Lux Thinking Aloud

My 2013 In A Nutshell

3:31 PM

My 2013 In A Nutshell

My 2013 in a nutshell: 

My 2013 has been a year full of twists, wonderful surprises and rediscoveries.

My 2013 has been a year of meeting a lot of new people, reconnecting with old friends and reluctantly leaving a few behind.

My 2013 has been a year of finding courage to leave what's not nourishing me, what's not making me happy anymore and what's holding me back.

My 2013 has been a year of acceptance; I've stopped chasing things and people not worth my time and effort.

My 2013 has been a year of boldness, of speaking up and not putting up with other people's sh*t.

My 2013 has been a year of healing, emerging not as a perfect person but definitely an improved version of myself.

My 2013 has been a year of humility; learning continuously and accepting the fact that I'm no better than anyone else.

My 2013 has been a year of service and a little sacrifice that came with it.

My 2013 has been a year of taking my health seriously (working out and being picky with what I eat), spending more wisely, trying out new things and going to places I've never been to before.

My 2013 has been a year that made me feel more human and I daresay, more complete.

My 2013 is the year I found, liked and fell in love with myself all over again.

And, I declare that my 2014 can only be better.

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