it makes it somewhat easy.

  53. Another lovely post, Lux! Thanks for sharing!

  54. Beautifully written, Lux! There are so many times I have had to wait for something, and He never disappoints. Blessings to you and hope you have an amazing weekend :)

  55. That was wonderful. Keep trusting God. He won't forsake you.

  56. I could agree more. Patience is a virtue many of us lack. The world is fast paced and it's so important to step back and wait for the good that is to come #sharethejoy

  57. Waiting is something that is never easy. It's actually one of my biggest flaws - I wish I was more patient and I am constantly trying to work on it. I don't like reaching the end of my fuse too easily. But waiting like this also has to do with faith. And you sound so strong in this. I hope you receive your answers soon. <3

  58. This post was so lovely! I think that all good things are worth waiting for

    Rachel xx

  59. i am not the most patient person but i'm getting better!

  60. ((Lux)) Waiting sure does grow us up, doesn't it? Prayers for you, sister. Thank you for these wise words this morning. ((grace upon grace))

  61. Beautiful to choose to wait in joy.A good perspective!

  62. Super post!!! Thanks for sharing! Happy weekend! :)


  63. I love your point about how we should wait joyfully. If we have to pass the time before something we long for arrives, it is much better to do it with joy rather than impatience or sadness. Not easy to do though! x #CandidCuddles

  64. Beautiful photos and lovely look.

  65. <3 What a beautiful reminder for me to choose joy while I'm waiting too! <3

  66. I love how you said, "in my waiting, I choose to believe". Thanks so much for linking to Waiting on...Wednesday!

  67. I always think 'good things come to those who wait' yet I get very nervous and kinda frustrated when I have to wait for something. However, it is true and I believe that there always be something good await if only we have patience!

  68. Reading this post is timely for me. I'm in the process of applying for job and all I do now is to wait a call from the company. It's really depressing because I just passed the initial interview and my other application are still processing but I know God won't let me down.

    Jean |

  69. very beautiful article my darling
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    have an happy day

  70. Grea post, lovely words!

  71. Great Post! helpful in many ways :)


  72. Luuuxxxxyyyyyyy!!! There is something Oh! So! beautiful about your writing Nne.. In that we your fans can feel the sincerity through your words.. I t literally feels like your heart Speaking. I mean it dont get any better than this on Blogger... as your kind are now but few on here.

    You see nne.. Waiting is a very tasking thing.. to be sincere ehnn.. It is not a joking things ooohh!! always entailing Temptations flying left.. right and center.. and with us in turn questioning our very decisions. But Trust me fine geh of Destiny.. Trust me lux.. as ignorant and sinful as I am.. I know Waiting on GOD Almighty is always worth it.. So Trust GOD Lux.. and hold on to him no matter what Nne.. for the wait will be worth it!

    P.S: I am in lovvvveee with your mind on this post Luxxy.. Aswear I am.. Your Sincerity is a Breath of Fresh air :)

  73. Waiting can be so hard but I know you're right. Things come when the time is right. This also reminded me of the song unanswered prayers - there are some that I'm so glad went unanswered! Thanks for linking up with Finish the Sentence Friday!

  74. God's timing is so much better than ours! It can be challenging to wait for what you want.

    God bless,

    XO, Claire


  75. God loves us in ways we can never imagine. Thank you for sharing this, I feel like this was specifically for me. Of there was a better way, God would surely have us take it.

  76. It's definitely difficult to wait sometimes! Thanks for joining us at #FridayFrivolity this week!

  77. It's all about trusting His plan:)

  78. Waiting is so very hard and I absolutely understand this right now. Our family has come through several years of waiting and it has been so very difficult at times. As much as I believe I am a woman of faith, it has been tested tremendously through this set of challenges. But we're emerging on the other side better for it. Love what you did with this.

  79. I love this line, "In waiting for the Lord to answer your prayer, you will encounter His most deafening silence." I understand what it's like waiting, but the way I look at faith is that I believe in all the things Christ believed in. While waiting for that love and that peace, I can be those things. It's possible the only love I know at times is my love for others, but that's what makes it less like waiting and more like doing.

  80. Amazing Post Darling:)
    Thanks For sharing:)
    Wish you Amazing Day:)
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  81. Thank you for this encouraging post about waiting, Lux. This especially speaks to me - "Waiting has revealed to me the faithfulness of God that I would not have known had all my prayers been answered immediately." So very true. Waiting is painful, but in the end we learn how faithful God remains. Blessings and hugs to you!

  82. If there's someone worth being patient for, it's one's God. Be that as it may, I almost lost my cool when I had to wait for eight hours when I took our SUV to the upholstery shop. Damn you Global Auto Upholstery! Lol

  83. waiting could be like forever if you don't enjoy the journey

  84. Beautiful words! It really struck me when you said "if we understand God than we would be equals". Thank you for that truth. Have a blessed week!

  85. Waiting can be painful. I agree Lux...but it is worth every inch of it waiting on God.
    I love this, gal.
    God bless and be encouraged

  86. I loved this post so much, Lux! I was able to relate to myself. And I totally agree that- He has His plans for each of us, and sometimes waiting is the best option. So why not wait in Joy? Loved those lines Dear.


  87. Well said, Lux! God always has our best interests at heart while He is having us wait. Prayers to you. Thanks for sharing such an awesome post :)

  88. I am so glad to have read this post because it reminded me of a truth I needed to be shown once again. Thanks Lux!

  89. How about if we don't have someone or something to wait for? Can we still be happy?
