How Would You Rate Yourself
Life Lessons

How Would You Rate Yourself

6:54 AM

How Would You Rate Yourself

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
-Eleanor Roosevelt

How would you rate yourself?

This is a common question when applying for a job. 

From 1-10, how would you rate yourself as a candidate or employee?

Should you be humble and give a low number? Or would you be bold enough to sell yourself; your skills, your assets, and what-have-yous?

Never say 1.

It means that you don't know anything, have self-esteem issues, or are faking humility. 

Don't say 10 because that's a perfect score, meaning there's no room for improvement. 

For job interviews, the safe and recommended answer to the question "How would you rate yourself?" is...

An 8 or a 9. 

Why would you give yourself this rating?

It means you know enough about the industry and your role, and you're aware of your strengths. 

Plus, you're humble and wise enough to know that you can still improve.

It shows you're willing to grow and learn.

No company would want to hire someone hard to train and a know-it-all.

How Would You Rate Yourself
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"How would you rate yourself?" is one of the most common questions that most people find hard to answer during an interview.

Here are other common job interview questions and how to answer them.

How would you rate your life?

How about in life? How would you rate yourself?

Where are you now vs. where you thought you'd be?

Are you living your dream life, or were you delayed because of a detour?

How are you doing?

If you're still standing after the storm...

If you're still fighting despite the failures...

If you still believe everything will work out despite the messy situation you're currently in...

Give yourself a pat on the back and cut yourself some slack.

You won't always get what you want, but God will provide what you need.

Sometimes on your way to your dreams, you'd get lost. But you'll find yourself. And you'll realize there's something better.

You may not be a 10 according to society, but as long as you're doing your best, who cares?

Celebrate small victories.

Say this with me:

I'm nowhere near perfect. I'm a work in progress. But, I'm also far from the person I used to be. 

You are improving. You are better than the person you were yesterday.

Isn't that more important than what society thinks?

Be humble enough to know you're no better than anybody and wise enough to know you're unique.

We have different paths to take. 

Your vision and dreams may not make sense to others because they weren't given that vision.

I saw this funny meme on Instagram that says, "No one else is supposed to understand your calling. It wasn't a conference call."

Don't compare your beginning to someone else's middle or your middle to someone else's end. 

Don't compare the start of your second quarter of life to someone else's third quarter. (Jon Acuff)

Quit overthinking. This book can help you:

How Would You Rate Yourself

And when you rate yourself, remember to extend yourself a little kindness. You are a work in progress, but you are enough.

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  1. Not sure where I would rate myself on a 1-5 scale. Certainly not a 5 because humans are, in coordination and thought, built to be closely approximate rather than precise. Perfection has no margin for error and is immune to entropy, does not degrade or age --must exist outside the physics of matter and energy, and will only find a stable definition if physical laws are suspended.

  2. I would have to rate myself as a three... I have come a long way from where I was and I know what path I want to be on but there is always room for improvement... and even though I am older, I learn something new I didn't know before, I am always amazed but I think that is what life is about learning and growing... xox

  3. I would rate myself a 10! Just kidding! Lol. But I rate YOU a 10 for being wise and beautiful! :)

  4. Wow, this is a pretty tough question and to be honest it made me think about it now. :) Hope to hear from you soon! x

    Love, Airish
    Gorgeous Glance | New post is up!

  5. I have a tendency to want to avoid your question -- I don't really want to rate myself, but the truth is that I do it all the time, and I'm usually pretty negative about it.

  6. I would definitely rate myself in the 3-4 range. I think I've improvements to make, but I'm also pretty satisfied with where Im' at in a general sense. I, too, love learning and trying new things :)

  7. Hey Lux! I love your self-description of the eternal student. I'm with you on that ... always moving forward toward excellence, hopefully without that wearying striving. But never perfection.

    That's just not gonna happen til heaven ...

  8. What a thought-provoking question! I'm generally very hard on myself, but the thing you've got me thinking about is whether I'm just being negative or really want to improve. If it's the latter then I need to start setting some goals and make some changes. Wow, great thoughts here, Lux! Blessings to you!

  9. I'm happy so I don't need to rate myself. All is well in my world.

    Have a terrific day. ☺

  10. I would rate my self a 3 because even though I am not were I was in life, I still have more growing to do! I love how you stated you are an eternal student. I consider my self one too because I there is so much learning to do in life.

  11. Hello! Found your blog through Moments of hope!

    This rating though, this scares me! I have no idea where I would start, or what my own criteria would be, Hah! I'm just curious though, how did you come to this post/question? Would be interested to know what if anything is behind it :)

  12. gosh ... what an interesting question. i'd probably give myself a 2.5, maybe a 3 at best. i guess we're all works in progress, and no one's a perfect 5, heh :)

  13. We are a lot alike, Lux. I would probably say a 3.5 for me as well and I'm definitely an eternal student. I love that phrase. I'll have to borrow that from you for a while :).

  14. Will never rate myself as perfect, guess we learn, we improve and we move on.

  15. I would rate myself in the 3/4 rate... such an interesting post doll!!!
    Kisses, Paola.


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  16. Nice post! I love this!

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  17. That's a tough one but I'd put myself somewhere in the middle. We all have improvements to make on ourselves and Buddhists believe that's what we're here on Earth to do - I'm not a Buddhist but it's an interesting philosophy

  18. I read, rate, and review books sometimes for authors or just for myself; as I've always loved reading, but I've never thought of that question or to give myself a star rating. Mostly, I guess, it would depend on how I feel about myself each day. Sometimes, I may feel like I'm even a one and other days when all is right, I would be a 5, but mostly, I agree...a 3.5 is fair for an average for me. Love the question. :)

    Saying hi and visiting from Scripture and a Snapshot.

  19. Very interesting and honest question, I'm not too sure what I'd say but I'll keep thinking... thanks for sharing!

    * Electric Sunrise - Fashion and Lifestyle Blog *


  20. I won't rate myself because what is the purpose of doing so?

  21. Interesting post

  22. I think I'd have to say a 5. Everyone needs to accept themselves as complete just the way they are.

  23. That is a difficult question and it depends on what the criteria is. I get a 4 in mothering, a 5 in grandparenting and a 2 in housekeeping!

  24. I like your perspective about learning. An eternal student, yes! Me too.

  25. Interesting thoughts here, Lux. Not sure how I would rate myself. I think it would fluctuate. Loved your thoughts here though. Blessings :)

  26. ;)

    Eu me daria um 4!

    Ótima terça!

    Beijo! ^^

  27. Hey Lux! Gosh, I would go with the same probably. Maybe even edge toward 4. I like your thinking and I'm thinking similar thoughts as well. :)

  28. we are never going to be perfect no matter how we try. I don't actually rate myself. I just do good today and try to do better tomorrow.


  29. Well said Lux. As for rating myself - I'm a work in progress and like you, an eternal student always learning, always changing. Hope your week is amazing.

  30. See, I would give myself a 5, and here's why. I've read and reviewed enough books to know that one person's opinion is just one person's opinion. The same book I absolutely adored may get 1 star from the next reviewer, and who cares? To me it was a 5 star book. So to anyone who is doing their best with what they're given each day, you are a 5 star person all the way!

  31. Beautiful photos.

  32. This is so inspiring! I love the post:)


  33. I try every day to be the best person I can be. I may not always do all I intended, but I don't give up. We may have Ordinary Hopes but we put every ounce of enthusiasm into them! #DreamTeam

  34. that's a tough one, I don't even know... a great thought provoking exercise for sure

  35. I'd give myself one flattened star because I'm a fat walrus :)

  36. I think that I would bet a 4 because despite my no longer young age- still I like to be educated in different directions. I like to use your brain and know that it can absorb more :-)

  37. I have no idea how many stars I give to myself :-) I'm flawed in many ways but I try to keep improving!

  38. Lux, this question has been in front of me lately in various forms. I have had those moments where I've realized how hard I am on myself, and the truth that we need to grant grace to ourselves is so prominent right now. So loved this challenge!

  39. I'm not sure about myself, but I would rank you pretty high up there because of your beauty and wisdom!



  40. I think we're all a work in progress- 3 stars sounds like a good start. :)

    Le Stylo Rouge

  41. Everyone is a winner here!

  42. I'm surprised.Why so hard on yourself? I am 53 and no where near ready to start decaying yet ! And when yur older, I'm sure you will have more confidence to rate yourself a 4.5 at least x

  43. Your post always put me into deep thoughts, especially during the difficult time, I am still struggling and hard to answer the question because if you ask me right now, the answer is zero. (Sad, I know!)

  44. Lux I am 66 this year. Seems so old, but feel so young. The more I learn the more I realize I don't know. I'll never be a 5 because I am still learning and always a sinner every day in some way, but all that matters is God thinks I'm a 5 and He made me perfect even when I don't feel it.

  45. Nice take on rating one's self. I certainly do not to be ripe and decaying, so 4 leaves me room to keep learning and progressing regardless of age. No matter how old a person is, if they still have their wits about them and a mind set, they should keep learning new things almost daily. Thank you for sharing with us here at Tell me a Story. I rate you as a 4 + cause you are more than a 3.5

  46. Lux,
    I'm cracking up with the analogy to fruit! Yikes! I'm not ready to decay yet either! Ha! You make a great point here. We are on an endless road of improvement. One that surely will never have an endpoint! I'd say I'm with you on that 3.5. I've come so far but there is so much more I'd love to know, do, and improve!
    Thanks, friend, for joining me at Moments of Hope!

  47. This was such an interesting and thought-provoking post - I love the analogy of a person being like a fruit; and that once full ripeness has been achieved, the next step is decaying. It's a wonderful reason to accept whatever pace out journeys are going at :)


  48. In my work with teens this is something that comes up quite often. Self-esteem can be such a tricky thing. I know for me personally I have always struggled with it. I would probably rate myself as a 2.5 or 3 because I tend to not be very confident. Definitely something I am working on.
    Thanks for linking up with #DreamTeam Hope you can come back next week!

  49. This really is a fabulous question to ask oneself. I think I'd fall right into the 3.5 range as well. I'm certainly not a 5 but I'm making strides every day to improve myself so that has to count for something, right?

  50. This is really challenging. Thanks for writing. You just gave me something to think about here.

  51. Thanks for sharing this concept of rating yourself not to condemn oneself but to continually improve!


  52. This is such a hard question! And to be honest, I started to analyse myself the way I analyse my books in book reviews >.> That was a strange experience. So either way, seeing as I don't do half stars myself, I came to the conclusion that I would probably give myself three stars.
