
Reflection: Embrace Our Uniqueness

10:18 AM

Reflection: Embrace Our Uniqueness
Each of us is a unique strand in the intricate web of life,
and here to make a contribution.
-Deepak Chopra

Embrace Our Uniqueness

We are all different from each other. No two DNA are the same. Even for identical twins. We know this since time immemorial, right? So why do we keep on judging one another for our differences---in skin color, in preferences, in beliefs, in taste of style or music, in culture? Why can't we just embrace our uniqueness?

Embracing our uniqueness does not only mean being comfortable in our choices and individuality. As long as you're not hurting anyone in the process, why not? Whatever floats your boat as long as it doesn't sink mine, you know?


To embrace our uniqueness also means celebrating others for who they are. Allowing them to shine their own light knowing no one else can do it but them.

For we are all called to play a different role, but ultimately, our purpose is the same: to love.

How can we love if judgment comes first? How can we bridge a gap if we build a wall? How can we understand if we refuse to accept?

There is no music if there is only one note. There can't be a rainbow if there is only one color. The world will be dead boring if we are all the same. 


Where is the challenge? How will the growth happen? Where is the excitement? What is there to look forward to and learn if we are all the same?

The key to finding peace despite our differences, in my humble opinion, is respect. Live your life, embrace your uniqueness, but most importantly, let live.

Respect the other person's idiosyncrasies. Because we all came from different backgrounds. Even siblings living under one roof for years could turn out to be different people with different perspectives.


We are all wired that way; to be different and to possess a special gift only us could offer.

Isn't that beautiful?

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  1. I love, love, LOVE this. Thank God we are all unique!

  2. nothing gets under my skin quicker than disrespect. thanks for putting this on the table today, Lux.

    we are called to love well.

  3. Hi, Lux!

    What a wonderful post, dear friend!

    Ever since I started blogging more than nine years ago, I have been preaching and teaching the philosophy outlined here. Embrace your uniqueness and be tolerant of others. Yes, of course, it feels good, feels comfortable, to be in the company of people who are "just like me," but there is much to be gained, much to be learned, by getting curious about other types of people, accepting them, welcoming them and embracing them. Walk a mile in someone else's shoes and you will experience the world differently. You will better understand where they are coming from. I consider myself very fortunate to have a friend like you who lives so far away, on the other side of the world, someone of a different culture, different generation and opposite gender. You have accepted me as a friend and I have accepted you. I enjoy experiencing the world through your filters. When it feels this good to move toward people of a different place and a different race, to get to know, understand and love them, then why do some of us deny ourselves this experience?

  4. Embrace we should, as no two people are ever the same indeed.

  5. Great to be one of a kind!

  6. Brings to mind a poem that was very popular during the Hippie Flower Power Era of the 70's: I am I and you are you...

  7. I agree, but it seems everyone is so angry anymore. There is a model of what you're supposed to be and think and if you don't fit into that mold then you're this or you're that. I'm sick of it too.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  8. So well written! Have a blessed weekend!

  9. Interesting post, thanks for sharing

  10. I'm so glad that everyone is meant to be unique and one of a kind! How boring would life be if we were all alike? Love this! Great post!

  11. this is a good reminder for all of us to love ourselves, respect others, and cherish the individual things that make each of us worth caring about :)

  12. It's important to embrace your uniqueness and just be yourself... easier said than done but I believe everyone can get there eventually!

  13. Such a lovely post and inspiring thoughts!
    Well written Lux!
    Happy Semptember!
    Kisses, Paola.

  14. Respect, yes. But let's take the next step and embrace. I am a better person for the diversity I have experienced in my life. There's no doubt in my mind of that.

  15. What a beautiful post! I like your phrase "whatever floats your boat as long as it doesn't sink mine." I think our differences can also be our strengths.

  16. Love this writing. We all do have to respect one another and also praise our uniqueness :)
    Thank you for sharing. Very inspiring! <3

  17. Great post! It´s important to be unique!

  18. Such a great message! Needed to hear this today, so big thank you -xo


  19. Helpful and relevant.
    I need to remind myself constantly to quit judging. Diversity (in all forms) is beautiful.

    Have a good week, Lux.

  20. So true that siblings raised together can still be so different! It would be such a boring world if we all were the same!

  21. Of course we should embrace our uniqueness ~ I am lucky to live in Canada where all cultures are warmly welcomed and celebrated ~ Have a good week ~

  22. Lovely post dear! Have a great week! xx

  23. I enjoyed reading this. We're all beautiful in our own way. Have a great week ahead.

  24. I truly love this Ghay! Our world today tels you so much about physical or internal beauty but the end of the day, t's you who know yourself and it's your journey. You're correct that by appreciation of your own beauty is your appreciation of other beauty and flaws.

    nice post! More empowering bloggers please!

  25. You are right. Our uniqueness is God-given. That's why He made us as individuals, not just a big mass of humanity.

  26. I think embracing what makes you unique is so important! I love this post, lady!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  27. I love this post! One of my favourite quotes is about how if everybody was the same, wouldn't the world be a boring place?! haha :) Hope you're having a great week!

    Gabrielle | A Glass Of Ice | Worldwide Giveaway: Mon Dessert Macaron-Making Kits! x

  28. Amazing post!
    Have a nice evening!
    Gil Zetbase

  29. This is such a beautiful way of thinking. I love this post and everything about it. Your quotes are fab and I must remember the rainbow one to tell my daughter. Thanks so much for sharing this with the #DreamTeam x

  30. I see much of our struggle anchored in fear. Fear of the differences of others. We can still respect someone when they believe, look, or choose differently. Respect doesn't mean we must agree, it simply means we step in the lives and hearts of others just as Jesus did. Love this, Lux. And as always, so love my time here! ♥

  31. This is so beautiful. Great job with this post, Lux. A lot of poetic quotes.

  32. Very well said. Love the article.

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