Single Life

Major What Ifs Of The Single

12:25 PM

Major What Ifs Of The Single
Have patience with everything that remains 
unsolved in your heart. Live in the question.
-Rainer Maria Rilke

The Single Woman's 30-Day Blogging Challenge
Day 4: Your biggest fear as a single person

Sometimes I wish I'm as brave inside as the mask I put on for the world. Sadly, I'm not.

I've got fears. Fear for my loved ones, fear of the unknown, fear of not being able to accomplish anything.

Mostly, as a single person, I fear that I might get stuck. Don't get me wrong. I love my life (if I didn't I would have made a way to change it). It's just that I'm one of those little girls who dreamed of growing into the Proverbs wife and becoming a loving mother.

Major What Ifs Of The Single 

What if it will take longer for my dreams to come to pass than my patience and faith can bear?
What if the path prepared for me is not what I've always envisioned for myself?
What if I couldn't hold on much longer?
What if...?

I know my time will come and I have learned to wait patiently and faithfully for God's timing, but there are just days when I...well, behave like a normal human being. I worry. I get discouraged. I get scared.

Still, I carry on like a warrior in the battlefield; sweating profusely, trembling in fear, uncertain of each step I take.

I've learned that if there's something I want to do, I will have to do it no matter how uncertain and scary it may be.

Because courage is not the absence of fear. Courage is doing it afraid.

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  1. Great attitude to have towards life - to go all out to experience everything you want without waiting passively for fate. I believe that is also true for finding a partner. There is no "one" who is meant for you but many who you would be happy with and who you need to make the effort to find.
