
4 Time-Saving Tips For The Busy Email Marketer

9:20 PM

4 Time-Saving Tips for the Busy Email Marketer

4 Time-Saving Tips For The Busy Email Marketer

You juggle a lot of roles in your personal and professional life.

Whether you're a business owner, email marketer, or project manager, there is just too much to do in one day.

If only you can clone yourself or delegate more.

Thankfully, there are apps and tools now like that is both time-saving and convenient. They help build and send emails directly to your mailing list. They make managing your emails simple even if you're not a techie.

Time is money in business. It's crucial that you know how to manage and use it wisely. 

Here are four time-saving tips for the busy email marketer overwhelmed with work.

1. Ease your design workload with ready-to-use templates

Just like you, your readers are busy too. They'd prefer an easy to skim email. 

Once opened, subscribers spend about 15-20 seconds scanning your email (MarketingSherpa).

The layout of the email is vital. But, not everyone has an eye for great design. Don't fret. 

Email service providers like Emma offer dozens of pre-made templates that you can use. 

With clean designs, the templates let subscribers digest an email in seconds.

The templates offer a responsive design, which means they adapt to every screen. 

This is important because 55% of emails are opened on mobile devices (Return-Path).

2. Save time growing your list with set-and-forget collection tools

Every year, businesses lose about 25-30% of subscribers.

It is necessary to grow your list by 25% just to cover your annual losses, also known as churn. 

You have to gain more than 25% if you want to actually grow your list.

Here’s a time-saving tip for the busy email marketer to ensure you're growing your list:

Use set-it-and-forget-it tools that collect email addresses and sync with your email service provider.

Here are a few tools to use:

Sign-up form

Put a sign-up form in a visible spot on your website so visitors can easily join your email list. 

The form should be short and simple. It should also have a compelling or inviting offer.

Save your time growing your list by making it easy for your visitors to join.

Time-Saving email form  For The Busy Email Marketer

Most email service providers offer sign-up forms that you can put on your website. As customers join your list, names and emails flow seamlessly into your email account. 

Pop-up form

Consider using pop-up messages to collect email addresses. 

Try a tool like OptinMonster or Privy to create a pop-up, launch it on your site, and sync your new contacts to your email account.

You can trigger pop-up messages in different ways. 

For instance, the message can appear after a visitor spends X amount of time on your website, when they visit a certain page, or if they read a specific blog post.

Contest assistant

If you use a tool like Woobox or Gleam, you can keep tabs on participants while collecting and storing new contact information.

Once these tools are deployed, information rolls in. You don’t have to do anything. Hence the name, “set it and forget it.”

Contest assistants are time-saving tools for the busy email marketer.

Contest assistant is a time-saving tool for email marketers

3. Maintain your email list with easy-to-use tools

An email list requires maintenance. 

You'd want an email list with warm connections. 

To make that a reality, you have to remove inactive and disengaged subscribers. Or send them a win-back email campaign.

Customers who unsubscribe should be removed immediately if your provider doesn't do this.

Same with bounced emails.

The CAN-SPAM Act requires businesses to remove customers from their email list within 10 days of unsubscribing.

What about subscribers who don’t seem interested in your email anymore? 

Email maintenance is time-consuming. 

Email service providers like Emma provide user-friendly tools to scrub email lists. It will remove the unsubscribed contacts to help you save time.

4. Automate certain emails to enhance customer relationships

Schedule emails to send at your preferred time.

You can trigger an email based on two things: a date or a subscriber’s action.

Choose to send an email on dates you promised your subscriber when running a product launch, or during the holidays.

Send them emails based on their customer's journey.

Set up campaigns that trigger sending emails only to those who chose to receive them.

Wondering which emails you should automate? 


These time-saving tips for the busy email marketer are meant to help you maintain your connection with your audience without getting stuck in the process of creating.

Working with an email service provider like Emma gives you access to an easy-to-use builder, templates, integrations with popular apps, and automation features that replace manual tasks. 

Put simply, Emma can save you time. See how with a free demo.

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