
When Your Life Is On A Detour

7:03 PM

When Your Life Is On A Detour

Does it feel like your life is on a detour?

The path to success isn't always a straight line. Detours, while unexpected, can often be blessings in disguise.

God's Rejection is God's Redirection

When our plans don't go as expected, it might be a sign that God has a bigger plan for us. Detours often lead us to our ultimate destiny.

The Principle of Obliquity

According to John Kay, our complex goals are often best achieved indirectly. When life seems chaotic, and nothing makes sense, we might be experiencing this principle in action. [Listen F R E E here]

woman standing in front of a fork in the road

Common Detours in Life

Detours can come in many forms and happen in different aspects of life. 

Career Changes

man in a suit holding a case standing in front of two different roads

Relationship Changes

woman standing in front of a fork in a road with road sign

Personal Challenges

  • Financial difficulties: Unexpected expenses or a loss of income can cause significant disruptions.
  • Health problems: Chronic illnesses or disabilities can impact your daily life and future plans.
  • Relocation: Moving to a new city or country can be a major adjustment.

two home models on the ground, a hand picking up one

When Your Life is on a Detour: Overcoming Challenges

It's natural to feel lost and hopeless when life doesn't go as planned. But remember, challenges often lead to growth and personal development.

  • Be steadfast. Believe that God's plan is still better than yours.
  • Embrace responsibilities. Opportunities often come with challenges. Don't let fear or avoidance hold you back.
  • Learn from others. Look for inspiration in the stories of people who have overcome obstacles.
woman sitting at the edge of a dock overlooking the ocean

Detours as Opportunities

Even setbacks can be turned into successes. Steve Jobs' experience of being fired from Apple is a testament to this. 

Detours can lead to personal growth, new perspectives, and, ultimately, greater accomplishments.

Navigating Detours

1. Identify the Detour

  • Reflect on your situation: Understand the nature of the detour and its impact on your goals.
  • Assess your options: Consider the potential paths forward and their implications.

2. Develop a Plan

  • Set clear goals: Define where you want to be in the future.
  • Create a roadmap: Outline the steps needed to reach your goals.
  • Be flexible: Adapt your plan as circumstances change.

woman sitting on the floor with laptop arms up looking triumphant

3. Seek Support

  • Talk to trusted friends and family: Share your feelings and seek advice.
  • Consult professionals: Consider seeking guidance from a therapist, coach, or mentor.
  • Join support groups: Connect with others facing similar challenges.

4. Learn and Grow

  • Identify lessons: Reflect on the detour and learn from the experience.
  • Develop new skills: Acquire the knowledge and abilities needed to move forward.
  • Embrace change: Be open to new opportunities and perspectives.

5. Take Action

  • Start small: Begin with achievable steps to build momentum.
  • Celebrate progress: Acknowledge your achievements, no matter how small.
  • Persist: Stay committed to your goals, even in the face of setbacks.

woman with red hair walking confidently in a street

Detours can be blessings in disguise. Embrace them as opportunities for growth and personal development.

Inspired by the preaching about 'Bounce!' at The Feast

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  1. I like this because the Holy Spirit is in control and leading us to the things that God wants for us. Wonderful post!

  2. This is so true. Some folks just throw in the towel and never try again. Those that succeed find a way to seize those opportunities. Responsibility and all.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  3. Hi Lux, When I click on the link to About Life and Love my expectation is to find something beyond the ordinary. Once again, this post is right on target. When I reflect back on my life’s experiences I recall many occasions when adversity led to greater strength. I think this is what you’re saying about detours. Relax, and look for the lesson. Move forward and reap the rewards. Great post!

  4. I definitely think that everything happens for a reason. It may seem that life is throwing us a curve ball at times but it all becomes clear in the end.

  5. Wow, I needed this today! Thanks for sharing this wonderful post -xx


  6. I'm so guilty of complaining about detours. But the older I get, the more I do see that sometimes the detour is the REAL way, and my way would have been a mistake. Thanks for the reminder to relax and just go with it. God knows what he's doing.

  7. Il n'y a pas de hasard dans la vie, tout arrive pour une raison et c'est à nous de toujours garder la foi, même dans les moments difficiles ♡



  8. Hi Lux! Being sidelined and in a quiet place is not an easy situation. I know because I was on the couch for three months with my leg. How can God us this? And yet He did. I really think He wanted me to relax and heal and think about my priorities. It seemed like a dead end to me, but He made it a place to learn more about His plans for me.

    Totally related here!

  9. A detour in your life? All the time. Presently even. But sometimes the scenic route is better. :)

  10. Oh Lux those detours are tough... looking back you always realize that it was a good thing... it is just so difficult to see it while you are going through the paid... I am in a detour xox

  11. Great post! I feel fortunate that my journey is obstacle free at the moment -- or the obstacles are at least very manageable. Hasn't always been that way and all those obstacles really have brought me to "my happy place".

  12. Thank you for sharing, I'm on a detour right now, not at all where I expected to be but I know that God has a plan for me right where I'm at. Stopping by from Thursday Favorite Things Blog hop.... I wrote a little bit about it. have a blessed weekend!


  13. Oh my dear sweet friend! If you ONLY knew how long it took me to realize this little gem of wisdom! I was in my mid-30s when it finally "dawned" on me ... made even more bittersweet when I realized that it was something my Mom and my Nana had been trying to tell me ever since I was a young girl. Thank you for the reminder! Lord knows I need it because I'm on the detour route BIG TIME at the moment and just trying to make my way with God's grace and guidance! Be blessed my friend!

  14. I especially love your last two lines. So true! Detours take us on the most interesting journeys- though it is nice to have some calm time too. :)

  15. Sometime lots of things happen in our daily life and we are left wondering....

  16. What an amazing and inspiring post! Just what I needed. Thanks for this.

  17. Oossshhheeey Turn uP!! Wow! Wow!! Wow!!!! I don't think I can say enough wow's to show how wowing this post is... I so needed this right now aswear.. Sometimes yeah it feels like things arent just working out.. Like life is just (pardon my terms) plain Fucked up.. Like the heavens have abandoned me.. But life is teaching this 23 years 4 months and 5 days old utterly young and confused boy to give life all i have and keep keeping on regardless of what life throws at me.. I mean regardless of how bad my situation 'looks' i am learning that its just a detour like you said and not the final destination, and yes! i might have it bad yeah, but i sure don't have it at the worst, so i will just keep trusting GOD with all i have got and keep dancing like no one is watching, cause just like Steve Jobs said.. We cannot connect the dots of life looking forward, we can only connect them looking backwards.. Oya Let the people of the lord say Ooossshhheey turn uP!..

    Nice one Lux, this was such a ghen ghen read.. Thanks for loving and supporting the Young and Confused dream Bubba, you are the real MVP... and the crowd goes Yyyeeeaaahh mehn! **Wears Mr. Nigeria smile..

  18. Lux, I'm an old man but I learn here. I've seen enough progress to know the best of it began from detours from one place, one idea, to another --somebody gets clever and finds a way around an obstacle, then the route is broadened and established and more people find their ways. You are remarkable.

  19. Hey Lux...detours are tough sometimes...but sometimes they're a blessing. The best, He knows exactly where we need to be and always brings us the best ways to get to that place. I agree with are 'remarkable.'

  20. Lux, great post...can't tell you how many times I have encountered those "detours" that have turned out for the best.

  21. This came at the right time for me to read. I just posted this week that I've been struggling because my life seems to have just stalled. I have to remember it's just another challenge along the way!

  22. What a great thought this morning!!!
    Thanks for always encouraging and inspiring. : )

  23. My whole life has been a detour. I simply adjust and follow the signs.

  24. this is awesome,so inspiring.
    i trully believe in that saying that everything happens for a reason

  25. Thank you for all these suportive words. Happily now I find myself on the right path, but there were very desperate times few years ago.


  26. Hi There, Yes, there are detours in life for all of us... Some are good and some are not so good... It's up to us and our CHOICES as to what we do about those detours... Just today, I had lunch with a friend who lost her husband to cancer a month ago. We cried together, prayed together and talked a lot. She definitely has a huge detour in her life.. BUT--with God's help, she will be okay and her 'new' life without her husband of many years will begin....


  27. this is so true and I know it, but sometimes I need a reminder, :)
    happy weekend to you!

  28. I wouldn't be that brave to say that people hate responsibilities. Hate is quite of a strong word and I avoid using it that much. People are different and react differently.
    But I do agree with you that we need to trust God that His plan is better than ours and we need to listen to Him.

  29. Detours are blessings in disguise. Oh, how I needed that that.Thank you! Following you at The Weekend Brew. Blessings!

  30. If detours are according to God's will and purpose, we must trust God and rest in Him. But if detours take place because we step out of His will, then we need to repent and return to His straight and narrow way.

  31. Excellent post. and just what I needed to hear today! Praise God that His ways and thoughts are higher than ours. What we see as a detour He knows is the most direct route to the destination He has planned for us. Linked up with you at Still Saturday -- hope you'll stop by Saved by Grace for a visit!
    God bless,

  32. Thanks for sharing this lovely post!
    My life is on detour but that doesn't frighten me.

  33. My life long he has not had a detour ago, is a long straight (but not towards success), I hope I get the chance!

  34. Great post, Lux. I don't have enough fingers to show how many times my life has been detoured. I would need a couple of extra sets of hands. Yes, everything happens for a reason, I also believe that. Our will is not always God's will... so true.
    Have a lovely weekend, my friend... :)

  35. 2014 was the year of detours, but life settled down at the end of the year and is going well! Good thoughts.

  36. Oh..I've been watching Mountain men..I'm pretty sure I'd really be stuck in the middle of nowhere if I that was my story..but thankfully I'm not on that show. I liked the way you ended this one..with the story isn't over yet...

  37. A very true post. Sometimes we can be very one track minded and don't realize that life is going the way it needs to go. It can be difficult for us to see the signs and pick up on this, so I hope to be more open to it! I haven't taken a detour for a while, but now I feel much more prepared. And yes, everything does happen for a reason ;)

  38. This is so relevant because so many people only see the negative and fail to see the reasons behind it. I feel we may be given these detours for our own growth as it were. Why? I don't know and some seems too tragic and unfair but I feel there is a reason it is just harder to see some times

  39. I love that God sifts and searches out the path before us, even the detours. I'm your neighbor at Janis's this week.

  40. Hi :D I don't knew your blog but as I really liked the content I started follow via GFC. Can you follow me back, please? :D

    InstagramFacebook Oficial PageMiguel Gouveia / Blog Pieces Of Me :D

  41. I hope you're right... I've been on a detour for the past three years now...

  42. Hi again, Lux! This is an inspiring piece and I embrace the principle of ‘obliquity’. When the plans we make are derailed by circumstances, we must not allow ourselves to quit or to believe that it does no good to plan. The answer is to remain flexible and resourceful and keep changing our plans to fit the new set of circumstances. There is not only one way to win the game. There are many ways to win. Adapt. Adjust. Change your approach. Change your strategy. You will find a way. Choose an occupation, not strictly for its money making potential, but because it is something you are passionate about. Pick a job that makes you so excited that you jump out of bed every morning to get started on it and hate to stop at night and go to bed. Develop your skills to the fullest extent. Strive for excellence. Mastery comes first and the money follows.

    Thank you very much for helping to make a 103 year old stranger's birthday extra special with your kind words, dear friend Lux. Margaret, her daughter Kathleen and I all appreciate your caring!

  43. Great post. xx

  44. God sometimes need to put us a bit aside, to create time and space for us to listen - or change direction, Your describe this in an encouraging way - out life is not over, just finding a new course!

  45. Well said ... everything happens for a greater good :-)

  46. So true, Lux. If I can just trust that God is in control- orchestrating my life for my good and His glory- in spite of what the detour looks like- then I'll walk in the blessing! Thanks for sharing!

  47. Great post! Sometimes the plans we have are not the plans that God has for us.

  48. so lovely dear! Thanks for sharing and have an amazing new week!

    Facebook / Bloglovin

  49. So true, great post... tnx for sharing!!!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Facebook

  50. Detours definitely are blessings in disguise and since our story is always evolving they make perfect sense. I know my own life has not followed a straight path and I imagine there isn't anyone else that can say their life did. I love how you stated at the end that we are just being re-directed to our destination. Blessed you shared this at The Weekend Brew.

  51. I loved this space of yours. I believe that everything happens for a reason and when God takes something from you, he's just making space for something better for us. :)

  52. Interesting thoughts, many thanks for sharing!

  53. Oh what an encouragement this is to me! You speak such wisdom and truth. When these detours happen, I must trust that God knows exactly where I'm going and He is taking me there- perhaps a different way than I imagined. I find myself discouraged at times, and then I realize that In those detours I am growing and being equipped more than I would have had I not been through the detour!

  54. So very true and most detours turn out to be so much better and more interesting than the straight path we were trying to follow because we thought it was the best :).

  55. detours can seem frustrating ... thank you for sharing how to view them from a positive perspective :)

  56. Detour is a test, I think you can say like that.

  57. Amazing details post.
    So interesting.

  58. Dear Lux,

    Being more of a creature of habit, I must admit that I am not fond of detours. However, I have realized many detours in my life that have taken me to better "places" in life, and by that I don't necessarily mean money wise, but happiness wise, if you get what I mean. I love this post, thank you so much for sharing.

  59. Oh my yes I am in the detour every now and again. It's a big challenge and hard but as you said its a responsibllity in our lives. What else cant you do when life is in your hand.


  60. I love when life hands you a problem but only to make you stronger. Great job!!

  61. Aww very well said. I've always believed that everything happens for a reason. That when I experience a lot of hardships I make it a point to double my effort and do my double best. If i think i've given enough, i give everything to God and let him handle everything. Thanks for this inspiration :)

    Have a great day!


  62. So true ... nice post

  63. I think my life is in a detour...
    But your post makes me want to look at it positively!

  64. I love this and it's such an inspiration read! Thank you for posting this - it's given me hope :) x

  65. Well, I do face a lot of challenges back then..
    Hopefully it will be better now...

  66. Dear Lux,
    This is another interesting piece that I enjoyed. Many times I encountered such incidences in my life where I had to surrender at times, unfortunately.
    The points you mentioned here are worth reading and thoughtful.

  67. "We miss the blessing not because it's not there, but because it doesn't appear to us the way we expect or want it to." Amen, Lux! I have been through so many detours in my life. At the time, I thought there couldn't be a God because there's no way He would let those things happen. Now I'm able to see exactly why He let them happen :). I just watched Jobs, the movie about Steve Jobs, yesterday. It was an interesting story.

  68. You have so much positive energy Lux! Stay postive always!
    Nilu Yuleena
    BIG hair LOUD mouth

  69. So very true! I always say if it doesn't work out then it isn't the end x


  70. This is something I needed to read today. It brought my spirits up. Thank you!

  71. It can be so hard when life doesn't go the way we feel it should. It's wonderful to remember that God is in control!

  72. I agree with you. God gives us detours to make us better prepared for where He is taking us.
    God Bless Lux

  73. I completely agree with you Lux. Whatever happens happens for a reason, and god has plans for everything that has happened. This post is so so ideal for my current situation!! <3 Thank you for the post, just what I needed!! <3

  74. I agree! Sometimes opportunities come as obstacles in disguise :)


  75. Thank you for sharing it!
    Very hopeful words :)

  76. Even though Steve Job was a big mini (rest in piece) he did have that saying right. Getting fired or even layoff is the best thing that can happen to anyone. It give you an opportunity to find something better.

    Kreyola Jounerys | Instagram

  77. I agree with you that detours are truly a blessing. I have experienced it so many times in my life. Great article as usual.

  78. Dear Lux,
    great great tipes!! Thanks for sharing:)
    Coco et La vie en rose - Valeria Arizzi

  79. So true words..we have gotten to be spoiled and maybe even too lazy to look at the blessings right before us

  80. May be in a cuple of months it will, not now....but yes some times to add another responsability (one more...) get me tired... Nice thoughts dear

    Melange-Boutique Blog by Noe&Lolita

  81. Your posts send such a positive vibe and are truly inspiring :)

  82. Personally, I always think that whenever I experience difficult or hard decision which I will never ever gonna make it, I always think that something's better is waiting for me :) Sometimes, I have to let something go in order to welcome the better option!

  83. I often tell people that--the times in your life that seem devastating are also the times, looking back, that push you to take your life in a new direction.

  84. You are so right. Some people are just immune to work. In reality, not every opportunity is a good one and you have to know which one really will benefit your life. But look into the opportunity first and decide. Don't be scared just because it has responsibilities attached to it. Amazing post.

    Kay of Pure & Complex

  85. Great post- needed to read this today! :)

    Le Stylo Rouge

  86. Wonderful post and so inspirational, thank you for writing this. I really needed to read this!

    XO Naomi in Wonderland

  87. Great post!

  88. ;)

    Obstáculos fazem parte da vida!

    Ótima terça!

    Beijo! ^^

  89. lux.. i'd love to read all your post!

    From Borneo wt love

  90. Detours are often blessings in disguise. When I received a letter from the Pastor, that NO longer was I allowed to share verbally at my church, I knew the door of ministry was closed. God had been dealing with me to leave this church, but I hesitated. When the letter came, I knew it was a detour and actually a welcome one. Now I can see the reason why. Thank you for sharing with us here a Tell me a Story.

  91. Yes I am feeling this right now so this post is very helpful and meaningful.

  92. this is an interesting read.. and I do agree.. everything happens for a reason.

  93. Yesterday was so a grey and difficult day, I decided to let sorrows and pain go and feel confident that when a door closes, a window is opening. I wanted to trust life and God as you write in this post. And today it's a much greater day :)))


  94. Very meaningful and positive it.. :)

  95. What a great encouragement. I can completely relate to my life being on a detour. Your inspirational reminder is just what I needed. Thanks for sharing at TGI Saturdays. Hope you can drop by this weekend for a visit. Blessings to you!

  96. Couldn't agree more with this post. Thanks for always inspiring me with your words, Lux :)

  97. I love this post. I like to think I've had the biggest detour during these past 5 years. Sometimes we just have to embrace them and learn as much as we can from all these experiences :)

  98. Oh Luxy, Thank you so much for this piece. I needed this today. I really did.

  99. Thanks so much for this very timely reminder, Lux. We are definitely on a detour at the moment. We trust God completely, but it is still a little uncomfortable when we can't see the way. That being said, we know that He has already taken care of all of our concerns. Thanks so much for that reminder today.

    May He continue to fill your cup to overflowing!

  100. sometimes difficult to have patience and faith it will all work out, but worry doesn't really accomplish much, either. :) thank you for your visit.

  101. "God is telling us that our desires are too small compared to His big plans for us." <--- YES!!! Love this Lux! Thanks for the positive reinforcement ♥

  102. This article is just what I needed!...great post..I read and re-read it...amazing!
