How To Score Points With Your Man Or Woman
Love and Relationship

How To Score Points With Your Man Or Woman

10:35 PM

How To Score Points With Your Man Or Woman

What does it mean to score points with your man or woman? 

We are commanded to outdo one another in showing honor (Romans 12:10).

How important is it to score points with your partner? It's crucial.

But should you keep score in a relationship? No. 

For relationships to flourish, we need to give our 100%. We put our partner's needs first. Their joy is our priority.

We give out of love not because of selfish reasons.

Growing your relationship is like growing a plant. 

You water it. 
Put fertilizers in it. 
You take out the weeds or pests that could destroy it. 
You give it the right amount of sunlight. 

You take care of your relationship and work on it to make it grow.

Scoring points with your partner nourishes your relationship and make it last and prosper.

How simple (or complex) is it to score some brownie points with your better half?

How to Score Points with Your Man or Woman

Score points with your man in 3 easy steps

1. Honor him by making him feel appreciated.

Men are externally motivated by nature. They need to be praised, affirmed, and reminded that they are important.

Don't over criticize him.
Never deflate his ego.

you're awesome gif

2. Honor him by making him feel you believe in him.

Make him feel like he is your superhero, that you need him, that you believe he's a winner.

When you do, he'll start believing in himself, too.

you're my hero glee gif

3. Honor him by making him feel he's in control.

Don't make a man feel you're controlling him.

When you ask him to do something, pull back on the details. Let him know what you need and let him take it from there.

Consult him, inform him, and trust him. He'll do his best not to disappoint you.

you're the best new girl gif
Good quote

How to Score Points with Your Woman

This may sound unfair, but there's only one simple step to score points with your woman. But it's indispensable so pay attention.

Honor a woman by making her feel cherished

How? Follow these four easy steps:

1. Make her your priority.

Give her your time. Call her. Set regular dates with her.

Don't make her feel like she only comes second.

 i'm yours ryan gosling gif

2. Listen to her (the way her girlfriends do).

Men are naturally logical and are problem-solvers. But women don't really need saving. Sometimes they just need someone who listens to their rants.

They want to feel that they're heard and that their opinion matters.

I'm listening Ryan Reynolds gif

3. Appreciate her in detail.

Women are detail-oriented, and we like it when men pay attention to details.

Just got a new haircut? Tell her she looks good.
She prepared your food? Tell her it's delicious.

It's in the details.

you're perfect love actually gif

4. Make her feel special.

A woman erases her "scoreboard" every day. What you did yesterday is for yesterday.
So, you need to earn points again today.

But, you don’t have to do big things. You don't have to cross oceans or climb mountains.

For a woman, every expression of love, big or small is equal.

Taking her on a vacation or simply calling to check on her both means one thing: she’s important to you.

man giving rose to woman by the beach gif

Men are fairly easy to understand because they're simple. As my husband would put it, men only have two buttons---sex and food. 🤷

Don't worry men, it's not that hard to understand your woman.

All you have to do is find out what her love language is...and what ticks her off. That may involve a lot of trial and error but be patient. Once you've figured it out, it'll be easy breezy. She is worth the effort.

The bottom line is, to score points with your man or woman, you need to honor him/her.

How To Score Points With Your Man Or Woman was the topic last Sunday at The Feast

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  1. Agree with that - A woman erases her "score board" every day.

  2. I believe honesty is the best policy in a relationship. Better to speak your mind, constructive criticisms is the honestly I am talking about.

  3. Honor/respect is very important in relationship or in general. How you treat others comes right back to you.

  4. Loved loved this post, Lux!
    Some great honest points that you have mentioned for both the partners.
    Going to bookmark this post.


  5. Lovely post dear! Have a great weekend! xx

  6. Appreciating each other and letting the other know how much you care about them is great advice. Have a lovely weekend! :)


  7. right on advice!!! Got the gender needs down pat on.

  8. Awesome! Happy weekend. :)

    ** Join Love, Beauty Bloggers on facebook. A place for beauty and fashion bloggers from all over the world to promote their latest posts!


  9. Once we figure out how our partners brains and emotions work, life gets so much simpler,doesn't it? Learning about love languages made a tremendous difference in our marriage.

  10. Hehe what a cute post and all items are true! :)

  11. You've just summed up how to make a relationship last! Wonderful Lux! Baci, Valeria - Coco et La vie en rose FASHION & BEAUTY

  12. I think the best way to honor your partner (man or woman) is to listen and communicate. Take time to tell them how special they are every day and let them know that they are important to you. A short note, a thank you for something, etc. can go a long way. :)

  13. We do love being cherished! That word is a beautiful choice to describe how God created us to feel, whether from our husbands or just from him. Thanks for sharing this, Lux!

  14. We all need praise and affirmation. But from my experience, when men's egos are so fragile that I have to create their self-esteem - oh no. It's definitely not a healthy relationship. In fact, it ends explosively with the woman never doing enough. Love needs to be an inside job first, last and always.
    Just my thoughts.
    Thanks, Lux.

  15. Stunning post!
    Have a nice week-end!
    Gil Zetbase

  16. Such a lovely post! Have an amazing new week.


  17. Good advice! So important to show that we value one another!

  18. I guess it can sort of boil down to the golden rule of doing to others as you would have them do to you. When a husband and wife respect each other, look out for the interests of one another, and find small ways to show love, their relationship can thrive. Blessings to you! I'm your neighbor at #MomentsofHope.

  19. Yep. You are SPOT on, Lux! Have you ever read Gary Chapman's "Five Love Languages" book? You would LOVE it. It's incredibly insightful on communication and how we feel and give love.

  20. Great ideas here, and it took me back to My Big Fat Greek Wedding and the we as women can be the neck that turns the head while still making our man feel like he is in control. I haven't mastered that yet:)

  21. Good points for all to keep in mind!! #fridayfrivolity

  22. Ah what lovely tips for men & women :) Thanks for sharing your quotes with us at #candidcuddles

  23. All good points and great relationship advice - more people should read this and follow the advice! #CandidCuddles

  24. Dear Lux, Lots of years of experience tell me that your suggestions are exactly right! :-) Thank you! Sending you best regards from Seattle. PS Great new profile pic too!

  25. Thanks for sharing such an informative article.This is really great post.
