Lux Thinking Aloud

Thank You For Being Here: Thanksgiving Message

3:38 PM

Thank You For Being Here Thanksgiving Message

Thank You For Being Here Thanksgiving Message

It's been a while since I wrote something personal here. Not a life hack, love advice, or raving over my current book obsession. Not thinking about SEO or engagement. Just a raw, straight-from-the-heart message. Since it's time to express gratitude, let me give you my Thanksgiving message: thank you for being here. Especially if you've been around before I even took blogging seriously.

To my OG readers, thank you for staying.

I started writing because I'm too much of an introvert to talk about my feelings and thoughts. 

So, if you've been here since 2011, you've seen me pour my broken heart out over breakups, friendships that drifted apart, or generally over how messed up the world has become. 

But you didn't leave. As I evolved into a more mindful writer (yeah, I don't rant so much about life online anymore 😄), you stayed. 

My shift in interests and topics of choice might have given you a whiplash over the years, but you stayed. 

I'm eternally grateful for that. You're the real MVP. 

I consider you my friend, albeit online, so know that you're more than welcome to message me if you want to talk about life. 

To my OG readers, thank you for staying.

To my new visitors, thank you for being here.

You could've been doing something else with your time, but you chose to spend it reading my thoughts and sharing my experiences with me. Time is one of the most incredible things you could give someone, and I thank you for giving me a little bit of yours. I hope you stay!

To my new visitors, thank you for being here.

To my clients, thank you for your trust.

Thank you for making this girl's dream come true: getting paid by doing what I love. Writing for your brand gives me purpose and pleasure. Your business has supported my passion, allowing me to maintain this website...and buy as many books as my storage can hold. 

To my clients, thank you for your trust

To my favorite authors, thank you for sharing your world with me.

I've been to many places. And lived multiple exciting lives thanks to the beautiful books you've written. Your mind is a treasure trove. Thank you for introducing me to those unforgettable characters and allowing me to visit those charming places that could only exist in your imagination. They could've stayed in your brilliant minds, but you chose to share them with the world. Thank you for being so generous.

To my favorite authors, thank you for sharing your world with me

To my naysayers, thank you for inspiring me.

Thank you for telling me, "You're not a writer, and you'll never be one." 

Your comments surely have fueled me to learn more and be better at what I do. I am truly, sincerely, genuinely touched by the amount of time and energy you spend thinking and talking about me. You're one of the reasons I keep going. Thanks for keeping me grounded.

To my naysayers, thank you for inspiring me.

To my amazing husband, thank you for being the best.

I knew you were the one from when you told me you read my blog to get to know me more. 😅

Marriage may be a roller coaster ride, but I'm beyond grateful you're the one I'm riding this crazy life with. I couldn't ask for a better partner

You never made me doubt or second-guess our marriage. I sleep better knowing that you always have my back. 

Thank you for showing me how to be unequivocally loved, accepted, appreciated, and celebrated by simply being myself.

To my amazing husband, thank you for being the best

To myself, thank you for not giving up!

Don't get weirded out if I address myself here. Because I give myself a pep talk and hype myself up all the time (studies show that it's actually healthy). So, allow me to write this Thanksgiving message:

Dear Self,

Oh, the battles we've been through the past few years! But look at you still standing. Still fighting. Still finding joy and beauty in your every day.

Thank you for being strong and kind and for not losing your humor and sense of wonder. 

You got this!

To myself, thank you for not giving up

Thanksgiving Message

My life is not perfect, but my heart is filled with gratitude. Who or what are you thankful for the most this year? 

Wait! I've got more stories for you...


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  1. Thank you for sharing this inspiring message. It's a reminder to us all to be grateful for the things we have and to never give up on ourselves.
    Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Agree! Happy Thanksgiving to you too!

  2. Hello dear! You are lucky having a good husband, I imagine he is lucky with you too. I am new here. If you want we can follow each other and comment. xoxo

  3. What a lovely and thoughtful post. Happy Thanksgiving and thanks, also, for your visit to my blog!

    1. I love visiting your blog. It's like visiting a cozy home of a friend. So welcoming.

  4. You seem like a very pleasant young woman, and I give thanks that such pleasantness can still be found here and there.

    1. Thank you. I sure hope we'll find more of that everywhere.


    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Thank you so much, Carol! Right back at yah!

  6. Hello Dear Lux, Thank you for such a kind and wonderful holiday post. I am one of the lucky ones who have been following your blog for years. 😊 I say THANK YOU for sharing your blog and THANK YOU to your hubby for taking good care of you! Hugs and best regards from Seattle! John

    1. I always appreciate your kind comments, John. And yeah, I'm glad you're still active too. Thanks for the support from the beginning. Thank you for also sharing wonderful posts on your site. I enjoy those photos.

  7. Hi, Lux!

    Thank you very much for visiting me today at Shady's Place Music & Memories and for giving me a warm welcome back to blogging after a five month break. I take your Thanksgiving message to heart, and it works both ways. As I celebrate Thanksgiving today, I am thankful for friends like you who have stuck with me through the years. A lasting friendship is a gift that keeps on giving.

    To me, it is unacceptable for someone, anyone, to suggest that you are not a writer, nor will you ever be one. Why be unnecessarily harsh to another human being if you could instead find reason to praise and encouragement them? There is always a kinder, better way to approach someone with whom you don't agree, and the world will be a better place if we all routinely chose that alternative.

    My next blog post will appear this Sunday, November 26. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, dear friend Lux!

    1. I'm always thankful for your wonderful and insightful comments, Shady. And those entertaining posts on your website. Blessings!

  8. Hi, Lux!

    Thank you very much for visiting me today at Shady's Place Music & Memories and for giving me a warm welcome back to blogging after a five month break. I take your Thanksgiving message to heart, and it works both ways. As I celebrate Thanksgiving today, I am thankful for friends like you who have stuck with me through the years. A lasting friendship is a gift that keeps on giving.

    To me, it is unacceptable for someone, anyone, to suggest that you are not a writer, nor will you ever be one. Why be unnecessarily harsh to another human being if you could instead find reason to praise and encouragement them? There is always a kinder, better way to approach someone with whom you don't agree, and the world will be a better place if we all routinely chose that alternative.

    My next blog post will appear this Sunday, November 26. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, dear friend Lux!

  9. What a sweet post! I'm new to your corner of the Internet, but I'm enjoying my stay so far.

    1. Nice! And thank you. I like reading your reviews.

  10. A wonderful post, so nice to be catching up again. Thanks for visiting!

    1. Yeah! I should visit more often. I like that my old connections are still active.

  11. Oh very cute blog
    my best wishes to you

    1. Thank you! Best wishes to you as well.

  12. It's good that I found you again. I've put you in my reader so when you post new content I'll know.

    Have a fabulous day and rest of the week. Hugs. ♥

    1. Thanks, Sandee. And yes, I'm glad you're still active! I should visit your site more.

  13. Beautiful post, your words are very inspiring. I feel warm in my heart. I wish you all the best and success!
    Greetings from Poland!

    1. Aw, thank you, Klaudia. Sending good wishes to you.

  14. Having gratitude is so important.

  15. Such a beautiful and wise post.
    Have a wonderful day!

  16. What a heartfelt insightful post. You sound like you really have come a long way. We all need to be grateful for what we have in life and strive to do better : )

    Allie of

    1. And long way to go. Thank you. Grateful for your visits here.

  17. I appreciate you sharing this motivational message. It serves as a reminder for all of us to never give up on ourselves and to be thankful for what we have.
    Cheers to Thanksgiving!

    You are welcome to read my most recent piece at

  18. Hello Lux! What a wonderful post! We have so many things to be grateful for, that's for sure. You're inspiring me to count my many blessings today. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog for I Love to Write Day. I appreciate you taking the time to read and share your thoughts. It's great to meet you. Have a wonderfully blessed week! :D

  19. Such a sweet Thanksgiving message!

  20. Hi Dear Lux, Please excuse a 2nd comment. Just wanted to say thank you for your kind words on my blog and answer your question. Regarding how many postcards in my collection … I don’t know the exact number but I can give you an approximation … thinking of a standard size shoe box … the cards fill up 2 and about half of a 3rd. Thanks again Lux. Wishing you happy days ahead. John

    1. So cool! Thanks for answering my question.

  21. Glad to have found you too! Thanks for the visit and for your kind words.

  22. That was a nice Thanksgiving message to your blog friends and others. We meet so many wonderful people in blogland, right? You have a lovely blog. Keep sharing your creative ideas.

    A Merry Christmas season to you.

