
To My Enemy

8:00 AM

To my enemy,  

I may be weak and losing. I may look tired and about to surrender. But I am not. I am far from quitting. I am far from getting knocked down.

To my enemy who keeps trying to steal my joy and distract me from focusing on the prize, listen up and listen well:

You may think you've owned me. Oh, I can hear you laughing now. I may look frail and dying, I may look defeated. You may assume I'm gone, but I assure you I am not.

You may feel like you've won, because right now I am lying helplessly on the ground. You have pinned me down and I am too weak to fight back. I have little strength left to get back up again. 

But the ground is not my home. This is not where I belong. Let me remind you that I'm not alone in this fight. When I am weak, my God is strong.

You can assume that the fight is over. I can't blame you. I have retreated in  my corner. I've got no more words to say. But that's not because I've ran out of reasons. 

It's just because I realized you're not worth the timeI don't want to waste my time and energy on something worthless such as yourself. 

I will never be able to show you reason. For your mind is narrow, and you are arrogant. You'll never accept the truth staring at your face. And you will die trying to convince me I am living a life of lies.

You will never win this fight. 

For even before the fight started, Jesus already conquered the world. Needless to say, He has conquered you. Oh, you may think I have forgotten. But, I have not. You have lost, before you've even started.

I may be badly wounded, broken beyond recognition, black and blue all over, bleeding profusely---almost lifeless. But, just you wait. Just you wait.

When my Savior comes bringing His game, you will be scattered in your conceit. My God, the Champ, the Big Boss, the Lord of all, will carry me and heal me. He will mend me and wipe away my tears. 

He will cleanse me, strengthen and nourish me back to life. He will make me brand new.

He will stop the bleeding, He will bring me back to my feet, and I'll be ready to kick you goodbye.

You can rejoice now, for I may have temporarily stopped fighting back. That's not defeat though. That's just me wising up and choosing my battles.

I hope you're ready to face your fate when the Lord is done with me. I'll be back with sweet vengeance for the Lord is my vindicator. For He has prepared a table before me in the presence of my enemies. He anoints my head with oil; my cup overflows (Psalm 23:5).

You can plan tactics after tactics to bring me down, but you will always fail. 
You may have succeeded in persecuting me, you may have offended me repeatedly. 

But pain is temporary, the glory that comes when the truth comes out is forever. No weapon that is formed against me shall prosper (Isaiah 54:17). 

You and your lying tongue will soon find its doom. For God's just judgment will still prevail.

You will be shamed for assuming you have successfully taken everything away from me.

For God will restore everything I've lost; He'll have compassion on me; He'll come back and pick up the pieces from all the places where I have been scattered (Deuteronomy 30:3).

To my enemy, you have messed with the wrong woman. I am your King's daughter. 

You have not beaten me to death. You have only made me stronger

On my side is He Whom even death could not hold down.

To my enemy, be afraid. Because I have a big God.

That's why I take pleasure in my weaknesses, and in the insults, hardships, 
persecutions, and troubles that I suffer for Christ. 
For when I am weak, then I am strong.
-2 Corinthians 12:10

Wait! I've got more stories for you...


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  1. So motivating... Its all in the mind, I think. If we believe that we could face, recover and move on, we will... Good one!

  2. Love this Lux! One of my favorite scriptures, and this truth brings such peace and comfort when all seems lost. I'm so glad you shared, and now I'm going to share for all to read!

  3. You may be broken now, but you are not done. You need to heal and you need to heal without this person anywhere near your life. No one, absolutely no one is allow to steal my sunshine. These kinds of folks are toxic waste dumps and must be avoided. They are more miserable than you and that's why they are trying to pull you down with them. Don't let them.

    Have a blessed day. ☺

  4. Very inspiring thoughts. It's so easy to get down, hit that point where you're done fighting, but we have to realize there is someone there with open arms waiting for us. He fights our battles when we are not strong. =)

  5. Very encouraging post. With the right mind set, you can turn negativity into positive energy!

  6. God stands with you, for you, dear Lux. You are not alone and you have armed yourself with His presence and His Word.

    Thank you for showing us what faith looks like ...

  7. I like the message behind this but I have to be honest I'm not religious at all so can't comment a great deal :) #candidcuddles

  8. Well said. Thank you for sharing.
    have a lovely day!!

  9. If only we learned to see half our battles this way, we would be way more confident in the power of our God. Thanks!

  10. "You have not beaten me to death. You have only made me stronger."
    Sums up everything. Thank you for this :)

  11. Love this! So inspirational. And love ya Lux!!!

  12. This is one of the most inspiring posts I've ever read. Certainly, you understand and feel the force of justice repairing the future --and the strength of forgiveness is implicit--but I also like "He will bring me back to my feet, and I'll be ready to kick you goodbye." Brava, Lux!

  13. Love this post, Lux! It's so inspiring and shows how you won't be defeated in the slightest! I think my biggest enemy has to be stress and homework, at the moment, and not a person in particular. But just as much as it's something I need to conquer!

  14. One has to push on through, can't let any enemy keep us down.

  15. Yes,you will have the strength.

  16. This is so motivating for today! Something I definitely need to keep in mind to survive the last of this week :)

  17. Dear Lux, When I clicked on About Life and Love, I knew I would find an excellent post, but this one exceeds my expectations. Your wisdom is way ahead of your years! I so wish there was a way to get this post to those who are feeling down and out. Perhaps we could suggest this to Google for anyone who searches “down and out”? Just a wonderful post! Now, it was so good to see your comment on my blog and yes, you were definitely missed! Sorry to hear about the internet craziness and I hope it’s gone for good. Wishing you a fine weekend ahead! Take good care Lux!

  18. If you don't quit, you win is my husband's favorite saying! Keep up the good fight!

  19. Glorious words, Lux, and you're reminding me of Paul's words that I was working to memorize last week: We are hard pressed on every side but not crushed; perplexed but not in despair, persecuted but not forsaken, struck down but not destroyed. I love your fierce voice in this piece!

  20. I love that passage and where Paul says he will rejoice in his weaknesses because when he is weak, God it strong. I think God just loves to show up at those times when we recognize our own inability to fight on our own. Thanks for sharing and for linking up on Mondays @ Soul Survival.

  21. Thanks for linking up on Mondays @ Soul Survival. Blessings!

  22. Lux,
    As I read this I had two strong feelings! 1) Go, Lux! Victory in Christ! Amen! 2) I'm so sorry you are hurting and those with evil intentions are attempting to penetrate your life. Praying for you friend. Praying you continue to stand strong with Christ as your armor! Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful hope at #MomentsofHope!

  23. Beautiful words shared here at Tell me a Story. That old devil attacks our thoughts, but our enemy will not win, because Jesus won the battle.

  24. A thought provoking post full of strength. Thank you for sharing with the #DreamTeam.

  25. "I am the King's daughter..." Amen and amen, Lux! Such a strong post.

  26. Isn't it wonderful that we can rely on God? Thanks for sharing with us at #FridayFrivolity this week!

  27. Indeed. The enemy may knock us down, but our strength comes when we are on our needs and our hearts are bowed in prayer.

  28. This is so inspiring and hugely motivational! Thank you for sharing! #dreamteam

  29. a great perspective on how to deal with our demons!

  30. Get it Lux! When you remember whose you are, you cannot fail! :)

  31. BOOM BABY!!!! I started reading this with coffee in my hand, slurping it down and trying to wake up...


    Sharing everywhere.

    From one King's daughter to another-


  32. You don't know who you are until you've been tested.

    Your post tells me that they took to the wrong girl, well...I guess they know what you think now.

    Push on Lux moments like these are just stepping stones across the creek - they did you a favour.

  33. I absolutely love this! What a way to fight the enemy with the God who is always stronger and more able. Blessings!

  34. Great post Lux! You are very strong and very wise!

  35. Amen, Lux! Excellent post! Thank you for sharing that our strength is found in Jesus. Blessings to you my friend :)

  36. This is hugely inspiring, thank you for sharing. I think the mind is such a powerful thing so keep up those positive vibes, and congrats for being one of my fave posts of the week! Thanks for linking up to #DreamTeam, apologies for the late commenting this week! xx

  37. Just what I needed. Sometimes we gotta speak the word to remind the devil who is King. Very motivational and encouraging post. Love it!

  38. Amen! The enemy should be afraid of God's people!

  39. It's so good that you don't give up, it's not easy to keep getting back up when you feel beaten down. It's what we must do though as difficult as it can be... great thoughts xox

  40. Just because you won't fight with them doesn't mean you lose. I think you win. and you are right - God has you, trust Him to fight for you.


  41. Well, I will be shivering if I am one of your enemies. Definitely. Having someone who can write like this as an enemy is an unwise thing.

    :D :D

  42. Lux, this post brought to mind Micah 7:7-8 > "Do not gloat over me, my enemies! For though I fall, I will rise again." As we keep our eyes on the Lord, He will save us and lift us up again. Blessings!
