Home From Chaos to Calm: Transforming Your Living Space into a Sanctuary 10:06 AM Transforming Your Living Space into a Sanctuary Life can get pretty hectic, and it’s easy to forget just how vital a calm, clutter-free home is in the middle of all the chaos. Your space should be more than just a place to crash at the end of the day—it should be your sanctuary, a cozy retreat where you can relax and recharge. The good news? Creating that peaceful haven isn’t as overwhelming as it might seem. In this article, we’ll explore simple, practical ways to turn your home into a soothing escape from the outside world.De-Clutter and OrganizeOne primary step to transforming your living space involves decluttering and organizing your belongings. Unnecessary items often clutter our homes, making environments feel tighter and more stressful. For comprehensive home cleaning, it's essential to look beyond the visible, like our living rooms, into less obvious areas, such as attics and basements. In extreme cases, consider services like pest control in Riverside CA, or other services local to your areas to ensure that your home is clutter-free and pest-free. Living in a clean, organized space has immense positive impacts on our mental well-being and overall quality of life.Design and Color Theme Every home needs its unique personality, akin to those who dwell in it. Simple design tweaks can create relaxing, Zen-like atmospheres for your sanctuary. Consider calming hues such as light blues, greens, or neutrals. Colors are crucial in setting the ambiance; cool and neutral tones typically invoke a feeling of serenity and tranquillity. Adding natural elements like plants can also heighten the relaxing effect.Sensory Stimulation A transformed living space should stimulate all your senses favorably. Play with lighting to create various moods throughout your day. For instance:Softer evening lighting options can induce relaxation and help with winding down. Introducing pleasant scents through diffusers or scented candles can also greatly enhance your living space's atmosphere. Engage our auditory senses by leveraging soft music or sounds of nature, which can provide a calming auditory backdrop.A Personal TouchMake your home your personal retreat by incorporating elements that resonate with you individually. This could include artwork, family portraits, or items that bring back fond memories. Your home must represent who you are and what you find comforting!Optimized FunctionalityIn line with decluttering and organizing, optimizing your space for functionality can significantly contribute to turning your residence into a sanctuary. This involves strategically arranging your furniture to ensure smooth movement. In addition, creating specific zones for various activities like reading, working, or relaxing can ensure each area in your house holds a particular purpose, adding to the overall organization and relaxation effect.Embrace MinimalismFinally, the essence of a calm living space often lies in its simplicity. Embrace the concept of minimalism, where less is more. A minimalist approach to your home decor ensures a spacious and clutter-free environment, which invariably fosters serenity.Transform Your Living Space into a SanctuaryTransforming your living space into your personal sanctuary doesn't require extravagant renovations or a wholesale change in aesthetics. It begins with creating a clean, well-organized environment, evoking calm through careful color and design selection, stimulating your senses positively, adding personal elements, optimizing for functionality, and embracing minimalism. The journey from chaos to calm is a rewarding endeavor that promises an oasis of peace and tranquility in the comfort of your own home. So, welcome home to your very own sanctuary!
Home 13 Simple Steps To Kickstart A Zero Waste Lifestyle At Home 4:55 PM 13 Simple Steps to Kickstart A Zero Waste Lifestyle at Home Ever thought about how much waste we generate as a society and the role we play? The statistics are shocking yet thought-provoking: only 9% of global plastic waste has ever been recycled. So, if you've been asking how we can make zero waste at home or how a zero-waste lifestyle can save you money, you're about to get your answers in this easy-to-follow guide. What is Zero Waste Lifestyle? The zero-waste lifestyle is more than just a buzzword—it's a commitment to live in a way that produces as little waste as possible. It's about finding ways to reduce waste, reuse items, and recycle what we can't reuse. But it's not only eco-friendly—it's economical too. You'd be surprised how a zero-waste lifestyle can save you money and contribute to your personal development. So, how to have a zero-waste lifestyle with minimum effort? Here are 13 zero-waste lifestyle tips that can jumpstart your journey.1. Start small.Like any other lifestyle change, it's best to start small. Begin by identifying easy waste to reduce in your daily routine. It could be that plastic water bottle you buy every day or the disposable coffee cups you use. If you're cooking with veggies. Instead of throwing the peels away, use them as compost or a veggie broth. Remember, every little bit counts. 2. Bring your own bags.Plastic bags contribute significantly to waste. A simple switch to reusable bags can drastically cut down on this. Reusable bags aren't just for groceries—they're also great for all shopping.3. Switch to reusable water bottles and coffee cups.Consider investing in a good-quality water bottle and coffee cup. You'll reduce waste and save money in the long run. For example, Super Sparrow is a certified Climate Pledge-friendly insulated water bottle with a beautiful design. It's great for when you travel or work out. 4. Buy in bulk.Buying in bulk can significantly reduce packaging waste. Choose stores that offer bulk goods, and remember to bring your reusable containers.5. Switch to loose-leaf tea.Did you know some tea bags contain plastic? Make a more sustainable choice by opting for loose-leaf tea. Or choose tea brands that use plastic-free and compostable materials, such as:Art of TeaLoose Leaf Tea MarketNumi TeaYogi Tea6. Consider using menstrual cups.Ladies, it's time to consider menstrual cups. They're not only reusable but also a healthier alternative to disposable products.7. Make your own cleaning products.It is common for cleaning products to be contained in plastic packaging that may contain harmful chemicals. Making your own can be cheaper, healthier, and less wasteful. Here are three DIY cleaning products that are sustainable and easy to make at home with simple ingredients. All-Purpose CleanerIngredients:1 cup of white vinegar1 cup of waterLemon rindRosemary sprigsInstructions: Combine the vinegar, water, and enough lemon rind and rosemary sprigs to create a pleasant scent in a spray bottle. Let the solution infuse for a week before using it. Shake the bottle before each use. You can use it on almost any surface but avoid using it on granite and marble, as vinegar can etch these surfaces.Glass CleanerIngredients:2 cups of water1/4 cup of white vinegar1/2 teaspoon of dish soapInstructions: Mix the ingredients together in a spray bottle. Shake the solution vigorously to ensure all ingredients are well mixed for optimal results. Next, apply the solution evenly onto glass surfaces and use a dry cloth or newspaper to wipe away the solution and achieve a flawless, streak-free shine.Grease CleanerIngredients:2 cups of hot water1 tablespoon of baking soda20 drops of lemon essential oilInstructions: Combine the hot water and baking soda, then add the lemon oil. Mix well until the baking soda dissolves, then transfer the mixture to a spray bottle. Spray the solution on greasy surfaces, leave it on for a few minutes, then wipe clean with a damp cloth.Each of these DIY cleaning products is not only effective but also contributes to a zero-waste lifestyle. They're made from natural ingredients, which are better for the environment and your health. Plus, by using reusable spray bottles, you're helping to cut down on plastic waste. So, not only are you keeping your home clean, but you're also doing your part for the environment. 8. Go digital.Opt for digital versions, from books to bills, whenever possible. It's one of the simplest ways to adopt a zero-waste lifestyle. Paying for your bills online is more convenient and quicker. I shifted to Kindle Paperwhite (thanks to my amazing and thoughtful husband!), and I've read 90 books this year. That's a significant difference from the 45 books I read last year. So, I've been shopping less, reading more, and helping the environment simultaneously. It's a win-win! 9. Say "no" to unnecessary packaging.Whether ordering takeout or buying groceries, it's not for you if it's wrapped in too much plastic. It's surprising how many products are over-packaged, resulting in unnecessary waste. Here are four examples:Individually Wrapped Items: Whether it's fruit, vegetables, or baked goods, individually wrapped items constitute a significant source of unnecessary packaging. For instance, a single banana or potato wrapped in a plastic film contributes to plastic waste and seems redundant since these items come with their own natural packaging.Multi-Layered Packaging: Many products come with multiple layers of packaging. For instance, a cereal box might come in a plastic bag, inside a cardboard box, wrapped in plastic again. The inner plastic bag and outer plastic wrap are usually unnecessary.Single-Serve Packages: While single-serve packages of snacks, drinks, or meals might be convenient, they contribute significantly to waste. For example, a bag of single-serve chips has much more packaging waste than a giant bag of the same product.Over-Packaged Online Deliveries: With the rise of e-commerce, the over-packaging of online orders has become quite common. Often, small items are shipped in large boxes filled with plastic air pillows or bubble wrap, which is excessive and wasteful.10. Repair, don't replace.Next time something breaks, try to repair it before replacing it. It can save you money and reduce waste. For example, before you discard that shirt with a missing button or those pants with a small tear, consider mending them. Basic sewing skills can save you a lot of money over time and reduce waste. You can even re-style older clothes to give them a fresh look.11. Compost.Food waste is a big part of household waste. Composting is an eco-friendly way to utilize this waste, and it's great for your plants. Here's a quick and easy way to compost kitchen scraps from the Washington Department of Ecology.12. Shop secondhand.Secondhand items are often just as good as new ones. Plus, they come without all the excessive packaging and cost less.13. Educate yourself and others.The more you know about the benefits of a zero-waste lifestyle, the easier it is to stick with it. Share your knowledge with others to help them understand why it's crucial. Why is Zero Waste Lifestyle Important? Zero waste living is not only about reducing waste—it's about contributing to a more sustainable future. With the zero-waste packaging market expected to grow at a CAGR of 13.2% from 2021 to 2026, it's evident that more businesses are catching onto the trend and acknowledging the need for change. But why is it so crucial that we all embrace this concept? Here are five benefits of a zero-waste lifestyle: Environmental Impact A zero-waste lifestyle is vital for our planet. The vast amount of waste we generate is wreaking havoc on our environment. Overfilled landfills leak harmful chemicals into our soil and waterways, while garbage in our oceans threatens marine life. By committing to reducing waste, we can directly combat these environmental threats. Resource Conservation A lot of resources go into making the products we use every day. When we throw away things, we also throw away the elements and energy used to make them. By embracing zero waste, we make more sustainable use of these resources. Financial Benefits Embracing a zero-waste lifestyle can be a boon for your wallet too. Consider buying less, repairing more, and reducing consumption, which can lead to significant savings. Also, many steps you can take to adopt a zero-waste lifestyle, such as buying in bulk or reusing items, often lead to cost savings over time. Promotes Creativity and Mindfulness Living a zero-waste lifestyle encourages creativity and mindfulness. You become more aware of your consumption habits and learn to find innovative ways to reduce waste. It prompts you to ask before each purchase: "Do I really need this?" This mindful consumption can enrich your life unexpectedly, helping you appreciate what you have and reduce clutter. Before throwing anything away or replacing it, you can let your imagination go wild about how to repurpose or reuse it. Here are 32 creative ways you can recycle plastic from 5-Minute Crafts PLAY.Community Building When we engage in zero-waste living, we often connect with like-minded individuals, creating a community of people striving to make a difference. This can lead to increased social interaction and a sense of belonging, both beneficial for our mental health.This post contains affiliate links, so we'd get a commission if you purchase through the links at no additional cost. Thank you! You Can Lead a Zero-Waste Lifestyle at Home How to live a zero-waste lifestyle? It's easier than you think. Beyond reducing waste, it's about contributing to a healthier planet, conserving resources, saving money, fostering creativity, and building a better community. So, if you've been contemplating how to practice a zero-waste lifestyle, the answer lies in these 13 simple steps. I'm sure you can find more, but these are great ways to start! How will you practice a zero-waste lifestyle?
Home 4 Easy Steps To Create An Inviting Poolside Patio 6:25 AM 4 Easy Steps To Create An Inviting Poolside Patio A pool deck could turn into your home's favorite spot if you incorporate it with designs that make it irresistible. This could mean spending more time outdoors, especially during summer. With these four easy steps, you can create a comfortable and inviting poolside patio for you and your loved ones.1. Add colors to your poolside patio.There is something delightful about adding color to your pool.It is one of the best poolside patio ideas to make the surroundings inviting and the entire area brighter. You can use different colors to highlight specific aspects of your pool for safety purposes. For instance, use a different color to indicate spaces that need to be avoided by people who are not skilled swimmers. Choose colors that accentuate your pool and the poolside. Work with landscaping and pool experts. They will advise you on which colors will work based on your theme. You could transform your little poolside patio into a Caribbean paradise with color highlights and colorful flowers. 2. Add water features and mood lighting.A water fountain draws you instantly. The same will happen to your poolside if you incorporate water features. An easy feature to add to your home pool is dancing waters. This can produce a calming effect that anyone would enjoy. For added comfort, you can include an RIO Beach Backpack Multi-Position Lounge Chair by the poolside for the perfect ambiance. Together with the calming pool effect, this colorful chair will enhance your relaxation. This chair is comfortable and perfectly fits into any tastefully decorated poolside patio. Include some pool lights to help set the mood.3. Add unique patio touches.Patio pavements with a unique pattern can add a bit of a decorative element. Use materials that differentiate the patio area from the rest of the house. A good example would be gravel or granite. Spruce up the backyard by using elements of arched gates or entrances for a medieval look, or consider using colored posts for an elevated but elegant look. Such small details will give your poolside an unmatched resort-like feel. 4. Size matters - the bigger, the better.An oversized poolside patio is better and more inviting because you can play around with different themes or mix several in one. You can add an outdoor poolside dining arrangement. Create a relaxed area with poolside patio furniture like beach lounge seats. There should be enough intimate areas for family and friends to hold private conversations on a spacious deck with poolside patio chairs.Ample space allows you to play around with different functional ideas. It also gives room for maximum creativity and gives you the most out of your poolside patio. If possible, try to size the deck to fit your needs and make your poolside more inviting.Now youHave you tried revamping your poolside patio to make it more inviting? What elements have you added?
Home 3 Common Mistakes To Avoid When Cooling Your Home For Summer 8:59 PM 3 Common Mistakes To Avoid When Cooling Your Home For Summer Many of us enjoy the warmth that summer brings. But too much of a good thing could be bad. When summer really heats up, your utility bills generally follow suit. Mostly because you make common mistakes when cooling your home this summer.While running your air conditioning unit around the clock can help turn your home into a comfortably cool oasis from the brutal heat, it can also leave an enormous hole in your finances. By taking a few simple measures and steering clear of common blunders, you can dramatically limit AC usage while keeping your home nice and cool all summer long.So, if a cost-effectively cool home is what you’re after, make sure to avoid these three common home cooling mistakes for summer.Mistake #1: Not putting ceiling fans to good use.Dependable ceiling fans are among the most effective cooling aids you should have on hand. If your home is currently in need of high-quality fans, there’s no time like the present to purchase and install some. Some people consider ceiling fans as ineffective alternatives to air conditioning. But the right ceiling fans can be a tremendous boon to your summertime cooling efforts – provided, of course, they’re properly utilized. Ceiling fans can work with your mini split AC or central air conditioning system by distributing the cool air it produces to every area of your home.By adjusting the fans’ blades to turn counterclockwise, they can produce a downward-flowing cooling breeze.Ceiling fans are available in an extensive array of styles and sizes. If you’re looking to purchase a fan for an area that doesn’t have much ceiling space, a good flush mount ceiling fan should be right up your alley.Mistake #2: Using your oven while the sun is out.Ovens can generate a fair amount of heat – so much, in fact, that any room adjacent to the oven will likely feel its residual heat. While this can be somewhat convenient throughout the winter, it’s nothing short of uncomfortable during the sweaty summer months. Make it a point of limiting oven use over the summer, particularly during daylight hours. If you can’t help it, at least wait until the sun has gone down before using it. While being without an oven can present a number of culinary complications, it can also open the door for a host of exciting new food prep opportunities. You may be surprised by just how many health-conscious oven-free recipes are out there. If you’re fond of backyard barbecues, there’s no better time of year to give the old grill a thorough cleaning and throw on some burgers. By the time fall rolls around and you’ve expanded your culinary repertoire, you may actually be grateful to have been pulled out of your comfort zone.Mistake #3: Keeping curtains and blinds open during the sun’s peak hoursAlthough sunlight can add natural lighting to your home, it can also contribute to excessively warm indoor temps, especially during the summer. Minimize the amount of direct sunlight entering your home during daylight hours. You can do this by closing your curtains and/or blinds while the sun is out – and by investing in thermal curtains or “blackout curtains” These specialized window dressings are composed of thick thermal materials that enable them to keep indoor sunlight to the barest possible minimum. Thermal curtains can also help prevent cool air from your AC from escaping and hot air from outdoors from entering. During the winter months, these curtains help seal in warm air and keep cool air at bay.Cooling an entire house throughout the summer months is no picnic – just ask any homeowner.Depending on the size of your home and area, keeping your AC running all summer long can massively deplete your finances. Luckily, there are a number of easy steps you can take to cool your humble abode in a more efficient – and cost-effective manner. Avoid the 3 common mistakes above to enjoy a consistently cool home this summer without spending a fortune.
For Moms 5 Reasons To Splurge On High-End Appliances 4:36 PM 5 Reasons To Splurge On High-End Appliances When you buy appliances for your home, you often have to dip into savings. It can be tempting to buy the cheapest fridge or dishwasher in the market. But there are good reasons why you should splurge on high-end appliances. Here are 5 of them.1. Longer lasting and easier to fix.High-end appliances tend to last longer than their cheap counterparts. It's because high-end brands spend more time and money researching, testing, and making their products.There's still a chance that high-end appliances will break. But fixing them is cheaper. A cheap fridge might need replacing when it breaks. But for a high-quality fridge, like a Frigidaire fridge, you can find parts to fix your high end fridge easily. Giphy2. They have all the features you need and want.Need a dishwasher with a self-cleaning filter?Or a stove with built-in ventilation?Do you wish you could preheat your oven so it’s ready to use when you come home? You could connect a smart oven to your WiFi so you could turn it on remotely.The features you need and want are there when you splurge on top-quality appliances. High-end appliances come with features you didn’t think you needed...but you'll soon realize that you can’t live without them. Giphy3. High-end appliances are cheaper in the long-run.Your $900 fridge lasts three years. But a $2000 fridge could last ten.If you think about it, you’re actually saving money by spending more upfront.The cheap fridge costs $300 per year. But you're only paying $200 per year for the high-end fridge.High-end appliances are more energy-efficient. Meaning you’ll save on your bills. Some older models are huge energy wasters. Maybe it's time to upgrade? Giphy4. High-end appliances look great.We all want our home decor to be inviting and stylish. A cheap microwave could stick out like a sore thumb in your pristine modern kitchen. High-end appliances often have a sleeker look. Want a pink fridge or a matching toaster and kettle set? You can find quirky and colourful appliances if you like. Many high-end appliances can be built into or integrated into your home. A fridge can be subtly tucked away behind a door. A dishwasher can be perfectly slotted under your kitchen counters.They'll look better than bulky standalone appliances.Ikea Blogger5. You deserve to splurge on high-end appliances.If the cost-effective, stylish, features-driven, and long-lasting qualities of high-end appliances still haven’t convinced you to invest...Remember: you deserve a high-end appliance!You’ll be amazed by how much splurging on appliances that you use every day could transform your life. It'll make your life easier and better!GiphyNot all high-end appliances are made equal. But there's a reason why they are worth it. This doesn’t mean that you should buy the most expensive stove or dishwasher next time. Do your due diligence. Research and compare.Splurge on high-end appliances but make sure you choose efficiency, lifespan, and essential features over everything else.What's the most expensive appliance you've ever bought? 😀
Home 5 Steps To Keep Plant-Eating Animals Out Of Your Garden 12:51 PM Maintaining a garden is one of the most soul-satisfying things a person can do. It connects us with nature. It surrounds us with negative ions that can help relieve our stress. Gardening can give us a sense of accomplishment knowing that we're feeding our family with organic, home-grown goodness.But some four-legged friends would sometimes visit and harvest what we've planted.How do you keep these plant-eating animals out of your garden without harming them? Here are 5 easy steps:1. Use vinegar in your garden.Does vinegar keep animals away?Vinegar is one versatile product you should always keep in your home.Because of its strong smell, vinegar is repulsive to plant-eating animals and keeps them out.Soak old clothes with vinegar and put them around your garden.Vinegar can also help repel caterpillars, bugs, and aphids.Another bonus of using vinegar in the garden is that it increases soil acidity. The acetic acid in the vinegar helps fight lime and kills weeds.2. The scare tacticScare the critters off by using the old but gold scarecrow. Move the scarecrow every couple of days or so.Some gardeners would turn on the sprinkler when the plant-eating animals come. The sudden sound of the water will surprise them and make them run away.You can also train your dog to bark and scare off your unwanted garden guests. 3. Surround your garden with their least favorite.Grow these in your garden. These are plants that can help keep plant-eating animals away:lavendermintrosemarychivesoreganodillcatnipgarlic thymeonionsage4. Use covered bins to keep plant-eating animals out of your garden.Put a lid securely on your compost bin and trash cans so that you don't attract raccoons, deer, foxes, and opossums. The smell of your trash may have led them to your garden in the first place. 5. Deer Fence: The Best Defense When deer and other wildlife cannot access your garden, they will go searching for food in fields, meadows, and high grasses. Installing a deer fence is a surefire way to keep out animals that don’t belong in your garden. Durable, and environmentally safe, the right deer fencing will keep out animals that wish to create mischief, by consuming your plants and seedlings. Deer fencing won’t cause woodland creatures any harm but instead will divert them elsewhere.Choose a six-foot, or even an eight-foot-high fence, or pairs of low parallel fences. This will cause the deer to think twice about scaling them, even if they are being chased, or threatened.The Worst Garden OffendersYou may be wondering, "What animal is eating my plants"? Here are 7 common animals that may be destroying your garden:Deer - You may find deer grazing in your garden at dusk and at dawn. Because winters are hard on them, they seek out and focus only on the most nutritious garden plants. They're hard to catch as they are nearly inaudible except for occasional grunts and mews. If you don't catch them, be on the lookout for deer droppings, and cloven-shaped hoof prints.Rabbits - Adorable rabbits can wreak havoc in your garden. They will eat almost anything and can cause extensive damage if security is not in place.Raccoons and Skunks - Although sometimes happily satiated by feasting on garbage cans, raccoons and skunks will also dig through your garden, looking for insects, and grubs. They will also dig holes to make their dens.Squirrels - Both ground and tree squirrels pose a threat to your garden. Their typical MO is to create holes that are used either for their burrows or to store and bury nuts for winter.Prairie Dogs - While indeed prairie dogs are capable of inflicting great damage to crops in a garden, they are helpful to the ecosystem. Their method of burrowing helps till the soil, thereby adding nutrients. If possible, finding a professional to trap, and relocate these critters, is the most environmentally beneficial and kinder way of managing them.Chipmunks - The famous of them all, chipmunks feed mainly on insects, seeds, grains, and nuts, but have no problem-consuming seedlings and flower bulbs.Field Mice - Ingenious little creatures, field mice will do just about anything to get to a tasty morsel of food. They will disrupt plant roots, and snack on leaves, pull up roots, and gnaw at them from underneath the soil. We must not hurt or harm the animals who only act by instinct and for survival.But, that doesn’t mean that we have to share all our harvest with these plant-eating creatures.With the right tools, planning, and defenses, such as deer fencing, we can happily enjoy the bounty of our gardens by keeping our plant-eating animal friends out without harming them.
Home Why You Should Consider Storage When Redecorating Your Home 6:31 PM Redecorating your home can be an enjoyable experience. But there are many things to consider when planning and preparing for it. Especially if you want to do more than just hang a new artwork or replace the window coverings. If you're painting rooms, rearranging, and changing furniture, you'll need to still be able to live in the house while doing the work. Your other option is to stay somewhere else which could be more costly and inconvenient.Where to place your things during the changes? You may want to consider storage when you're redecorating your home. 1. Storage protects your things. They say material things are replaceable. While that's true for most, it doesn't address the heart of the issue... It could be expensive to buy a replacement. Items with sentimental value such as heirlooms, souvenirs from a memorable trip, or gifts from someone special must be given extra care. You'll find many options if you're looking for Storage in Los Angeles. Choose a location you can trust. You should be confident that your things are going to be safe and protected. This way you can focus on redecorating your home and let your creativity flow. 2. Redecorating takes longer than expected. You may be surprised by how long it takes to finish redecorating your home.Sometimes you'll even go beyond your budget. Speed up the redecorating process and avoid additional costs by removing clutters. Keep other things that are not yet needed in storage. 3. Avoid accidents by using storage when decorating your home. Accidents are inevitable. Sometimes furniture and trinkets could get damaged because they're not stored away during redecoration.By removing some items from your home, you're reducing the risk of dripping paint on the couch or leaving a big hole in the top of the table. You might also trip on something or have an item fall on you if you don't store them away.Locking things up in storage has a lower risk than leaving them lying around.4. Free up space in your house while redecorating. Not having enough space, wanting more room, and open areas could be reasons why you're redecorating.As you make some changes to your house, finding solutions for storage in Los Angeles may be necessary. You can free up more space while focusing on a certain area. 5. You'll make your insurance unhappy. Doing manual labor or moving things around could put you in harm's way. If you get hurt while redecorating and need to make a claim, your insurance won't be too happy about it. Having storage is the best way to make your home project easier and safer.There will be less clutter and you'll have peace of mind.Are you planning to redecorate your home in the future? Consider keeping your things in storage so you can complete the project fast and enjoy your new home.
Health & Wellness How To Turn Your Bedroom Into A Relaxing Sleep Space 12:20 PM How To Turn Your Bedroom Into A Relaxing Sleep Space Is your bedroom a sanctuary for sleep?Your bedroom should be a place where you can relax and retreat. It should help you get a full night's rest to reboot and be ready for another day.Insufficient sleep could lead to stress and fatigue.If you’ve been having trouble sleeping, there’s a good chance your bedroom décor is partially to blame.Many sleep-troubled people make décor choices that are anything but conducive to a peaceful night's sleep. How can you make your bedroom a good sleeping space? Follow these tips if you want to turn your bedroom into a more relaxing sleep space. 1. Invest in a luxury mattress.A good mattress is vital for getting quality sleep. You may use a mattress well past its prime because new mattresses could be costly. That's understandable. But sleeping on an old lumpy mattress can potentially result in back and/or neck pain. You'll wake up feeling tired and sluggish.It's like going to a gym but without the benefits of working out.Not a good start. Which could snowball and lead to a stressful day.Find a dependable, high-quality mattress. Treating yourself to a comfortable, sustainable mattress can improve your sleep quality.Luxury mattresses have longer lifespans than their cheap counterpart. So you actually end up saving more money.2. Get a spacious nightstand.Getting up in the middle of the night can disrupt your sleep.It could trick your body into thinking you're up for the day. If you frequently get up to get a drink of water or take meds, placing the necessary items on your nightstand can prevent you from having to get out of bed. This limits the amount of sleep you lose. If you get up to go to the bathroom more than you normally should, consult your doctor. 3. Declutter your bedroom.A cluttered sleeping space leads to a cluttered mind. And a cluttered mind could make you sleepless.Bedrooms are often hotbeds for clutter. Use a hamper to keep dirty laundry off the floor.Don't eat in the bedroom.Use shelves to organize your books and other items. 3. Add plants and greensReal plants give off oxygen that can make your room cooler and fresher. Shades of greens found in nature can help put you at ease.They're not only relaxing to look at, but they also improve the quality of your sleep.Sleep problems can lead to decreased memory, diminished functioning ability, and increased irritability. Although some sleep issues require professional help, it's possible that your bedroom is causing them. Turn your bedroom into a relaxing space and see how it improves your life.What do you do to have a relaxing sleep at night?
Home Understanding Bees In Trees And Know When To Take Action 7:26 PM Bees play a vital role in the ecosystem. They produce honey and are the main instigators of pollination, which enables flowers to fertilize and plant seeds and more flowers. Without bees, flowers would die out, affecting all of the ecosystems.It’s surprising how significant an effect such a small creature can do. How do you get rid of bees in a tree?Bees are not currently protected, but that doesn’t mean we can destroy their nest in trees. Because...1. They’re essential in keeping the balance in our ecosystem.2. They can be deadly, especially if you have allergies. The last thing you want is a swarm of bees chasing you. So, if you’re dealing with bees in trees or a nest anyone near your home, it’s a good idea to get your local pest control company involved. They won’t just advise on whether to move the nest or not. They’ll be able to get rid of it or connect you with local beekeepers who can take them off your hands. You should visit here for more info if you have a bee issue.Why are there bees in my tree?Bees love living in trees. It’s a relatively safe place to build their nest. Skunks, bears, and hive beetles usually attack their nests. These creatures can kill many bees, so hanging high in a tree is generally safer. The tree also gives them a good vantage point to start a flight when pollinating while making honey.How long will bees stay in a tree?Bees can rest in your tree while they re-energize. They are likely to be in your tree for no more than twenty-four hours. You won’t see many of them. Once the queen picks a spot to start building, they are unlikely to move by themselves. If the bees are still present after three days, they make a hive. Unless they are bothered by a predator, they will unlikely leave the hive, meaning they’ll keep on building, and the nest will get larger.Are the beehives in trees dangerous?Unless provoked, bees are generally not dangerous. However, they would defend themselves, their offspring, or their hive if they felt threatened. Bees feed before swarming, reducing their ability to sting. It’s not wise to attach a colony of bees or attempt to remove their beehive if you’re not a professional. Can you smoke bees out of a tree?When honey bees smell smoke, it causes them to leave and probably not return.Bees would assume a fire threat nearby, so they’re prepared to leave their hive.When can you remove bees from the trees?Let them be if the bees are high in the tree and not close to your home. They are unlikely to harm you unless they see you as a threat.If they are close to your home or have created a nest in a knot in the tree or around the roots, you need to deal with them. The sooner you tackle this, the better.It is still best to get help from your local experts to remove the nest safely to avoid harming or killing nature’s hardworking fellows.There are plenty of beekeepers in your area who will be happy to have an extra hive. They expertly use beehive frames for bees to build their wax comb and store their food.Now you...Have you ever had a problem with bees in your yard? How did you deal with it?
Health & Wellness 5 Real Benefits Of Filtered Tap Water 7:21 PM Before you drink another glass of water...Ask yourself:"How safe is it?"Substances can seep from the ground into the water pipes. Thus, polluting your tap water without you knowing. This can lead to serious illness---and possibly even death.For this reason, you should consider drinking filtered tap water next time.What is filtered water?Filtered water is water that has been treated physically or chemically to remove impurities.What is removed during water filtration?Lead, chlorine, bacteria, calcium, minerals, and salt are separated from water during filtration. While, minerals such as magnesium, fluoride, calcium, and zinc are retained.Is it safe to drink filtered tap water?Depending on where you are, it could be either safe or dangerous to drink tap water. Here are the countries where it's not worth filtering your tap water because they have the safest, cleanest water:United KingdomNew ZealandCanadaScandinaviaSingaporeGermanyFinlandIcelandIf you're in the following countries, however, it's a different story. Don't try to drink the tap water when you visit:PhilippinesMexicoRussiaFijiChinaBrazilUkraineCubaIs filtered tap water good for you?Since impurities are removed in filtered water, it is a better choice for drinking. Consider the purest reverse osmosis water. And experience the 5 real benefits of filtered tap water. 5 Real Benefits of Filtered Tap Water 1. No more harmful chemicals Chemicals are added to water at the treatment plant. The main two are chlorine and fluoride. Chlorine kills unwanted bacteria, while fluoride reduces the incidence of tooth decay.However...Too much fluoride can lead to dental fluorosis or skeletal fluorosis, which can damage bones and joints. The levels of chlorine used for drinking water disinfection are unlikely to cause long-term health effects. But some people are allergic to it.2. Free from bacteriaWater filters are designed to collect bacteria in the water. They can capture the bacteria and prevent it from coming out of the tap. If not removed, these bacteria can cause diarrhea, vomiting, cramps, nausea, headaches, fever, fatigue, or death. 3. ConvenientYou’ve probably heard that boiling water can help improve its quality by killing the bacteria in it.Boiling water can be tedious and time-consuming.A home water filtration system can give you filtered water fast and easily.4. Improved smell and taste Tap water has a distinct smell and taste. This is due to the chemicals present. Especially chlorine.Filtered water doesn't have this problem.5. Money Saving! Finally, a valuable benefit in filtering your tap water is saving money. Initially, you'll need to invest in equipment and set up the system. Once you've done that, it only requires minor maintenance.You’ll no longer have to test your water supply to see if it's clean, has the right pH, and is safe.BONUS: More sustainable!You won't need to buy bottled filtered water anymore if you have water filtration equipment.That's reducing the use of plastic that pollutes the environment.Think about these 5 benefits of filtered tap water the next time you pour yourself a glass.