I'm Never Too Old For This

I'm Never Too Old For This

1:30 AM

I'm Never Too Old For This
Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old.
-Franz Kafka

I've always been an old soul, but there are things I will never be too old for.

I'm Never Too Old For This

Cotton candies, chocolates and ice cream

How can you say no to these sweet sinful treats?

Harry Potter 

I solemnly swear that I will never get tired of watching the films and reading the books again and again. I will pass on the magic, the legacy, the story and the kind of life forever changed by Harry to my children, and my children's children.

Mischief managed.


Am I the only one around here who feels a sudden rush of nostalgia and excitement at the sight of a lighted Christmas tree and when Christmas songs start to play?


I'm never too old to be a fan girl. I actively follow amazing fandoms online. I research on the lives of people I admire.

I'm exhilarated when I see or get a response from the celebrities I follow.

Disney movies

I will always, always be a Disney kid.

Chick Lits and Chick Flicks

Eleanor & Park got me into a giddy overdrive. Flipped and Julie & Julia are two of my comfort movies to date.


Board games, hide and seek, hopscotch, skipping rope, or playing pretend with my young cousins, nieces, nephews and friends' kids. You name it, I'm all for it.


Some people stopped dreaming when they became adults. Sad really because our dreams fire us up, keep us going, and needless to say, keep us young. What to do if your dreams already came true? Dream new dreams. Dream not only for yourself but for those around you. Set new goals. Don't stop dreaming.


I don't have one when I'm in my place. But every time I come home for a vacation or a visit, I always stick to the curfew my parents have set since time immemorial.

No matter how old we get, we will always be their children.

Childlike Faith

Depending on God's grace. I know some people don't believe in God or have other gods, and I respect that. But for me, I can't and won't survive a day without asking for His grace and mercy. He's my Dadda.

Zac Efron

Seriously. I'm forever under his spell.

(Previous Zac Efron posts: Dear Zac, That Awkward Moment, Lessons Learned From Charlie)

Call it Peter Pan syndrome or quirks. I just can't give up these things.

What are things that make you say "I'm never too old for this"?

Gifs from Google images

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  1. We're never too old to play - and enjoy Harry Potter!

  2. What a fun post. This made me smile. Thank you.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  3. I guess by your definition I am a young soul. Sometimes I am so young that my children think I need a caretaker. I enjoy a great majority of the same things you do. By the way my grandson was in a movie with Zac Ephron. He says the Zac is a really nice guy.

  4. I'm never too old to play, be a fangirl, dream or daydream

  5. Loved this one!
    I share your love of Christmas and Disney movies...
    And may I add being never too old for reading children's books?
    Fortunately, I have a preschooler...so I can indulge. : )
    Also...can you ever be too old for Poptarts?
    Thanks for the smile...
    Have a cozy day!

  6. Wonderful! Love Nr. 4 and 5 <3

    Have a great weekend lovely Woman ,lots of Hugs :)

  7. Thanks for finding me and leaving me a nice comment today. Love this post- I feel like I am as young as the kids sometimes....lol xo Diana

    Did you know that you are a No Reply blogger when you leave a comment? That means there is no way anyone can contact you directly to say thanks. Just thought maybe you didn't know.

  8. so true..i agree with all points mentioned here :)

  9. Hey, I'm with you. Rock on! Never too old to rock, either. :-)

    Greetings from London.

  10. Have to play and enjoy life or it can sure get stale. Not sure I'll ever have Zac Efron on a list tough lol

  11. I will never be to old to ride bikes and chase others with Super Soakers!

  12. looking so amazing i really love these èpics
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    would you like to pass from my blog?

  13. Number seems interesting and tells me how you can obey your parents beyond everything. I am always with you. Go on. Rock it to the fullest. I might have missed many of your beautiful posts but I am sorry, I am kind of very busy these days preparing to jump over my last academic fence. I have proposed to do my postgraduate defense sometime in the end of this month. Good luck. Have a nice day.

  14. Amazing when one ages (GETS OLD), their 'fans' change... I no longer am a fan of movie stars or TV personalities... BUT--I am a fan of being out in nature and seeing things like sunrises, sunsets, waterfalls, etc... I am also a fan of my Backyard Birds.... And I LOVE GOD with all of my heart.

  15. Hi, I am never too old to feel young at heart even though I have aged and never too old to laugh till I cry. And I can never do without God in my life. Enjoy your post.

  16. Yeah, there's always a Peter Pan in our hearts, a child who would be forever young:) I dream and will always continue dreaming. It makes life colorful!

  17. A brilliant post!
    I will never be too old to play - I hope...and ride a bicycle along the beach in winter!! ;)

  18. Coucou,
    Je suis fan de tes numéros 4 et 6 !! Et j'aime beaucoup ta citation de la fin, il faut tellement profiter de la vie, avoir toujours des rêves dans son ♥

    Je t’embrasse


  19. I totally agree with you. I love Harry Potter and Sherlock.... too :)

    xx glamdevils.com / miradevils.blogspot.com

  20. My Dear Blogging Friend, It amuses me to hear you say you’re an old sole. May I say it a little differently … Your sole has matured more quickly than your years would tell. Myself, I’m in the 6th Decade, and from those years I can say these things … I loved Disneyland when I was a kid and loved it again just a few years ago, although the entrance admission has gone way up! :-) Cotton candies, chocolates and ice cream … anyone who can’t agree on that must be allergic! :-) Comfort movies … I have them too … have watched one at least 50 times! And will watch again. :-) Some people stopped dreaming … So true and yet, so sad. Long ago I thought about that and read something that’s always kept me going …"It's always too soon to quit!” - - Norman Vincent Peale. Lastly, and most importantly, “His grace and mercy” … Every day is a gift from God … I try to start every morning with a simple “Thank you God” prayer. Wishing the best to you, SuperLux. John

  21. You are awesome, just BE yourself!

  22. absolutely agree!! I can't wait to read harry potter to my kids. I went to the filming studio last weekend (I'm 20 now!) and had an absolute blast. xx

    I'd love it if you could also come check out my blog! Maybe we can follow each other? afashionneverland.blogspot.com

  23. i am with you :P
    *fangirling* :D:D:D

  24. Hi Lux! Definitely Christmas and board games. We play Sorry around here all the time! I suppose I really shouldn't love candy bars the way I do at my age. I just enjoy them! My fav's are Baby Ruth's and Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. Mmmm!

  25. you're so right! totally agree :)

  26. What a fun post! I am never too old for HP- ever! I love the books, the movies, the games, everything about the series. :) I also love board games and games of all types. I haven't seen Flipped- but I read the book and now I have to see the movie.

  27. I love your post! Oh and i love Big Bang Theory and I imagine Sheldon was so upset when Dr. Spock passed away and Penny probably had to sing soft kitty to him ....RIP Leonard Nimoy.

    I love so much and so much makes me jump up and down like a kid - walks at the lake, feeding the local wildlife in the yard, good movies, sad stories that bring tears to my eyes and imbue me with a passion to be kind to others and help when I can - ....my grandkids - even at 64 my grandsons can't keep up with our hiking ...almost everything in the realm of miracles, magic, love, ...just about everything. And i love your blog.

  28. I am never too old to dream, I love Disney and of course I will always love Heavenly Father... I say never grow up all the way... that is boring xox

  29. I love this post!!! Fantastic list here, thank you so much for sharing.

  30. I really enjoyed this post. I will never be too old for Christmas, ice cream, running through the grass, building legos with my kids. Thanks for linking up with The Weekend Brew!

  31. This post made me smile so much! Yes, there are some things we will never been to old for. Fangirling is definitely one of them, of course. And Disney movies too. When I went to see the latest one half the room was adults and teens instead of children xD And God will always be there for us <3 Just as you said we are always our parents children, we are always his child too.

  32. Have a great Start in the new week sweet Lady! lovely Greetings :)

  33. I' m never too old to play, Funny post!!!
    xo Paola
    My Facebook

  34. So sweet, darling!
    Stay young at heart!


  35. nice post dear


  36. I agree! There's a list of things that we'll never be too old for! Team cotton candy floss and Harry Potter!


  37. Oh, loved this post. I agree with you, I will never be too old for certain things. Btw, I love Harry Potter films and books too!

    Jasmine xx
    For a Real Woman

  38. **waves** Hiya Luxy....It's been a while mami....Erhmmm...I am never too old for 80% of all you mentioned...especially the disney movies...Uhhhhhh....I would probably be watching them in my 80's....lol

  39. Hi, SuperLux! This is a great topic. I believe you never outgrow your need to play. In fact, if you adjust your thinking (reframe), you can turn any activity into play, even work. I also believe in having dreams, setting goals and planning strategies to accomplish them. When you accomplish one goal, immediately add another to your list. That way you never become complacent. You maintain your forward momentum and achieve more than you ever thought possible.

    Happy Monday, dear friend SuperLux!

  40. Love this post! It's my first time visiting your wonderful blog. :)

  41. Very cute pictures Miss! Thank you for your adorable comment!

  42. Totally agree (I love Christmas and I am always a kid during that time of year)


  43. Beautiful post, really interesting...thx for sharing! I'm new follower GFC hope you can follow me too) xx

  44. Cool article, so fun!!
    Have a great week

  45. Thank you for visit my blog :)
    You made a lovely post!
    I have a new one post if you want to see it

    Fashion Blog: The Silver Feline

  46. Sweet pictures! Praise God that He is Father to all who trust in His Son!
    Thanks so much for visiting and commenting on Saved by Grace! Your blog is a blessing and I am now following it, and I invite you to follow Saved by Grace also:
    Love in Him,
    Laurie Collett

  47. I also love chocolate, Disney movies, and chick flicks. I think it's nice to hold on to family traditions.


  48. I agree! Love games (board games and moving games a lot), fandoms? - yes please, dreams, cartoons... there are so many things! Nice to know you better!

    Inside and Outside Blog

  49. Amazing post! I love cartoons!

  50. Such a fun post...I love it! :)


  51. This Blogpost is so super cute! I have so much in common with you :D!

    xx Nicola


  52. Lovely blog dear and lovely post! I agree with you! We could never be too old for these things! :) thank you so much for your lovely comment on my blog! I'm following you on GFC and I hope you will follow me back! :) xoxo


  53. Very nice ~ Thanks for kind words at my blog :)

  54. Oh I agree, it's never a good idea to give up on dreams. I like how you said, if your dream has already come true, get a new one! So right! Love the photos and your spirit. Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting! Have a great day!

  55. Yes, I too love daydreaming as a teenager !!

  56. xoxo Is a very funny compilation, I also get hypnotized with disney films and many other things as you do

    Melange-Boutique Blog by Noe&Lolita

  57. we do love when we get responses from the people we like. The spy often gets retweets and tweets from the celebs and its always fun like the first time :)

  58. As they say, you're as old as you think. Age is just just a number...but hey, Zac Efron sure looks older now. :D

  59. I adore Sheldon Cooper and all things nerdy too :)! That baby in #10 is too cute. Love his little prayer hands. I guess I would finish the sentence I'm never too old to... with "start over." I change my path often and love that age doesn't have to stop that!

  60. Dreaming! Yes, I love dreaming too :)

  61. I'm a fan girl too, I love Zac Efron, so cute, lol. And I'm 55.

  62. Me encanta tu blog, gracias por tu comentario en el mio, saludos desde España.

  63. OK when it comes to Jamie Durnan I am a fan girl for sure. He can tie my up anytime he wants.

    Allie of ALLIENYC

  64. i love Harry Potter. i love Maggie Smith. i think a lot of the reason why i love Downton Abbey. she is such a great actresses. i saw recently the movie Charles St. Cloud, (he has a nice 6 pack too) ... with Zac Efron. ( :
    i know i don't feel my age but when i look in the mirror and i start seeing my grey hairs i think no i think my age is creeping up on me. not cool.

  65. I will never be too old for Harry Potter or Disney movies either!

  66. Such a lovely post, you mentioned some of my favourite things here too! x

    The Belle Narrative

  67. I'll never be too old for anything Harry Potter either. :)

  68. Great list! I love Sheldon, Sherlock, and Harry Potter too! I hope I never get too old to fangirl.

  69. Kiitos vierailusta blogissani tervetuloa uudestaan:)

  70. ha. you can hold the zac efron...but otherwise...i will def dream and play....and break curfews...heck i even go for chick lit on occassion...ha..just to keep it diverse...

  71. I can say I don't think I'll ever be too old for most of this either. I'm not that major on Christmas anymore though. Maybe when I have more of a family or someone who really enjoys it I can get in to it too.

  72. i love your little reminder of christmas in this post ... it's march now and i find myself missing and anticipating christmas at the same time. it's a lovely season! :)

  73. I officially want to go watch Harry Potter right now :) Or read the books (even better!). I hope I never get too old to skip around and dance like a dork in the privacy of my home!

  74. Nice and beautiful pictures!

  75. Such a lovely post!
    I share especially your love of Christmas, Harry Potter books and Sheldon Cooper. :)
    Thank you for visiting my blog (My Woodland Garden).
    Happy March!

  76. I totally agree with you, especially when it comes to God's grace and Disney's movies!


  77. I agree, we are never too old for those, and actually I think they keep us young :-)
    Especially cotton candies, chocolates and ice cream...mmm!
    Thank you for your visit!

  78. I am never too old for icecreams lol

  79. Love your list. And Zac seems to get better with age!

  80. I agree with all of these! Harry Potter films and books are the best and I'm such a fangirl, haha! x

    Beyond The Velvet | Beauty, Fashion & Lifestyle Blog

  81. I hope I be your one among many fandoms one day :D .. Nice to read those beautiful things you embrace~

  82. #3 YES! and I do have a crush on Zack Efron, even though he could be my little brother :) I love warm summer days (not HOT) when I can sit outside in a lawn chair, listen to music, and daydream the afternoon away. I'll never get too old for that!

  83. I’m in love with your blog! It was so interesting to read your posts and also I’d like to say that you have beautiful photos! I’ll be happy to see you in my blog!)

    Diana Cloudlet

  84. I also am a nerdy, sci-fi fantasy loving girl. Thanks for linking with Grace & Truth.

  85. So lovely and great post, as always! Hope you have an awesome day. :D

    Facebook / Bloglovin

  86. Great post! I can definitely relate to a few of these! Definitely never too old for a good chick flik!

    Clothes & Quotes

  87. I can relate to you, but the best is number 10:)

  88. I have a craving for cotton candy now! :)

    Le Stylo Rouge

  89. My list is nearly identical, but I have to sub out Efron for Brosnan. I had a crush on him beginning in the 70s when he first started in American miniseries:-) I also want to thank you - all the traffic on this blog and you still manage to work your way back to be supportive of the other bloggers. You area a Sweetheart!

  90. I'm never too old for most of what you've listed above. Especially Harry Potter and Cotton Candy. I don't care how old I get I love them lol. Amazing post.

    Kay of Pure & Complex

  91. What a fun post! I am a dreamer indeed and an old soul whose body seems to be trying to follow suit...I love an occasional cotton candy or piece of chocolate and God's grace - amazing.

  92. Haha, so cute! I have never been a Harry Potter fan, but cotton candies, chocolates and ice cream -, yes, give em to me! I agree we should not stop dreaming, no matter what is our age. Unfortunately, life isn't easy and thus people stop dreaming when they grow up.

  93. This is such a cute post! Zac Efron is forever a sexy beast.. gorgeous!

    Take care always, love Christine ~ xx

  94. I still love cotton candy too! I could never be too old for that!
    Melanie @ meandmr.com

  95. Amen to number ten!! Good for you to be bold enough to proclaim it.
    I still get excited about Christmas.

  96. Aw... May all you never get old at heart...!

  97. Love this post. We should continue to dream, God blessing is surely the best. also I love the feeling when Christmas is coming. Thanks for sharing. http://sophialastyles.blogspot.co.uk/

  98. We're never too old for this, dreaming, eating cotton candy, sweets, watching Harry Potter movies and of course celebrating Christmas! Nice post :)

    See you xx

  99. Awesome post!! <3

    I have a new post on the blog, would love to know your thoughts:

    * Electric Sunrise - Fashion and Lifestyle Blog *


  100. I'm never too old for dreaming, Christmas, and cats.

  101. Disney for sure!! Actually.. everything on this post for sure!! Loved it! I was nodding and smiling through this entire post!!
    Really feel good blog post - thank you!

    Keep young at heart and saucy with Zac ;) hahaha


  102. i am the same way and i'm way old! so glad you stopped by and commented. it meant a lot.

  103. Such a lovely post! Thanks for sharing and remind me that I'm the same way :D

  104. Stunning post!
    Have a nice evening!
    Angela Donava

  105. This blog gave me an idea for a similar post. I will never get too old to be a fangirl.

  106. Love this list! I share a bunch of these items, too. Plus the Sound of Music. I don't know why, but I've been a sucker for that movie since I was a kid :)

  107. Yes you are true, I wish more people would think as you! Out of the box, and see that some things don't age!:)

  108. Zac did grow up to become quite a fun chap, didn't he?

  109. im never too old for dreaming! :D

  110. Number 11 is my fav :)

  111. What a great list! I'm with ya on Christmas!! :)



  112. What an awesome list! My boys and I love the Harry Potter movies! I can't wait until they are old enough and we can read the books together! Thanks for sharing and have a great week :)

  113. You are my motivation and each time I read you, I feel a great joy and blessed that found you. Much love, Liuba x

  114. Hi, Lux!

    Thank you for stopping by!
    I enjoyed reading your post!

    I love all of #1, Christmas, Disney movies & I'm a forever Jesus girl!

  115. You have me craving cotton candy right now! ;)

  116. To number 7 you should add squirt guns and water balloons! We need to all stay childlike and not childish!

  117. YES to all of this. I always get so upset when I get told I'm too old for being excited about any of these things. Why is excitement a bad quality? I'll keep it thank you very much. Now I want some cotton candy and to re-read Harry Potter.

  118. i love cotton candies too.....they taste yummy and the way they melt in the mouth is just amazing.....


  119. I never too old for ice cream too! I eat ice cream every chance I can get!
