
Book Recommendation: The Turtle Always Wins By Bo Sanchez

6:38 PM

Book Recommendation The Turtle Always Wins By Bo Sanchez

We've heard of the fable about the tortoise- and, in some versions, the turtle- and the hare. This simple story shows us what humility, patience, and perseverance can do. The Turtle Always Wins by Bo Sanchez teaches us that we can build wealth and also win in the race of life by applying the principles we learned from this famous children's book.

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Book Rating 


The Turtle Always Wins by Bo Sanchez Book Review

When it comes to living simply yet abundantly, Bo Sanchez can indeed preach. He's living it. 

In his book, The Turtle Always Wins, Bro Bo explains how long-term investment in the stock market is the best way to build wealth. 

If someone with a love-hate relationship with numbers like me can easily understand this book and start investing, you can, too.

The Turtle Always Wins will teach you that true wealth can be achieved using the Turtle Strategy. 

You can reach financial success through:

  • strategic planning
  • planting seeds and caring for them regularly
  • waiting patiently
  • staying calm during a crisis 
  • consistently doing the "boring" work 

The Turtle Always Wins by Bo Sanchez is more than just a financial book that aims to help those with zero to limited investment knowledge. 

It's also about having the right attitude to win in the race of life.

This book is NOT for you if...

You're a trader and an aggressive investor who wants to get rich quickly despite the high risk.

This book is for you if...

You want a slow, steady, sure way of building wealth through time.

The Turtle Always Wins By Bo Sanchez Book Review

The slow turtle winning the race over the fast hare is an excellent reminder of Ecclesiastes 9:11:

The fastest runner doesn't always win the race, and the strongest warrior doesn't always win the battle. The wise sometimes go hungry, and the skillful are not necessarily wealthy. And those who are educated don't always lead successful lives. It is all decided by chance, by being in the right place at the right time.

The Truly Rich Club

Investing slowly but surely is the principle we follow in the Truly Rich Club

It was founded by Bo Sanchez with the mission to help good people become rich- truly rich. 

So you'll not just be financially wealthy but also spiritually well-nourished. 

What is your approach when it comes to investing? Are you a more aggressive hare or a conservative "slowly but surely" turtle-style type? 

Why You Should Read The Turtle Always Wins

Bo Sanchez's book The Turtle Always Wins is an inspiring guide to building wealth and success in all aspects of life.

Can you recommend a book about investing like The Turtle Always Wins? 

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