
Freelancing: The Best Decision I Ever Made

9:11 PM

freelancing copywriter content strategist

I'll be celebrating my 5th anniversary as a full-time freelancer this year. ðŸ¥³ I gotta say, freelancing has been the best decision I ever made career-wise.

Freelancing: The Best Decision I Ever Made

Pre-freelancing life

For those who don't know, I'm a licensed pharmacist. But, I've always known my heart is in writing

When I was in college, I thought I'd work in a hospital, put up my own drugstore and maybe even have a few branches in different cities. Or franchise an already established pharmacy...and live happily ever after.

But, things don't always work out the way we planned.

I worked in a hospital and drugstore but putting up my own pharmacy didn't come to pass.

One day I realized mixing and dispensing drugs weren't the things I wanted to do all my life.

I really tried, but the heart wants what it wants. 

We heart it

One day, I passed by a BPO company and thought, "Well, why not?"

I went in and applied. By the end of the day, I got a new job.

A part-time freelancer's struggles

While working graveyard shifts in my new career, I found an opportunity to work online. It was an excellent way to get my foot inside the door of the freelancing world.

But, it wasn't enough.

I was underpaid, plus working at night was exhausting. I could barely function to work on my online tasks by the end of the shift.

So, I quit and focused on my regular job.

Villains of my freelancing story: Fear and Contentment

Two things were stopping me from focusing on freelancing: 

  • my fear of uncertainty (I had zero ideas about freelancing back then) and
  • the contentment and security a regular job offers.
I was at peace knowing I would get a certain amount of money by the end of the month.

Change saved the day

After I transferred to a different company, I had a prodding to find an online gig again.

My job then actually pays me more than the previous ones.

The task was more difficult, but I was having fun.

I enjoyed learning things, took advantage of the free training they offered, and liked where I was at that point in my life.

I was more confident, independent, and, dare I say it---I was, bolder in making decisions.

That's a totally different story, though.

change is good

Back to freelancing's arms

Before I decided to freelance full-time five years ago, I had a lot of apprehension.

  • What if it won't work, and I'll be out of money in no time?
  • What if I can't do it? There's no one to ask. 
  • What if they won't pay me?
I wasn't happy with my work anymore, though. I knew it was time to bid the traditional office setting goodbye.

My will to find better opportunities was stronger than my fear.

So, even though I was afraid, I decided to own it.

own it

Man, it was terrifying. And tough at the start.

The first few months of working online full-time were terrifying but liberating.

  • I left the comfort and security of my job in one of Forbes' Fortune 500 companies. 
  • I made do with what little knowledge I had about freelancing.
  • I made Google and YouTube, my teachers.
I did what I could to survive.

But surviving is not what I came here for. I believe God put me here to do great things.

Freelancing in the time of C O V I D

I knew there was more to accepting what cheapskate clients were giving me.

Getting paid just enough to cover my bills and my necessities beat the purpose of leaving the corporate world.

I always knew I wasn't born just to work, pay my bills, and die.

There's more to life than keeping your nose to the grindstone.

If this C OVID has taught me one thing (or validated what I already know), it's that nothing's sure in this world.

You can lose the normal you know in an instant. 

Heck, our global economy was crashed by an unseen enemy.


Like anything in life, the change could be challenging, but we learn to adapt. It's human nature. 💪

Some changes are forced upon us, others we decide for ourselves.

Freelancing is one of the best decisions I made. 

I found a gig as a content writer and haven't looked back since.

Though it wasn't always easy, the past year has been the best because of this guy named John R Pagulayan.

If there's one thing I can advise my younger self about freelancing, there are better, higher-paying clients.

And I'd say:

Younger self, go find John now, so you don't waste your time and energy with these cheapskate clients!

I can't teach you how to become a freelancer, but the great news is that my coach John Pagulayan is about to hold a FREE Workshop, and I highly recommend you join because he's done a LOT to change my mindset and the way I treat my freelancing business.

He's going to share how CO VID accidentally created 6-figure earners and how anyone can do it, too, even if you have

✔️ no skills
✔️ no prior credentials

This can also help you if you're already working online but

✔️ sick and tired of working with cheapskates
✔️ want to turn your freelancing into a lucrative business
✔️ willing to learn how to win in your niche
✔️ interested in getting more clients to find you and not the other way around

UPDATE: Enrollment is now closed. 

If you're interested to learn more, you can click here to register.
If you have any questions about John, feel free to email me or leave your comment below.

Happy to help!

Now more than ever, we need to seek more opportunities online.

Times have changed. During this pandemic, when we're advised to stay home and not be in close physical contact with people, I urge you to try out freelancing. It's the best decision you'll ever make. 

UPDATE: Enrollment is now closed. Feel free to subscribe to be notified when the doors open again.

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  1. I love your blog ♥ ! Hope you are having a great week.


  2. I have been thinking about becoming a free lancer but fear keeps me back... I’ll research more into it.
