

8:25 PM

woman looking at sunrise at the beach

For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland. -Isaiah 43:19


Our lives pre C OVID-19 is out. We will NEVER go back to that kind of life. It's time to let go. Of the old system, habits and practices we used to know. 

New normal has come.

It's scary to face the unfamiliar and the uncertain. 

I know. I've been anxious since the p andemic started. But verses like this is giving me hope:

God is doing something new and He has already begun.

This may have taken place during the time of Isaiah, but He is an unchanging God. And oh, how apt it is for today's situation.

He is that same God who is right now giving us this same promise.

What a wonderful thought, isn't it? Uplifting!

From the Feast service I saw today, Bro Arun talks about remembering God's greatness in our past as we speak good things for our future. Especially when we're in a crisis.

Allow me to share God's greatness in my life:

  1. I had a hard time during college. I was struggling with the lessons, the adjustment, the hostility, the financial constraints. Thankfully, God helped me graduate. I was the first in our family to do so.
  2. When I was worried sick that my valuables would be stolen from my luggage during one trip, God kept them safe.
  3. When I needed a new phone but couldn't afford a new one, I won a blogging contest for a new smartphone.
  4. When I got sick, God restored my health.
  5. When I had only like $10 left in my wallet, God provided for me everything I needed.
  6. God brought me to the right people and circumstances. He steered me away from the wrong crowd.
  7. God orchestrated my meeting with my one true love. He gave me someone far better than what I asked for.
  8. I thank God for my job that allows me to stay home and work comfortably and more effectively. (I'm an introvert and this set up works best for me).
  9. When it's been raining for two weeks straight but He made it sunny on the day of my trip. Oh, it was a beautiful sunshiny day
  10. When my clients terminated their contracts, I never ran out of blog sponsors and writing clients. Every day I'd get an email inquiring about how to collaborate with me. God provides abundantly!
  11. I'm surrounded with people who are generous with their time, talent and treasure.
thank you Jesus gif

I could go on and on. 

From the most trivial to the life-and-death events, God has remained faithful to me.

I think about how I was feeling before these things happened.

I was scared, worried, frustrated, impatient, doubtful.

Lo and behold! God turned things around and showed me that I am highly favored. 

Even though I would once in a while feel anxious during this p andemic, I know God is doing something behind the scene.

He's preparing us for another breakthrough.

We see a dead end but He's paving a pathway.
We see drought and desert and wasteland, but He's creating rivers.

And one day you and I will exclaim, "Lo and behold! God's made something new."

Your turn

  • Remember the times God turned a situation around for you. What did you learn from it?
  • List down the things you are thankful for.

Wait! I've got more stories for you...


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  1. This is a beautiful and a very thoughtful post, Dear Lux! I just feel the same. And can't thank GOD enough for everything He has given me! Ever since we across this new situation, all I've doing is counting my blessings and there's lot to count <3

    Please check my new post. Have a wonderful week ahead.

    Epsita | https://www.thepositivewindow.com/creativity-voice-difficult-times/

  2. Alhumduallah For Everything 😌💓
