
How To Become A Coffee Connoisseur

4:19 PM

How To Become A Coffee Connoisseur

coffee shop

Coffee. Just reading the word likely produces a reaction, like a craving or a recall of the familiar smell. 

People love coffee so much that it's the most-consumed beverage in the world, aside from water.

Those who become coffee connoisseur knows that there's so much to explore within the world of coffee beyond Starbucks and standard coffee makers. 

If you love coffee but want to take your coffee-drinking habits to the next level, this guide will show you how. 

But first...

What is a coffee connoisseur?

A connoisseur is an expert. They understand the details, technique, or principles of specific arts and is competent to act as a critical judge. (Merriam - Webster Dictionary) 

As for coffee connoisseurs, they know everything there is to know about coffee. They're considered coffee experts, authorities, and specialists.

How to Become a Coffee Connoisseur   

1. Learn the Coffee-Production Process

What does it take to make a cup of coffee? 

Coffee production, practiced predominately in tropical climates, is a precise science. 

How farmers grow and process coffee significantly impacts the final product's taste. 

According to the National Coffee Association, coffee production boils down to the following steps: 

  • Planting coffee beans, which are actually seeds
  • Harvesting the cherries, the fruit of planted coffee trees
  • Processing these cherries to extract the coffee beans, with the dry or wet method
  • Drying the beans, if using the wet method
  • Milling the beans
  • Exporting the coffee beans
  • Quality checks
  • Roasting the beans
  • Grinding the beans
  • Brewing the coffee grounds
You can learn more about how different factors at each step of the production process affect the final taste here

coffee beans in a pan

2. Try All Different Flavors and Roast Profiles

Finding the varieties of coffee you enjoy the most requires research, exploring, and taste testing. 

As mentioned above, numerous factors impact the taste of a given cup of coffee. 

Two factors, in particular, significantly affect the taste of coffee and deserve more in-depth investigation and taste tests. 

  • The Type of Coffee Beans Used– Coffee is grown worldwide, and the specific coffee species grown and the environment in which it's grown affect the taste.

    There are countless different types of coffee beans available, but a few popular options include the following:
Arabica- This is the number one coffee bean sold on the global market. The flavor is sweet and mild, and considerably less acidic as compared to Robusta. Ethiopia is a famous exporter of Arabica beans.

Robusta- Robusta is the second most popular coffee bean. They have high caffeine levels because the cherries repel insects and protect the tree.

Liberica- Liberica coffee beans are rare and more challenging to come across. People describe the flavor as mildly acidic with a woodsy touch aroma.

Excelsa- Although it is a part of the Liberica family tree, it has a unique character. These coffee beans are the rarest of them all and are only grown in Southeast Asia. Excelsa bean coffee tastes tartish and fruity.


  • The Roast Profile– The roasting process impacts coffee's taste because pyrolysis occurs once the heating begins at 400 degrees Fahrenheit, causing a hidden fragrant oil to emerge from the beans.

    The longer the beans roast, the less intense the coffee tastes. 
different coffee flavors

2. Buy Your Own Beans

Although buying a bag of ground coffee is more convenient, grinding your beans no doubt makes for better-tasting coffee.

Coffee works like most products and other food items: the sooner you consume it, the fresher and better it tastes. 

However, leaving ground coffee aside for a while or storing it away loses its freshness and quality. 

A coffee connoisseur must know where to buy high-quality coffee beans to get a quality experience each time.
A coffee subscription is highly recommended to remove the hassle of ordering coffee every time you're low on it since you will get coffee delivered regularly.

When you buy coffee beans, follow these tips to store them properly: 

  • Buy just the right amount or store the beans in a large batch
  • Opt for an air-tight container
  • Store the container at room temperature
buy coffee beans

4. Become a Brewmaster

Yes, you can buy fancy lattes and macchiatos at coffee shops, but nothing beats brewing your own delicious coffee at home. 

To find your perfect cup of homemade coffee, try out a few different brewing styles: 

  • Pour-Over– All you need is a coffee cone and a matching filter. Simply pour hot water over the ground coffee into the filter and wait for it to slowly drip into the mug below.
  • French Press– Fill the carafe with the ground beans, top it off with nearly-boiling water, stir it, and close the lid. After four minutes, press the plunger down to press the coffee out into the carafe, then pour.
  • AeroPress– You can learn about the 10-step brewing process directly from the AeroPress website.
  • Drip Method– The drip method differs slightly from the pour-over method. You use a glass flask that acts as a carafe and a special drip filter paper for the drip method. Just pour water into the ground beans and wait for the coffee to drip into the flask.
brew your own coffee

5. Experiment and Find Your Favorite

Not all coffee connoisseurs like the same cup of coffee. 

The key to enjoying your daily brew is researching your options, trying them out, and identifying your favorite products and methods. 

Also, try out different combinations of bean types, roast profiles, and brewing methods. 

After enough trial and error, you'll find the perfect way to enjoy your favorite drink. And you'll become a coffee connoisseur every coffee drinker can trust.

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