Health & Wellness

From the Inside Out: How to Feel Sexy and Confident Every Day

3:43 PM

How to Feel Sexy and Confident Every Day
Feeling sexy and confident isn’t solely defined by one’s physical appearance; it permeates from the inside out. 

It is a mindset, an attitude that we carry around in our daily lives. 

Embracing a healthy level of self-assuredness and sensuality is essential to fostering a more positive self-image and, by extension, influencing how others perceive us. 

Here are some practical tips on how to feel sexy and confident each day, starting from within.

Take Advantage of Lingerie

There is something incredibly empowering about wearing exquisite lingerie. 

From dainty lace panties to SKIMS push up bras, slipping into these undergarments is like slipping into a version of yourself that screams ‘power and confidence.’

Even if nobody else sees them, you know you’re wearing something beautiful underneath your clothes.

This hidden secret can provide an all-day confidence boost and make you feel incredibly sexy.

beautiful dark haired woman wearing pink lingerie in a cozy bedroom

Invest in Your Physical Appearance

Investing in one’s looks is not vanity. A well-groomed person naturally exudes confidence. 

Taking care of your physical health enhances your overall well-being. 

Maintain a proper skincare routine, get regular haircuts, wear well-fitted clothes, and prioritize a balanced diet and regular exercise.

Remember, looking good translates directly into feeling good.

beautiful blonde wearing green lacy lingerie in a forest

Accept Yourself As You Are

Embracing your imperfections is the cornerstone of real self-confidence. Our ‘flaws’ make us unique. They should be appreciated, not concealed. 

Each wrinkle, freckle, or stretch mark tells a story about who we are, and by accepting them, we proudly wear our true selves. 

Nobody’s perfect; the sooner we internalize this knowledge, the stronger our confidence will be.

two young women laughing exuding confidence

Positive Self-Talk

The way you speak to yourself matters immensely. Negative self-talk erodes self-confidence, while positive self-talk can help bolster it. 

If you commit to a dialogue with yourself that is supportive, caring, and positive, you will naturally feel more confident. 

By doing so, you are creating a mentality that defines your reality. 

Making time each day for state affirmations in front of the mirror can boost your confidence and make you feel sexy, powerful, and ready to take on the world.

beautiful asian woman wearing cute white top smiling with stunning mountain in the background

Work On Your Body Language

Did you know that nonverbal communication can dictate how confident we appear to others?

Confidence goes beyond feeling good. It involves conveying that self-assurance to others.

  • Start by working on your posture, ensuring you’re standing or sitting upright throughout the day. 
  • Maintain eye contact when speaking with others, and remember to smile often. 

These body language tricks can help you appear more self-assured, fostering a feeling of sexiness and confidence.

Nurture a Healthy Mind

Our mental health is integral to our overall self-esteem and confidence level. 

Make time for activities that bring you joy and encourage relaxation, such as reading, meditating, taking long walks, or engaging in creative outlets. 

All these activities contribute to nurturing a healthy mind and, by extension, a confident self.

beautiful asian woman sitting behind her desk working on her laptop

Feel Sexy and Confident Every Day

The journey to feeling sexy and confident every day starts from the inside. By embracing our flaws, elevating our physical appearance, practicing positive self-talk, and maintaining our body language, we can fearlessly extend our confidence to the world around us.

What do you do to boost your confidence and feel sexy every day?

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  1. I especially love the emphasis on positive self-talk and accepting imperfections.

  2. It's true, feeling good is a state of mind, but some sexy underwear never hurts either!

  3. It is easy to feel sexy if you look like these girls from the photos, but for us normal people it ain't that simple, sadly.

  4. Hi, Lux!

    Happy Valentine's Day, dear friend!

    I certainly agree with the principles outlined in this essay on feeling confident and sexy. You should strive to keep fit and accept your flaws. Beyond that, how you present yourself to the world is vitally important. A person with a slovenly appearance fosters low self esteem and is not nearly as effective interacting with others as a person who practices good grooming and dresses nicely. Wearing something new, on the outside or underneath, can give you an overt or subliminal boost. Trying out a new hairstyle can have the same effect.

    One trick I tried years ago was converting $500 of my earnings into cash - five new, crisp, uncirculated 100-dollar bills - and carrying them around in my pocket. Although I didn't tell my $$$ secret to a soul, I knew the money was there in my pocket and it made me feel "like a million bucks." I went to a clothing store to shop for a new suit and, to my surprise, suddenly had two clerks assisting me at the same time. I used those hundred dollar bills to pay for my suit and it felt good.

    Another example is a man in his 50s/60s who was friends with my parents decades ago. He wasn't much to look at - short in stature and very ordinary looking - yet he had an A+ personality, was a sharp dresser and exuded such confidence that, when he went to social clubs, he often had two attractive young women dancing with him at the same time.

    Thank you for visiting Shady's Place. You just missed my brand new post for V-Day and I hope you can swing by and check it out during its run. Once again, I wish you and your special someone a happy Valentine's Day, dear friend Lux!

  5. Some really great tips! Off to buy some sexy underwear :-))

  6. I have always put on make up and fixed my hair every single day, even if I’m not going anywhere. I agree that if you look good, you feel good. And well fitting clothes is so important!

  7. Very interesting post. I love how positive it is and has some great advice.

  8. These are all amazing tips, you'd never regret investing in yourself and appearance. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Very good -Christine

  10. Great tips. Happy Valentine's Day.

  11. It can be hard to feel good about oneself in this day and age. And evener harder to feel sexy. But yes confidence is key. And caring for oneself is definitely a step in that direction. Great advice girly!

    Allie of

  12. Mind, body and spirit ~ all contribute ~ good info ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  13. Oh, I'm blushing :). Happy Valentine's Day from all of us!

  14. Boost my confidence? What confidence?

  15. Gracias por los consejos. Te mando un beso.

  16. Such a great reminder that feeling sexy is about embracing who we are.

    Happy Valentine's Day!

  17. Also worth remembering: sex sells.

  18. Dear Lux, this is such an empowering and insightful post! Confidence and feeling sexy truly start from within, and I love how you emphasize the importance of mindset, self-care, and self-acceptance. The reminder that embracing our imperfections makes us unique really resonates with me—self-love is a journey, and learning to appreciate every part of ourselves is so important. Also, the tips on body language and positive self-talk are great takeaways! A simple change in posture or a daily affirmation can make such a difference in how we carry ourselves. Thanks for sharing these uplifting reminders! 😊 And thanks for your kind words on my recent blog post. I appreciate you, Lux, and look forward to hearing from you. Very best regards to you and yours from Seattle! John

  19. Interesting post. Self-image is complicated for most people. Mental, emotional and physical health are all intertwined. As much as possible, I think it's better to work on accepting yourself that to worry about what other people think.

  20. It really does start on the inside :D

  21. Great tips! Positive self-talk is so important.

  22. These are great tips. Accepting yourself as you are and positive self talk are so important.
    Julia x
