Lux Thinking Aloud

I'm Too Old For This Shit

7:30 PM

woman looking up eyes closed happy laughing

"I'm too old for this shit."

Excuse the expletive. But that's the famous line of Danny Glover's character in Lethal Weapon. And I bet most of us "adults" have found ourselves saying these words in our mind or out loud, in this exact form or another (because some of us never use this language for sure).

But what are the things that make you feel like you've had enough. What could make you go say, "Nope. Nu-uh. Not anymore, darling. I'm too old for that."

I'm Too Old For This Shit

I'm too old for crappy books, TV programs, and movies

TV shows and movies should entertain. Books, aside from educating, should do the same. If they're not serving their purpose, they're wasting my time. If the author is not talking to me, I move on to another. There are too many good books to read to waste time on the crappy ones.

man tossing a book out of the window

I'm too old for small, nonsense talks

I was never a fan of small talks. Maybe that's because I'm an introvert and we avoid it. I can tolerate it for sure for courtesy's sake. But as I got older, I prefer to cut it and go straight to the important stuff.

small talk man woman bar gif

I'm too old for fake friends

We've met them in high school. Even at the workplace. They're everywhere! I used to give them the chance to change, or understand them as much as I can. But that means allowing them to suck out my energy, my joy, and my time. Fakes friends are a waste of time. I'm over that. I've said my goodbye.

fake friends demi lovato gif

I'm too old for the comment section on social media

If you want a stress-free browsing on the internet: Stay. Away. From. The. Comment. Section. Instagram and Facebook now allows you to filter out words in the comment too. Utilize this if you don't want to be attacked by trolls. And if you ever find yourself getting attacked, just remember this wise saying: Don't feed the trolls. Don't give them the attention they are longing for.

man close laptop gif

I'm too old for blind disciples of shitty leaders

Sometimes I wonder why some people blindly follows and supports someone who is obviously a---for the lack of a better word---jerk. I see some friends on Facebook share fake news and declare their 101% support to such leaders.

Laughing at who these leaders make fun of. Being happy at the misfortune of the opponents. Really? Here's me clicking the "unfollow" button.

cartoons walking around with unfair sign

I'm too old for lending money to lazy people

If they're too lazy to find a way to increase their income, I'm not going to support them on it. When I was young and naive, I believe such stories like they needed the money for a checkup or an emergency.

But come payday, they're out in a bar abusing their health anyway. I work my butt off every single day to earn and save for the rainy days. If I can do it, what's stopping them?

woman on plane asking for help gif

I'm too old for waiting for other people to act

I'm done waiting. Waiting for people to move, to act, to apologize, to live their lives. I can't postpone the fun or delay my dreams waiting around for people to finally realize how to live. I'm too old for that shit.

waiting for fist bump

I'm too old for society's "standards"

Yes, I'm in my thirties. Yes, I'm not married yet but I'm definitely happy.

Yes, I have friends who are members of LGBT and I love them.

Yes, I'm a registered pharmacist but I don't practice my profession.

Yes, I'm an introvert and you might mistake that for me being a snob or an anti-social, but that's your opinion and I don't plan on changing that.

Yes, I am vegan because I don't want to be part of merciless and pointless killings of animals which ultimately hurt the planet. My body is not a graveyard for dead animals.

No I'm not sorry if you don't understand.

Sherlock Holmes there's nothing wrong with me

I'm too old for Negatrons

Negatron is a slang for people who always have something negative to say. They are the naysayers, the cynic, the gifted pessimists.

Critics will see you walk on water and say it's because you can't swim.

If you think that way, I don't have time for you. I detox my body from toxins. Why should I entertain toxic people in my life? That's just crazy.

I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet. -Gandhi


I'm too old for low-paying sponsors/clients 

Most of these low paying clients are those who have more demands than those who pay the right fee.

These sponsors have the gall to tell you that you need to leave a good review on their site for their products as part of the conditions for payment. That for me is deception. I give honest reviews only. So thanks but no thanks.

I may not be a blogger extraordinaire (although I've been recognized by the blogging community and have received good feedback from my previous writing clients, so 🤷) but I guarantee a good quality content and a highly engaged audience. 

Studies show that micro-influencers are much preferred now by sponsors because they have a more engaged community.

Thor demanding drink

Here's a beautiful summary of what growing up and getting too old for shit is like:

I decided not to coexist anymore with pretense, hypocrisy, dishonesty and cheap praise. I do not tolerate selective erudition nor academic arrogance. I do not adjust either to popular gossiping. I hate conflict and comparisons. I believe in a world of opposites and that’s why I avoid people with rigid and inflexible personalities. In friendship I dislike the lack of loyalty and betrayal. I do not get along with those who do not know how to give a compliment or a word of encouragement. Exaggerations bore me and I have difficulty accepting those who do not like animals. And on top of everything I have no patience for anyone who does not deserve my patience.

-José Micard Teixeira

How about you? What has makes you say "I'm Too Old For This Shit!"?

Wait! I've got more stories for you...


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  1. haha I use that a lot more now than I did. I used to watch a crappy show or movie just to finish it, not any longer. And people who you've said your piece to and never change, yet whine about the exact same thing over and over and over again. Yep, I was too old for that shit at about 4 lol

  2. Great list, Negatrons is a good one.

  3. There is a quote that came to my mind reading it: “I no longer have patience for certain things, not because I’ve become arrogant, but simply because I reached a point in my life where I do not want to waste more time with what displeases me or hurts me. I have no patience for cynicism, excessive criticism and demands of any nature. I lost the will to please those who do not like me, to love those who do not love me and to smile at those who do not want to smile at me.

    I no longer spend a single minute on those who lie or want to manipulate. I decided not to coexist anymore with pretense, hypocrisy, dishonesty and cheap praise. I do not tolerate selective erudition nor academic arrogance. I do not adjust either to popular gossiping. I hate conflict and comparisons. I believe in a world of opposites and that’s why I avoid people with rigid and inflexible personalities. In friendship I dislike the lack of loyalty and betrayal. I do not get along with those who do not know how to give a compliment or a word of encouragement. Exaggerations bore me and I have difficulty accepting those who do not like animals. And on top of everything I have no patience for anyone who does not deserve my patience.” It is by Meryl Streep or whomever else... There are various infos on the internet... So yeah, as I see it there are great sides of getting older and more mature.

    Thanks for sharing :)

  4. Haha, so many of your points made me laugh because they're so spot-on! Totally agree with you about many of them, especially life being too short for rubbish TV, books and films. It's worth stopping them asap and finding someone you DO enjoy to read/watch :)

  5. Lovely post dear! Have a great weekend! xx

  6. Lux, your post contains an excellent collection of societal irritants. I was 30 years old when I tired of working in close quarters with such toxins and went outdoors to become a gardener. My blood pressure went down to 120/70 and has remained there --I'm now 67-- and I believe that's a good indicator.

  7. i'm in my 40s now, so i'm also too old for a lot of what you've listed, heheh :)

  8. This is an amusing collection Lux! So many things we have to let go, stop, and disengage ourselves from because they are limiting us and not helping us to grow.

  9. Great points! So good to be able to realise what is worth your time and what isn't.

    Ash | Liakada

  10. I'm 65. I'm too old for anything that doesn't bring me joy. I am no longer participating in things because I'm needed, or whatever. I only participate if it's something I ENJOY! Enough said.

  11. Lux I just adored this post!!!! I'm too old for fake friends and toxic people too! And I'm too old for being a yes woman: I do only what I feel like doing (in my free time of course) without feeling guilty for saying no to whatever. Absolutely loved this post!! Baci, Valeria - Coco et La vie en rose FASHION & BEAUTY

  12. love it. Its such a liberating feeling to no longer give a damn about what anybody else thinks, to just do what you think is right. makes you wonder what took us so long to get here! #fridayfriviolity

  13. I completely agree with all of your selections! Lately I have found myself "too old" for bigotry. It infuriates me and I'm no longer afraid to tell someone so.

  14. It's a great list! I stay away from toxic people. They won't change, so it's better just to stay away.

  15. Love your title and points discussed ~ I am too old for negativity and don't want to spend my time gossiping and thinking of negative things ~ Be authentic and live your own life ~

  16. I like the term "negatrons," and I'm old enough to use it often. Thank you, Lux.

  17. Hahah! I'm too old for fake friends too! I have way too FEW friends.. mostly guys (only one girl).. and i often wonder if I should have made girl friends too?

    Thank you for your wonderful comment on my earlier post :)

    Maybe you’d like to check out my new post: It’s Raining Mint With Sequins Jacket!

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  18. I love it ! made me giggle a lot :D thanks for sharing <3

    New post - OOTD

    Check out my ♥Instagram ,Bloglovin

    Stay Gold

  19. Hi sweetie,
    Very interesting article. I really love this term "negatrons".
    Have a nice day,
    Maggie Dallospedale

  20. Amazing post! I think that society standards are the biggest shit ever, I used to grow up in Germany and Hungary and when I moved to Poland I couldn't understand for ages what's wrong with me - I have different traditions, I've got different character, I just don't fit here. Now, when I met lots of people from the countries that my parents are from - Ukraine and Russia, finally I feel like I've found people with similar traditions and hobbies and that there are people who accepts me for who I am. It's good to be yourself no matter what :)

  21. Great list. I am over 60 years and I am too old for lots of things. I just wanna be myself.

  22. Totally agree with everything you said here, and "I'm too old for this shit" is going to be my new mantra!

  23. Love this list! I'm definitely too old for low paying sponsors and for society's standards

  24. What a wonderful collection of thoughts. I think it's important to know what too much is... Your writing is lovely.

  25. Never too late for anything!

  26. Never too tired for authenticity and more of Jesus. Thanks for visiting, Lux. ;-)

  27. I feel the same way you do about most of your list. I am too old for the run around we find in today's world too. Thanks for sharing on the #LMMLinkup.

  28. Great list. I especially agreed with the comment section on social media like Facebook. I don't bother. And fake friends. No one has any time for that.

  29. Ha! I love that quote and knew exactly what it was from the minute I saw it! I think my number 1 thing is that I'm no longer willing to deal with people games. Since I'm an older mom, most all of the other moms my daughter's age are 15-20 years younger than me and they are STILL so wrapped up in all the people games. I feel like a constant broken record, saying "Quit driving yourselves crazy over these drama queens! They've got friendship responsibilities, too, you know!" So happy you shared this with us at #FridayFrivolity this week, Lux, I've chosen this post as my favorite!

    1. ha ha! So did I, Lisa. I think that may be the first time we have done that.

  30. I so agree. All day long. My life has been SIGNIFICANTLY pared down the past few years because there is too much shit and very little quality. Less but better.

  31. Ha, so many truisms. Thanks for the truth! :)

  32. "If you want a stress-free browsing on the internet: Stay. Away. From. The. Comment. Section." yes x1000!

    I'll be featuring your post this week on #FridayFrivolity

  33. Loved your list - I did Five Things I Don't Have To Do for my post this week - it's a similar theme (but not as well thought out) as yours. I agree with every one of your points - and to quote another meme "ain't nobody got time for that"

  34. Oh the social media comments; so. very. true!

  35. Great post! Hopping over from #FridayFrivolity! I am in my 40's and completely too old for so much shit! Life is short. I prefer to live in the moment, enjoy the moment, and spread love and kindness. As soon as I feel the negativity sucking away at my soul shine, I'm out of there! Too. Damn. Old. For. That. Shit.

    Well done, my friend, well done!


  36. I completely agree with you. Nice post.

  37. I loved this post and could relate with so many points, specially the social media comments part. Yup too old for any negativity too.

  38. I may not be too old for all of these, but I am too impatient to deal with people who are blindly following ridiculous leaders. Really, just do some research and stop already >.> I also really am not for small talk either.
