Love and Relationship

Love Is Not Just An Emotion

12:28 AM

Love Is Not Just An Emotion
Commitment means staying loyal to what you said you were going to do, 
long after the mood you said it in has left you.

Love is not just an emotion. 

Love is a decision.  

Love is when that giddy feeling of being on cloud 9 disappears, and you still decide to stay and love the other person anyway.

Love is when you see the other side of your partner---the undesirable, unlovable one, but you still stick around no matter what.

Love is when you don't feel like kissing, hugging, or saying, "I love you," but you still do. Because honoring, loving, and giving your 100% is a commitment you made.

Love is more than just your libido on an all-time high.

Love is when you see past her dazzling eyes, sweet smile, adorable face, and everything physical, and you still see beauty.

Love is not a walk in the park. It is hard work.

Love is getting your hands dirty to serve the person you love.
Love is working on things together. It's a partnership and teamwork. It's not a one-way street. It's not a solo act.

Love is a mutual effort. 

Love is work---a lot of work.

Christian asking what love is

Love is when you decide to hold on against all odds.  

Love is not for the lazy.

Love is more than empty promises and poetry to flatter.

Love is saying the truth, knowing that a little discomfort at the beginning will save you from future conflicts.

Love is a decision. It's not for the fickle-minded.

Love is not for the weak or the complacent.

Love is a decision. No ifs, no buts, no maybes.

Love is a conscious effort. Love is a deliberate action.

Love is not just based on emotions. Love is a decision.

Wait! I've got more stories for you...


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  1. I love this series of love quotes in as a whole even if I personally do not agree with some of them. I'm rather inspired by the story shared in the previous post by the unknown author. It is such an enlightening read!

    Jo's Jumbled Jardinière

  2. I thought this was wonderfully done. I absolutely loved the meaning and message about it, and couldn't agree more. Love is more than an emotion. It is caring about the other person to an extent where sometimes you will put them first, you will bear through the bad times with them, and you will see their beauty inside and out. If all these valentines day themed articles are like this, then I can't wait to read more ^.^

  3. I love this post. Agreed love is a decision .

  4. I think you have it right.

    Thanks for coming by to visit. I reply here because there is no email connected to you. Have a very blessed day.

  5. 'Love is work - a lot of work'. How that resounded with me. I gave up on love so I could be me again. And I've never been happier!

  6. Aww. Love is timeless, and this is perfect!

  7. Yes indeed. I know hubby and I love one another to the moon and back.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  8. Beautiful post!
    Thanks for visiting :)


  9. So true, your words are. Thanks.

    Greetings from London.

  10. Great post!!!!!
    Love, love, love!!!!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Facebook

  11. Great post. When love is not madness its not love :)

  12. This one line changed it all for me- Love is a decision.

    Thanks for the quotes ~

  13. That quote is beautiful! And your blog post is very well written!

    xo - Naomi -

  14. love def takes work...i think far too many go into it thinking that it is not...just enjoying the euphoria of it...
    def there is much truth to love in your words today.

  15. Lovely photo and quote. Love is indeed a decision.

  16. I love this. I think we often underestimate what love is/takes, but that work and effort is what makes it so beautiful.

  17. Love this love post!

    Jasmine x

  18. love the post.

  19. Wow, and you have written all that? You are a wise girl! Of course that subject is timeless! I agree with all above, but it's a pity that many people wouldn't understand it!

  20. This is true- love really is so many things, So beautiful..

  21. Love is a decision. I personally do not believe in soulmates, I see you, I'm attracted, I consciously decide to love you.

  22. so true! love is not easy

  23. Good, good stuff, Super Girl. All those emotions so quickly fly away like dust in the wind, don't they. Commitment's a rock solid word. Hard work. And rewarding for those who claim it strong.

  24. My gosh, i read all and i had to save in my phone people need to know what love is

  25. Pretty words to talk about love emotion, have a great week!

  26. Your blog is always so deep and FILLED with messages quotes and lessons. Everytime I visit it I feel revived... like I've read something so important. Well done. It takes a special blog to make people feel like that. Keep up your awesome blog please xxx


  27. Very pretty....maybe that why loving the next person is such a hard decision when you are jaded.

    Kreyola Jounerys | Instagram

  28. Hi Lux! Love is certainly not for the weak or lazy. I see that every day in my husband who has to do so much for me now that I am recovering from my broken leg. (Valentine's Day post will be about that!) Love is a decision to be there when someone really needs you. Love can give without getting.

  29. What an excellent post. Love the picture and the words. I agree- that love is a decision and it does take work! Thanks for sharing. :)

  30. "Love" this ;D Everything is so true :)

  31. oh, i love this post. i don't believe in romantic love, but i do believe in loving someone and committing to them and working to make a relationship work. so i really loved reading this, very true! and i also love that first quote:-) (i also realize i said the word 'love' maybe a little too much in this comment, haha!) x

  32. Love is hard work and working together. Sometimes not a simple subject... :)))
    Great post!


  33. Lovely post! Sure gives some answers to "I want to know what love is".

  34. This is such a beautiful post :) I think love is something we all deserve and when it comes it is the most beautiful thing in life :)
    Rachel xx

  35. Great post. I got a bit emotional reading this <3

  36. Love is a decision - I agree with this statement.

  37. Hi, dear SuperLux! Forgive me for being late. This post did not appear in my reader. I totally agree with this essay about the real meaning of love. To me, love is not as much a noun as it is an active verb. The highest form of love is unconditional love, the kind that looks beyond physical beauty and makes a deep connection with another person's soul and spirit. Divorce rates are high because people mistake sexual attraction for love and because the media encourages us to keep trading up until will find perfection. Real love is found in the trenches as two committed people face the struggles of everyday life together.

  38. I love this- and so appropriate for Valentine's Day coming up!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  39. All of these quotes seem very fitting with Valentines day around the corner. Keep spreading the love.

  40. Great post!

  41. you can really communicate with the readers by words and you moved me :)

  42. I simply love this post. It was just so beautiful to read.

    And please don't forget to complete my Reader Survey.
    Kay of Pure & Complex

  43. Very enjoyable, thank you.

  44. That black and white picture speaks volumes.

  45. very thought-provoking as well ... love is complex! :)

  46. and the greatest love of all is God's love. All of these and more:) You are right with your definitions of love. I have been married for almost 25 years and I must say me and my husband are still pretty much in love with each other:)

  47. What a stunning read. You are so good at writing such deep posts but you tackle them in a way that makes it so easy to read and understand. It doesn't overwhelm you.
    Beautiful write up on love xxxx

  48. Yes, true love is forever. Which does not happen often and only remains in "was nice while it lasted."

  49. An excellent post. Love can make us weak at the knees yet can inspire us to be greater than we believe we are.

  50. Love is everything!

  51. So very true and beautifully written. True love is also sacrificial and is not for those who only want to receive and not willing to contribute. Thank you for sharing this beautiful post.

  52. Hello from your newest follower. What a pleasure to find your blog thanks to your kind comment on mine. I *love* this post on love. Near the top of the page it says, "travels and thoughts of a Superwoman wannabe." Fellow blogger, you are a Superwoman! Best regards, John

  53. Great post!
    Have a lovely day :)

  54. I love this. This is beautiful! And perfect for February since it's almost valentine's day :)


  55. I never thought of it that way, but now that I see your post, I have to agree that you're right. Love IS a decision. One month ago, I adopted a new cat from a shelter and decided I was going to love it no matter what. With people, I have never made this type of conscious decision, but it would be a good thing if I did.

  56. Wow! I really enjoyed reading what you've written about love. I mean, you absolutely nailed it and I couldn't agree with you more. Oh and the picture of the elderly couple at the top of the post was the cherry on top... beautiful... :)

  57. You nailed it, SuperLux! And when years and years of true love pile up, there is nothing better! Have a good one!

  58. "Love is work." Yes! How true that short little statement is. I have learned so much about love in my last 15 years of marriage. My husband teaches me every day what it means to truly love someone through it all. He is a keeper :). Such a beautiful, timely post!

  59. This is all excellent - the quote, photo and your sentiment. Thank you, SL. =)

  60. I love it! And I absolutely love that top quote!!! Yes Love is definitely a decision we cant keep thinking that love is easy. Love is when time gets hard and that person is still there! It seems like people are so lazy now days that they dont want to endure when they see the other side of someone they dont like. For now on I'm looking for that real type of love and everyone else should too :)

    Color U Bold

  61. This is such a lovely post Jeann!
    Nilu Yuleena
    BIG hair LOUD mouth

  62. This is so amazing Lux! Sorry I made a mistake with your name previously! Have a lovely day!
    Nilu Yuleena
    BIG hair LOUD mouth

  63. "Love is for those who have decided; no ifs, no buts, no maybes
    So true, SuperLux... and it is coming in the right time.
    Love makes all things beautiful. yes it does and like you said..."Love is teamwork, it's not a one-man team"

  64. Some lovely thoughts for Valentine's day!

    Suze | LuxuryColumnist

  65. love is love....

  66. So, so beautiful...and that picture really touches the heart! :)
    Have a great day xxx

  67. Awwhh some of these brought a tear to my eye!! Thanks for sharing :-)

  68. Lots of good advice here and I love the touching picture.

  69. Such a good post! Really needed to read this today--thank you!! :)

  70. Nice post as we approach Valentine's Day!

  71. Oh how I love all of your thoughts about LOVE. I met the love of my life in 2001--and we have been together for the best 13+ years of my life. I am SO very very blessed... Hope you saw my right sidebar when you were on my blog. The sidebar is all about LOVE this month...


  72. This was fantastic, loved it :) xx

  73. such interesting post!

  74. I agree with all of this! "Love is a decision" - I really agree with this one. There may be days when you don't like your spouse but you can choose everyday to keep loving them.

  75. What a beautiful article! The quote in the beginning is perfect, too!


  76. This post is a keeper. It's a good reminder for all of us and every kind of relationship. I'm printing it out and putting it on my fridge. Thanks for sharing.

  77. Wow, what an absolutely amazing post! I agree with every single line in this, you have worded it perfectly and beautifully! :)

  78. Very nicely said, and touching!!
    I love to see old couples that show that they still love each other!!


  79. This is SO beautiful! I'm so glad I decided to visit your blog and read this post. I'm going follow you via GFC now. Keep posting such lovely stuff! <3

    Also, it would mean world to me, if you visit my blog & follow via GFC if you like it.

    Zubia | The Bedside Dreams Diary

  80. No nice thougths, also is a decision of course, there are many happenings in a love history that also requires our intelligence and emotional wisdom

    pour vos mots, je suis heureux de savoir que vous êtes là

  81. you are correct on all counts. love is hard work - but so worth it!

  82. staying loyal is something which lots of couple forgot as time past.

  83. You're excellent at expressing and "fleshing" out the whole meaning of a word or emotion - i enjoyed reading this a lot. Hope you experience much love through the month of February (and always of course).

  84. Such a lovely post
    Thank you so much for visiting my blog :)

    See you xx

  85. Every Point you write is wonderful :)

    Happy weekend

  86. oh my goodness.. this is beautiful..

  87. Love is everything you wrote, and more; though, sometimes we take each other for granted, and the lazy part kicks in. I'm so glad you decided to post this again! Hope you have a great Valentine's Day, SL!


  88. The love you are describing is what I have been feeling for my husband for ten years and forever <3
    Coco et La vie en rose - Valeria Arizzi

  89. very emotional post :)
    new review on my blog, i wait you

  90. So, so true. Love is a decision and if you aren't willing to make it, stop wasting people's time. Loved that :) Thanks for linking with Grace and Truth.

  91. Love is hard work... but love so worth it...

    As terrified as I am to love again... I so want to have amazing and powerful love like that in my life xox

  92. Only a few hours left for Valentines Day in my time zone, but I hope someone will read this. Someone who feels lonely and sad. You are so right about tttthe way we react ttto holidays. God loves us and that should fullfil all our needs. Happy VValentines Day from blogger care group and a very sensitive keyboard LOLLL!

  93. Love is a hardwork, indeed. Even our love for God entails that. It's a decision to obey Him in advance, whether consequences become favorable or unfavorable.
