Health & Wellness

4 Simple Tips For Getting A Good Night’s Sleep

11:17 PM

4 Simple Tips For Getting A Good Night’s Sleep

There are millions of people around the world who have sleep problems

Are you one of them? 

If you are, then your physical and mental health are probably suffering, too. 

The recommended amount of sleep for adults is seven or more hours per night. 

Not enough sleep will lead to a lack of energy, being unproductive, emotionally unstable, and possibly even putting on or losing weight. 

There are things you can do to increase your chances of getting a good night’s sleep. Just a few small changes in your daily routine may be all that’s needed.

How you feel, the things that you do, and your normal day-to-day impact your ability to sleep at night. 

Try some or all of these 4 simple tips for getting a good night's sleep and see if any of them work for you.

4 Simple Tips for Getting a Good Night’s Sleep 

1. Pay attention to your sleep-wake cycle

Your body has a natural sleep-wake pattern called the circadian rhythm

Being in sync with this cycle will help you to sleep better. 

So you feel refreshed and energized you need to keep to a regular sleep-wake schedule.

Get up and go to sleep at the same time every day. Try not to sleep in too often. If you can’t do without a daytime nap, limit it to 15 minutes. 

If you feel drowsy after dinner, get up and move. 

Pay attention to your sleep-wake cycle to get a good night's sleep

2. Control the light

A naturally occurring chemical called melatonin helps to regulate your sleep-wake cycle. 

When it’s light, your brain produces less melatonin, keeping you awake and alert. When it’s dark, more melatonin is released so you feel sleepy. 

L Theanine is a protein component that naturally occurs in tea leaves or mushrooms. It may help you feel more relaxed and lower your anxiety level

GABA or Gamma aminobutyric acid blocks, or inhibits certain brain signals and decreases activity in your nervous system so it also produces a calming effect. 

Together, l theanine and gaba can greatly aid in reducing your stress level so you can get a good night's sleep.

Sunshine on your face will help you wake up, so have your morning coffee outside. 

Try to spend more time outdoors during the day. At night, avoid bright screens within an hour or two of your bedtime

Don’t fall asleep watching the TV. Make sure your bedroom is dark when it’s time to go to sleep.

Control the light to get a good night's sleep

3. Exercise can help you sleep better at night

The harder you exercise, the bigger the sleep benefits. 

Regular exercise will improve insomnia and sleep apnea. It will also increase the time you spend in deep sleep. 

Ideally, you should exercise in the morning, rather than before going to bed. 

Slow and rhythmic exercise, such as yoga, can promote better sleep.

Here's a 10-minute stretch and relaxation yoga routine you can practice so you can get a good night's sleep.

4. Be comfortable

You should be sleeping in a comfortable and supportive bed if you want to sleep better.

Your bedding should be clean, keep you warm or keep you cool (whichever is needed). 

If your body temperature fluctuates during the night, you should consider using layers. 

Designer Living quilts and coverlets are excellent for adding extra warmth. 

Have you noticed how uncomfortable you get when you overeat?

Avoid big meals at night. Try to eat earlier in the evening and avoid rich foods before you go to bed. 

A light snack can help you feel comfortable at bedtime.

Here are foods you can eat to help you sleep better:

  • almonds
  • kiwi
  • walnuts
  • bananas
  • oatmeal
  • barley grass powder
  • warm milk

Be comfortable to get a good night's sleep

Sleep is important. Get the recommended amount of sleep every day. 

Being tired can lead to poor health, irritability, mental health issues, binge eating, and many more health risks.

What do you usually do to get a good night's sleep?

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  1. Great post!
    Have a nice evening!
    Gil Zetbase

  2. Great tips! I've got huge problem with sleep but I guess I need to cure the insomnia because it seems to be a problem with insomnia and me being sensitive to sounds.

  3. Hi Lux,
    very helpful tips.
    Maggie Dallospedale

  4. I try to avoid any caffeinated drinks after 2 or 3pm. I find it harder to sleep at night if I consumed milk tea or coffee late in the afternoon :)
