
5 Simple Tips To Keep Your Home Fresh

8:27 AM

5 Simple Tips to Keep Your Home Fresh

woman on couch with dog scented candles and plants

If your home is clean, you don’t just see it. You smell it.

Your home should be your safe haven where you can leave your worries outside the door, relax, breathe, and carpe diem

It should not be reduced to a dwelling place where you eat and sleep. Instead, your home should be your little oasis. 

But how can you relax at home if you not only see grime and dust but also smell it in the air? Ugh.

With your busy schedule, you can’t find the time to clean.

My house never smells fresh!

Is that your constant complaint? Don’t fret. Here are 5 fresh-smelling home tips you can follow.

1. Dispose of the things you don’t need.

  • Keep the things you NEED and eliminate the items just gathering dust. 
  • To make it easy and fast, get 3 boxes. Label them: Throw, Give, and Keep.
  • The lesser stuff you have, the easier it is to clean and organize. 

A minimalist home makes it easy to move around.

When you see clutter, it signals to your brain: There’s chaos!

So, you can’t get that fresh, relaxing feeling.

Dispose of your unnecessary stuff to keep your house looking neat. 

This can give you more space for your house to breathe.

Follow the Marie Kondo process of disposing of clutterIf it doesn’t spark joy, let it go.

Tip to Keep Your Home Fresh: dispose

2. Add greens.

Get an indoor plant for your home. 

Plants are nice and refreshing to look at and help keep the air clean and fresh by producing much-needed oxygen. When choosing a potted plant, consider these things:

  • Size. Will it be too large for your space?
  • MaintenanceWill it thrive indoors? How often do you need to water it? How much time in the sun is required?
  • Aesthetics. Will it go with your interior? 
Most people opt for bonsai or succulents because they’re smaller. 

They don’t take up much space, and they’re cute too. 

Others create their own vertical garden planting their favorite herbs. 

This is both creative and sustainable

This is a practical way of decorating and keeping your house green and healthy while creating a fresher atmosphere. 

Adding fresh herbs for cooking makes the food taste better.

Tip to Keep Your Home Fresh: add plants


Clean As You Go. 

This is especially helpful for people with busy schedules who can’t find the time for cleaning. 

Instead of piling up chores and putting off what is needed tomorrow (which always gets postponed anyway), why not develop a system where you don’t pile up your to-dos?

  • Clean the dishes and kitchenware right after cooking and eating. That way, there’s always a clean plate waiting for you during mealtime.
  • Wipe water spills on the floor. 
  • Clean the bathroom after using it.
  • Most importantly, take out the garbage regularly. 

Garbage left inside for several days or more can make the house smell filthy. 

It could attract insects and pests, a whole new set of problems.

Keep your home smelling fresh by emptying your trash bins regularly.

Tip to Keep Your Home Fresh: Clean as you go

4. Add fragrance.

How can I make my house smell good all the time?

The answer: 

Scented candles and potpourris can give your home a sweet smell anytime.

If you had a long day, whiff some lavender to stay calm. 

Wild orange, Cedarwood, and Frankincense can give you that warm Autumn-like feeling. 

Fir or pine scent if you want to be reminded of Christmas, even in August.

It’s your home. You create your own kind of world however you like. 

The bottom line is that it gives you that fresh aroma that transports you into your own realm.

A simple life hack: simmer water, add lemon slices and herbs (preferably mint), and inhale the smell of freshness. 

It will keep your home literally smelling fresh. You’re welcome.

Tip to Keep Your Home Fresh: add scents

5. Clean the air.

How to keep your home smelling fresh?

Remove the unpleasant smell of dust and dirt by cleaning your windows, air vents, fans, or AC unit. 

Get an air purifier.

Pet hair, pollen, dust, smoke odors, and home construction particles could hang in the air and pollute it. 

Air purifiers cycle the air in the room and remove these contaminants so you can breathe cleaner, fresher air.

This is extremely helpful to people who are sensitive to smell and suffer from environmental allergies.

Families with newborn babies especially opt for a high-quality air purifier because they are more sensitive and susceptible to air-borne diseases.

Keep your home ventilated, and make sure the air circulating is clean.

Tip to Keep Your Home Fresh: Clean the air

If your home is clean, you don’t just see it; you smell it. It doesn’t end in a spotless exterior. 

Even those that are not visible to the eyes, like the air, should also be clean and fresh.

How do you keep your home fresh? Share your tips in the comments below!

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  1. I need to get better at disposing and recylcing. I am someone who wants to keep everything by nature and it can be hard to combat that sometimes. I also love scented candles to keep the air smelling nice :)
