Halloween Treat: A Touch of Dazzle Giveaway
Fashion & Style

Halloween Treat: A Touch of Dazzle Giveaway

8:00 AM

Halloween Treat A Touch of Dazzle Giveaway

The farther we've gotten from the magic and mystery of our past, the more we've come to need Halloween. -Paula Curan

Contest closed. Congrats, Linda Ruamthong! Thanks to everyone who joined.

It's that time of the year when the earth turns to its most beautifully warm colors. 


Do you know what I associate with Fall the most? Halloween.

Although Halloween started when people would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off roaming ghosts from ancient times, it has eventually evolved into a secular, community-based event characterized by child-friendly activities such as trick-or-treating. (Source: History)

I really enjoy what Halloween brings.

4 Things I Love About Halloween

1. Harry Potter marathon

A Halloween treat for the Potterheads! TV channels mostly show Harry Potter movies around this time. You can stay home and do a movie marathon and still have fun.

2. Costumes and creativity

It's exciting to look forward to the creative costumes people wear during Halloween, both kids and adults alike. What do you think would be the most popular Halloween costume this year?

3. Halloween yummy treats

Dessert people may have the most fun during this time. It's one good excuse to overload with sweets and candies

4. A Touch of Dazzle Halloween Giveaway

Who doesn't like gifts? Especially if they're cute, charming, and in season! That's why I love teaming up with A Touch of Dazzle to host a fun giveaway for the lucky few.

A Touch of Dazzle Halloween Giveaway

Last year I gave lucky Halloween Giveaway winners a charm locket and gift cards. 

I'm teaming up with A Touch of Dazzle again for another awesome giveaway this year.

There are 2 gifts waiting for you:

  1. Enter below and win a charming Halloween locket, and
  2. Shop any item at A Touch of Dazzle and for $19.99 or more worth of purchase, get a coupon code for a FREE Halloween charm pack (the offer will show up when you click CHECKOUT, then you can add it to your cart).

Halloween charm locket
Charms vary by locket choice

Variations include the Scary witch flying by the Moon enamel charm, Spooky Ghost enamel charm, Jack-o-Lantern enamel charm, Autumn ripe pumpkin enamel charm, Black Cat enamel charm, Candy Corn enamel charm, Booo! Enamel charm, Purple witch hat enamel charm, and of course, black and orange crystals.

All in a quality stainless steel floating locket.

Halloween Charm Pack

Amazon is restrictive on jewelry shipping internationally,
so this contest is
only for US residents.

Enter below to win a dazzling Halloween Charm locket:

Your Halloween will be more enchanting and magical with these awesome charm giveaways.

Good luck!

What do you like most about Halloween?
Who are you going to this year?

Would you like to join this fun giveaway and get these gorgeous Halloween charms?

Wait! I've got more stories for you...


Trouble posting your comment in the box below? Please comment here instead.

  1. Halloween of late is catching up over here. So, these, whether you can it tips or sensational treat, I welcome with open arms. Need to share with my friends as well.

  2. Excellent post (as always)!Thank you very much :)

  3. ohh yees the holloween is comming! :D

    The White Print Blog
    CGrabowska's Instagram

  4. Oh my gosh I love that Mystery Inc. picture! I love Halloween (and Harry Potter), too!!

  5. I'm a huge Halloween fan! We go pretty big on it at our house. I was crushed when my 14 year old son said he's done with dressing up this year. My daughter is in her 20s and still loves to dress up :). Your Scooby gang is adorable! Love the pic!!

  6. Aahhh too bad it's only for the US! But fun giveaway! I like Halloween because I like the magical vibe around it all. I am terrified of anything and everything so I don't really watch truly scary movies, especially not at night haha! I don't think I have any plans this Halloween, too busy with a bunch of other stuff but if I do end up dressing up I want to go as Eleven from Stranger Things. Very unique (not, I feel like the entire planet will dress up as a ST character) but I LOVED that show!

    Haha, wat een leuk artikel! Ik begrijp zeker je punt wel, denk dat het internet er véél mee te maken heeft. Moest ook luidop lachen met puntje 6! Ik moet toegeven, vroeger at ik geen van beide, maar eerder omdat ik het nog nooit had geprobeerd. Nu ben ik echt hélemaal en hopeloos verlieft op avocado! Voor mij echt een superfood ;) omdat ik nu m'n tijd neem om in de ochtend te ontbijten en maak dan echt een goed en stevig ontbijt klaar, bijna altijd mét avocado. Vind het echt heerlijk. Net zoals (veggie) sushi trouwens. Maar ja, inderdaad gewoon een dikke hype, that's for sure!

    Naomi in Wonderland

  7. I've also come to really enjoy Halloween! I love your idea of watching Harry Potter films around that time :) I plan on getting in some Halloween-themed food, haha :)


  8. I have to admit that one of the great things about my kids being grown now, is that I no longer have to come up with Halloween costumes. ha. But it is cool that they make so many good ones now! That makes it easier.

  9. love the great giveaway, too bad its for US only .

    Capturing Life Memoirs | aimeebustillo.com

  10. I love Halloween so much. We've got all the spooky decorations on the front porch already and my son is thrilled to be a spooky skeleton guy. He wants me to dress the same (as spooky skeleton's mom of course). I tried to enter the giveaway but it keeps telling me it's loading over and over. I'll try again later. Thanks!

  11. That is a very nice give away for people who celebrate Halloween.

  12. What a lovely, inspiring post!
    Wishing you a happy weekend!

  13. Harry Potter Marathon is <3

  14. Grampy was complaining the other day about all the Halloween candy on sale. I explained to him you have to buy it early so you can eat it all and have an excuse to buy more later when you really need it! To which he answered - "Is there candy hiding in this house?"

  15. http://www.atouchofdazzle.com/collections/bracelets/products/stacking-bangle-bracelet-set-rose-gold-silver-bracelet-set?variant=11031577732

  16. What a cool giveaway, Lux! I love the Harry Potter marathons this time of year also! My sons are excited for It's a Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!

  17. Halloween is exciting especially working with kids and hearing them talk about their costumes and stuff. I haven't dressed up for it in years. Great treats and giveaway.

