Have Loved Deeply, Been Hurt, Loved Again
Lux Thinking Aloud

Have Loved Deeply, Been Hurt, Loved Again

1:47 AM

Love like you've never been hurt.
-Satchel Paige 

Have Loved Deeply, Been Hurt, Loved Again

If you have loved deeply, been hurt, and loved again, how beautiful you must be!

For it takes a pair of beautiful eyes to still see the beauty in the ugly, a beautiful heart to love with such depth, and the ability to get hurt and love again.

You are one brave soul.

Because it takes a huge amount of courage to find the will to love again despite knowing the consequences and dangers of loving that much.

If you have loved deeply, been hurt, and loved again, yours is a heart of admirable strength.

Whatever caused your pain may have slowed you down at one point, but it definitely did not stop you from continuing. It only propelled you to your place of glory. 

You are strong enough to mend your brokenness and start over

Not everyone can do that.

If you have loved deeply, been hurt, and loved again...may you never tire of trying one more time and always one more time.

May you never lose hope in waiting for the real thing.

If you have loved deeply, been hurt, and loved again...

May the hurting not turn your heart hard and cold.
Instead, may you be more empathetic to those going through the same path you have had.

May you be the star that will guide them in the darkness.

If you have loved deeply, been hurt and loved again...

May your experience open your eyes and mind more to life's lessons and possibilities.

If you have loved deeply, been hurt and loved again...

May you never forget to love and honor yourself wherever life takes you. The world needs more of your beautiful, brave, strong heart, tenacious spirit, and unshakable faith.

And may you always remember that you are also loved and worth getting hurt for.

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  1. I've loved and lost more than once, but now I've with the love of my life. It took me into my 40s to find that love. Patience.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  2. We have a choice for sure - our hurts can lead to our demise or cause us to love more deeply. Have a great week!

  3. Aquele creme é muito gostoso! ;)

    Amar e amar de novo. Quantas vezes o coração mandar!

    Ótima quarta!

    Beijo! ^^

  4. This was incredible... I'm trying to be strong enough to love again. I loved once, had my heart broke... found the will to love again with whole heart and then had it crushed. I hope when love is offered again that I will take another chance because I do believe I deserve it ♡

  5. This is such a beautiful post!

    Rachel xx

  6. A forgiving heart is a godly virtue, there is every tendency for you to love again and again even after been hurt. For God is love and we are made in His image and molded into His nature. That nature is to forgive, let go and love again...


  7. I think the feeling of love and of being loved is worth the risk of being hurt.

  8. Wow! Such a gorgeous post! You are an briljant writer girl!


  9. Aww this post is very beautiful <3


  10. Beautiful post!
    Have a nice evening!
    Angela Donava

  11. wow,this is awesome
    beautiful written

  12. love is essential in everyone's life.


  13. Hi Lux! I think the many times I have been hurt and mistreated have definitely made me feel more empathy for others. I really didn't like the experiences, but I can see how God used them for my good, and to be more responsive to the pain of others. Maybe that's part of the reason I became a nurse?
    Beautiful words...

  14. Ooooosssshheheey Turn uP! this was a very ghen ghen read oh bubba! You know one of those read that makes you think about your mistakes and the harsh decisions they have forcefully made you take... You know ehn Bubba, regardless how we humans try to scatter scatter this love thing, it doesnt take away the fact that love is indeed a beauRRiful thing.. It might be understood, it might be confusing of some sort.. but its beauty is faaaaarrr beyond words..All in all i hope that when the time is perfect yeah, we all will find the one that loves us in the very perfect way.. And the crowd goess.. Aaaaawwwggghhh.. Nice post Lux, it was really worth reading.. You Rock Bubba, Aswear you do... as your consistency to your style of writing is endearing.. **Scratches head.. ehmmmmm... can I be like you when I grow up?! Pretty please?!

  15. I bless every minute of those days I was hurt. All that pain became strength and today, I am happy at who I turned out to be...who knows, without all that hurt, I might have someone other than who I am and that is very scary to me.

    Luxy I missed this space....buh I caught up on all I missed....Muah mami!

  16. Lovely lines, Lux! Loved the post so much..beautifully written...I believe---there is always hope for the good in life...don't stop believing!
    Have A Great Weekend Dear!


  17. Awww this is such a nice thing to remember always. Thank you for the inspiration. I'll always keep this in mind. :)

    Have a great day!


  18. What a beautiful post! Thank you so much for this. I needed it, honestly. I needed someone to tell me that I was "brave" and not "dumb" for giving love one more shot. And always one more shot.


  19. I'm simply struck by the powerful beauty of that little image. The stitching of the heart. Thank you, friend ...

  20. You must love deeply or the love is not real. If you are hurt it is an honest emotion and you must deal with it. If you want to remain a person you must then forgive (the other person and yourself) and be open to more love. If you turn off the love you might exist but you will not live.

  21. Lux -- if this posts twice please delete one of them. My comments are disappearing everywhere today! This was beautiful! WE all need to remember we are worth LOTS!!!!

  22. I really like this. I don't think we can appreciate the love we have until we've been hurt at least once in a relationship.

  23. This was written almost poetically and I can admire it. Forgiveness is never an easy thing, especially when the hurt is great. I have known that I need to take some time after being hurt to stand down and calm down, but hopefully I can continue to forgive others around me, even though I have yet to be hurt as deeply as I think this post is referring to.

  24. the crazy thing called love,that's what makes the world go round.

  25. We may not feel like forgiving but we can choose to forgive. Lovely post.

  26. I loved that you wrote I loved, hurt and loved again. So important to keep my heart open and not close it completely when hurt. and love the pic of Frozen, worth melting for. Great post Lux.

  27. Hi Lux, If I could have my way I would see to it that everyone who has just been hurt in a love relationship would find this post on About Life and Love. Your encouragment is wonderful. Blessings to you for posting.

  28. Really wise words. I was first drawn to the 1st pic and the last gif on what Olaf said before I read the contents in between. Good one!

    Jo's Jumbled Jardinière

  29. I too agree with you, one should love like he/she never got hurt, accept love and forget what didn't work out!! Such a beautiful post! :)

    Have a wonderful weekend. Kisses

  30. This post is stunningly beautiful. Thanks.

    Greetings from London.

  31. Dear Lux, you might have a beautiful soul and I am sure you have!!! Lovely post and hope that you keep motivating all your followers by all your writings. Wishing you a wonderful weekend, Liuba x

  32. Lux,
    I am following you from Still Saturday. Just loved the movie Frozen - and yes keep on lovin' as Jesus taught us.

  33. Praise God that He will never leave us nor forsake us, and that His love is infinite and eternal! Thank you for the beautiful post that reflects your tender spirit. Linked up with you at Simple Moments -- hope you'll stop by Saved by Grace for a visit!
    God bless,

  34. It does take a lot of courage to put your heart out there and have the possibility of having it broken, especially after it has been broken before. Great post!

  35. We all deserve another chance!!!!
    Great post Lux!!!
    xo Paola
    My Facebook

  36. I actually did this to someone else... Hurt him. REALLY bad. But somehow he got through it and he even managed to forgive me. A very beautiful brave heart indeed.

  37. So beautifully put...and this should help anyone who is recovered from a hurt. I think each of those heartbreaks just makes our lives richer because we know we've truly experienced emotion.

  38. ❤ C'est si beau...

    Gros bisous et bon dimanche


  39. Nice post!!!


  40. Lovely post! Thank you so much for commenting on my last post and have a great day. :D

    Facebook / Bloglovin

  41. A good reminder for all of us! We try to keep each other on the loving path as life brings its challenges.

  42. Hi Lux, I think we all have experience the hurt --when it comes to love. Love is wonderful --but it can also HURT. It's very hard for all ages of people --but the young ones don't know how to handle it and move on as much as we 'oldies' do!!!!! My middle son (in his 40's) went through a divorce a couple of years ago after about 20 years of an unhappy marriage. His wife was unfaithful to him --and was mean and demanding toward him. He put up with it for WAY too many years before getting up enough strength to get out. NOW--even though it's been about 2 years, his trust level for other women is very small... He's afraid of getting hurt again. I just hope and pray that the right woman will come along for him soon and show him that not all women are mean like his wife was.....YES--love hurts.


  43. One must continue to love again despite the hurt otherwise you place chains around your heart. By loving and losing you learn what will fill your heart up more and you will be wary of the dangers to not fall for someone who doesn't have your best interest at heart

  44. Great post, Lux! It is so very hard to have loved and been hurt, no matter who it is. It could be a lover, friend or family member that does the hurting but forgiveness is what sets us all free and lets us love again. Thank you for the encouragement and I loved seeing Olaf at the end of the post! That scene almost made me cry when I saw it the first time :)

  45. I love your thoughtful words on this! It is certainly not an easy thing to manage.

  46. Beautiful post Lux, and a reminder too that the Love of God is able to heal and cover all the stains and heartbreaks that life brings us. What a wonderful thing it is to know that even after having loved and been hurt, that love is a mighty force, and you can love again :)

  47. beautifully written :D these lines touched my heart :)

  48. Yes I love these beautiful words of love !!

  49. I do admire those people who have loved someone and then that person has died and then they were able to love again another person. Not sure if I could do that.

    Beautiful words you shared here.


  50. Very nice write up and great choices of animation too!!!!

  51. Nice post, Over time I have love lost many times but have now settled for a doughnut and a cup of tea haha!

    Have a lovetastic week :-)

  52. Forgiveness the greatest chain breaker.

  53. That's a lovely message. I don't think I'll look at heartbreak in the same way ever again. :)

  54. Beautiful. And there's absolutely no way around it--if we love deeply, one day, in some way, we'll get hurt. Such insight, my friend.

  55. I made it and I love again! <3
    Thanks for sharing!

  56. Beautiful, Lux! This is incredibly important advice: "may you never tire of trying one more time." We will get hurt throughout our lives. Broken hearts are inevitable, but giving up is certainly not. Love the Frozen clip :). It fits perfectly!

  57. I think it is a life time experiences to love, to be loves and rejected. It's only getting us stronger!

  58. Hi, dear Lux! Thank you for popping in and leaving your birthday greeting for Dell Rat Margaret today. Margaret and her daughter Kathleen appreciate your kindness and so do I.

    It has happened to me twice in my life. I was deeply in love (or so I thought) and got burned badly. One of the keys to surviving such a blow or any other traumatic event is, as you stated, to focus on and be empathetic toward other people who are coping with similar circumstances. Nothing helps you more than helping others.

    Thank you for this great post, dear friend Lux, and thank you again for bringing happiness to a 103 year old woman with your thoughtful words. How many times in your life will you have such an opportunity?

  59. Simply beautiful.



  60. You are so right, it takes the beautiful eyes to see something amazing in something not so desirable. Beautiful post, I always love reading them :). I hope to see you at my new blog next week.

    Kay of Pure & Complex

  61. Yes!

    lovely Greetings ,lots of Hugs <3

  62. Yup such is the cycle of life, although there was one point where I totally swore off love but of course that didn't last.

    Allie of ALLIENYC

  63. So nice of you to share this x
    Much Love | Trillu.com

  64. Indeed, love can cure all.

  65. we all been there and done that. Never give up because the true love is waiting for you over the rainbow:) and as soon as you've found one then you have to always appreciated and work hard to keep your real love:). Good luck to you and everyone here too!


  66. I have always been in love with someone - - crushes in school from early on until I met Robert my last love. Single girls let me suggest that you mingle in a mixed group at your church perhaps a Bible Study and be prepared to speak up with a comment. Men take notice of a spiritual girl who will speak up for what she believes. Be friendly but not flirting. Lux you are a beautiful girl and God has someone Worth While for you. Don't just settle for less. Thanks for sharing with us here at Tell me a Story.

  67. This is such a beautiful post, Lux. Thank you so much for sharing. Hugs to you. :)

  68. I do loved again and it is wonderful!

  69. love always hurts at some point ... and that includes love between parents and their children and other relationships ... but love is definitely worth the ache, i believe!

  70. If you have loved deeply and been hurt, it's always difficult to love again in a free way. But love is the great power in this world :)))


  71. yep, it's better to love and get hurt than never to love at all

  72. Such a beautiful post
    New Post !!! www.unconventionalsecrets.it

  73. Woah, beautifully written. I actually have read it a few times because I love it so much!

    XO Naomi in Wonderland

  74. Amazing post!
    Have a nice evening!
    Natallia Jolliet

  75. what a lovely post, something to keep in mind! x

  76. Beautiful encouragement for all!

  77. Amazing post, well written.

  78. These are beautiful words! I have loved and lost, then loved again; however, my love now is my forever love.

    Thanks for sharing at #SmallVictoriesSundayLinkup !

  79. This is beautiful. I've certainly loved and lost before. It's always worth putting yourself out there in my opinion. I was lucky in love 7 years ago and still feel very lucky to have that love today.

  80. :) So true a heart that has experienced all the emotions is the bravest one.

  81. Your post are always very inspiring!! Loving again is really difficult especially when you have been hurt before.

  82. A tangled fest love is, and all the more precious when found. Well said! :)

  83. AWWWWWWWWWW. so beautiful.

  84. Your words are pricking my heart! That's one of my biggest fears...that my hurting would turn my heart hard and cold. After I get through this, I don't know if I am still capable of falling in love again.

  85. Hesse had written that each love carries with it deep sense of tragic. But he also says that this is the least reason why not to love:)

  86. Oh Lux, This is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing your heart. After being hurt it's easy to decide not to love so deeply again, but we must remember it is always worth it.
