Reflections Reflection: My Happily Ever After 4:00 PM In all the years that I've lived, I've realized that my happily ever after lies entirely to me. Whether I'd live conveniently or miserably is up to how I've saved all the money I earned. Whether I'd end up with a jerk or stay single and at peace, or find someone who is perfectly imperfect for me depends on who I give myself to. My love story with the Lord depends on how loyal and faithful I am to Him. The strength of my relationship with God depends on whether I work on it every day or lazily let it weaken. God will not force me to love Him. He won't send lightning to strike me when I don't pray. He will not stop loving, forgiving, and protecting me. Whether I give Him back the praise or not will not change His being God or lessen His majesty. He is God and will always be God whether I worship Him or not. I need to worship Him to remind myself how blessed I am to be under His wings. To remind myself that I can do anything through Christ who strengthens me. And isn't it a wonderful feeling knowing that Somebody so important loves you so much that He's willing to give up even His life for you? So my happily ever after depends on whether I accept that love or reject it. My happily ever after depends on whether I walk with Him or away from Him. My prize--my happily ever after---is waiting for me at the end of the race. It's right there with my name printed on it, waiting for me to claim it. But the question is, am I willing to run the race until the very end to accept it? I'd be crazy not to. What's your happily ever after story? Hey, did you find this post helpful or entertaining? Please go ahead and share. Share buttons on the left and at the bottom of the article. Big thanks! Subscribe to About Life And Love by Email
Reflections Reflection: Asking For A Sign 11:00 PM God has already given the most earthshaking sign when the Word was made flesh. To ask for another is to already mock God. No other sign is necessary. It is now the time for faith. -Fr. Joel Jason Have you been in a desperate situation where you have to ask God for a sign? I have. I can't remember anymore what it was and what sign I asked for, but I did. It was hearing the stories of people asking God for a sign and receiving it that inspired me to do it. Or maybe the desperation for knowing the answer to my prayers ASAP. Is asking for a sign a lack of faith? Why do some people do it? Reflection: Asking For A Sign I asked God for a sign not because I want to test God but because I was impatient for the answer. Human as I am I want to see for myself the confirmation from Him. Late have I realized that asking God for sending me a sign was a sign of my lack of faith. If I believe with all my heart that He will answer my prayer, all I need is patiently wait for His answer to come to pass. If at the end of my prayer I say, "I claim this with faith in Jesus' name", why do I insist He shows me proof first? God answers prayers in three ways: yes, no, wait. God's timeline is different from ours. We may be waiting for years for him to answer our prayer, but that does not mean He's late. It does not mean that He's sadistic and takes delight in watching His children cry in desperation. He is an all-knowing God. He sees everything even the things that are yet to happen. So if He answers a prayer today He knows whether it will make you better or if it will worsen the situation. In the years that I prayed to God, I realized what He has prepared for me is much MUCH better than what I've been praying for. Always. Truly when you wait in the Lord, He does not disappoint. In fact He will blow your mind with how great His surprise is. It will happen so fast you'll be wondering why you were worried before, or why you even burdened yourself with misery when you know from the very start that with God nothing is impossible. Here's a sign that God can do anything: He can part the ocean to deliver His people from their enemies. He can slay a giant with just a stone and a sling. He can turn water into wine. He can make the childless bear children as many as the stars. Even when they're already past the childbearing stage. He can raise the dead to life. He has overcome the grave Himself. What other sign are you asking for? A white rose? A butterfly? A rainbow? Don't they pale in comparison to how great the things God has done in the past and how great He still is today? Hey, maybe you reading this post is a sign that you should stop asking for a sign and trust God instead? What do you think? Hey, did you find this post helpful or entertaining? Please go ahead and share. Share buttons on the left and at the bottom of the article. Big thanks! Subscribe to About Life And Love by Email
Reflections Reflection: Forget God 8:00 AM Being sick. Being broke. Being heartbroken. Those are a few times when I remember I was holding on to God so tightly. In my hurting, I never fail to remember Him. But here's a confession: when things are going well, I sometimes forget God. I forget how faithful He was not leaving my side when it seems the world has abandoned me. I forget how generous He's always been not letting my cup run dry. I forget about how He's healed me many times. I was a sickly kid. Yeah, I'm one of those nine lepers who were healed and never returned. As a result, when things go bad again, I worry. As if I haven't been saved by His grace a million times before. How not to forget God I strive every day to change for the better. I've realized I have so little faith because I'm not remembering the good things God has done for me in the past, but I do dwell on the times I felt let down. Having known this problem, I have figured out the solution. Reminder Tenor I know God is busy solving the planet's problems. Who knows how many universes are there in the vast multiverse. And He's in charge of all of them. But I boldly ask Him of this trivial, teeny tiny request: to remind me of how good He is. Seriously. When something good happens, and I know it's Him at work, I ask Him to remind me of that moment. Especially when tough times come up. Guess what, He does help me remember. Gratitude Journal Tumblr What I do so as not to forget God when things are going well is that I keep a gratitude journal. I'ts a simple list of what God has done for me in the past that seemed impossible for my limited human and imperfect faith and understanding. Things like: When I was traveling and was worried sick that my valuables will be stolen from my luggage, God kept them safe and secured. When I needed a new phone but buying a new one is out of the budget, God helped me win a contest where a sleek smartphone is the prize. When I was sick, God healed me. Sometimes I would add declarations on this journal, proclaiming what I believe God will do for me. No it's not magic, it's allowing God to work miracles in my life. I always forget about that beautiful fact. That's why writing them down helps me remember. So is reading reflections from other people's blogs. Reading blogs Tumblr As most of my time is spent online, I have to be wise about spending it. Aside from working for clients, managing this blog, and of course chatting with friends, I read blogs that are soul-nourishing. There are a lot of good stuff around the world wide web. You just have to find them. I'm glad I have. Here are a some of my favorite blogs that remind me how God works amazingly in our lives: The Dreamer Writes Everyday Gyaan Recklessly Alive Julie Garmon Bo Sanchez There are a LOT of great bloggers out there that I try to visit on a weekly basis (if I'm not busy) to get my soul nourishment, but I won't be writing them all down here. They know who they are. Hint: they're always leaving a sweet comment here on my blog. Go find them there. Video Reminders Giphy I always jump into work the moment I wake up, sometimes most of the time skipping breakfast because I want to finish early and complete the tasks ahead of schedule. That means skipping on reading the daily scripture too. I know, I used to be a good girl. What happened to me? LOL. I make up my listening to a 5-minute or so talk of my fave preachers on their Facebook pages. Yeah, social media can be your friend if you use it wisely. My calendar also has a daily reminder of how good God is and how beautiful this life could be if we decide to make it so. Check out these short but faith-filled videos on Facebook for daily inspiration and reminder of how amazing God is: Full Tank by Bo Sanchez Gognuts by Arun Gogna M3SY by Alvin Barcelona Joel Osteen Ministries Judah Smith What about you? When things are going well (or not), who do you turn to? Who do you remember the most to thank, to ask a favor from, or just to talk with? Any other blog sites or Facebook page that you can recommend? I'd appreciate it so much if you can leave the link in the comment. If you write about your personal experience or create short videos which you think can help me remember God, please let me know where to find you in the comment too. Looking forward to your reminder! Hey, did you find this post helpful or entertaining? Please go ahead and share. Share buttons on the left and at the bottom of the article. Big thanks! Subscribe to About Life And Love by Email
Reflections Reflection: Embrace Our Uniqueness 10:18 AM Each of us is a unique strand in the intricate web of life, and here to make a contribution. -Deepak Chopra Embrace Our Uniqueness We are all different from each other. No two DNA are the same. Even for identical twins. We know this since time immemorial, right? So why do we keep on judging one another for our differences---in skin color, in preferences, in beliefs, in taste of style or music, in culture? Why can't we just embrace our uniqueness? Embracing our uniqueness does not only mean being comfortable in our choices and individuality. As long as you're not hurting anyone in the process, why not? Whatever floats your boat as long as it doesn't sink mine, you know? Giphy To embrace our uniqueness also means celebrating others for who they are. Allowing them to shine their own light knowing no one else can do it but them. For we are all called to play a different role, but ultimately, our purpose is the same: to love. How can we love if judgment comes first? How can we bridge a gap if we build a wall? How can we understand if we refuse to accept? There is no music if there is only one note. There can't be a rainbow if there is only one color. The world will be dead boring if we are all the same. Where is the challenge? How will the growth happen? Where is the excitement? What is there to look forward to and learn if we are all the same? The key to finding peace despite our differences, in my humble opinion, is respect. Live your life, embrace your uniqueness, but most importantly, let live. Respect the other person's idiosyncrasies. Because we all came from different backgrounds. Even siblings living under one roof for years could turn out to be different people with different perspectives. Giphy We are all wired that way; to be different and to possess a special gift only us could offer. Isn't that beautiful? Hey, did you find this post helpful or entertaining? Please go ahead and share. Share buttons on the left and at the bottom of the article. Big thanks! Subscribe to About Life And Love by Email
Reflections Reflection: Humblest Person Alive 8:00 AM True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less. - C.S. Lewis Humblest Person Alive "I love what you write. I think you're brilliant. You're wise. I needed to hear this today. You're a fantastic writer." It's easy to receive all these praises of men and claim it as my own. But then I want you to know that I don't because I'm the humblest person alive today. Kidding! Isn't it awkward to claim something like that? Seriously though, how easy is it to claim all the glory when people like you and like what you do? Of course we're allowed to feel good and receive compliments. But I think the problem comes in when instead of pointing to the direction of the Source, we tell the world that we did it all by ourselves. George Burton Adams said: There is no such thing as a 'self-made' man. We are made up of thousands of others. Everyone who has ever done a kind deed for us, or spoken one word of encouragement to us, has entered into the make-up of our character and of our thoughts, as well as our success. Now, that's something that puts things into perspective. We may have made 90% of the effort; blood, sweat and tears, but we owe at least 10% to other people. We owe it... to our parents who gave us life (unless you're a test tube baby who came purely from chemicals or whatever science did), to our teachers, whether they taught us the right things and encouraged us to do better, or like Albert Einstein's teacher who told his father: "He will never amount to anything.", to the class bully who always picked on us, to our friends who always got our back, to the interviewer of that one company we've always wanted to be a part of who told us we're not the right fit for the job, to the stranger who showed us a random act of kindness...or rudeness! There's no point in bragging about our achievement because we couldn't have made it on our own. Don't get me wrong. When people tell me I look beautiful, I'm smart, I'm good at something, or they like me, I blush, I feel flattered, I receive it. I bask in it. Hey, it's a blessing! Not everyone gets that compliment. Tenor But I consider it as God affirming me and like a boss telling me, "Good job! Keep up the good work." Or a Father who lovingly looks at me and say, "Of course you're beautiful. You're my daughter. I'm proud of you." I let myself receive all these love and kind words. (Even the criticisms that I know will help make me grow and improve). But at the end of the day, I know and I believe that it's all because of Him and for Him. That without His grace and mercy, I wouldn't even be here typing this reflection. Humblest person alive? I know one. A good friend of mine. In fact, I think most of my friends and mentors are humble beings. That's why I want to emulate them. But the humblest person alive in my opinion is Someone Who gave up His majesty, His throne and His glory and took the form of a lowly mortal. He who ate, drank, perspired, walked the muddy and sometimes dusty road on Earth to be with His servants. Lived with them, talked to them, and loved them with all that He is. Took their place at the cross. Someone who traded His royal crown for the crown of thorns to show His big love. That is one King worthy of praise. That's the real humblest person alive. Hey, did you find this post helpful or entertaining? Please go ahead and share. Share buttons on the left and at the bottom of the article. Big thanks! Subscribe to About Life And Love by Email
Reflections Reflection: What Are You Waiting For? 8:00 AM If we wait until we're ready, we'll be waiting for the rest of our lives. Lemony Snicket What Are You Waiting For? I don't know about you, but I hate to wait around. Waiting for people to turn up during a meeting. Waiting in line especially when I see the person at the counter dilly dallying. Waiting for people to move when I'm all up and ready to go. Makes me want to ask, "What are you waiting for?!" I've realized the reason why I hate waiting is because I've also procrastinated in my life when I was younger that now I'm running out of time. And I want to make the most of every second. I want every moment to count. Even on weekends, I need to be doing something productive. And if I need to relax, I need to be spending quality time with the people who matter to me. Tumblr I would detest myself for wasting an hour on Facebook or other socials. So I'm conscious not to browse too much. I know the fruits of waiting is sweet because I've always been waiting for God's will to unfold in my life. That's a different story altogether. There are things you can't rush. There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens. Ecclesiastes 3:1 But you can't make me watch crappy movies or read lame books anymore. That will be wasting precious time. I can't be friends with those who seem to let life's negativity dictate their future. Or those too toxic to be around. I don't wait around for people to apologize before I move on. That will be waiting for hell to freeze over. I won't wait for the world to come to peace. I'm searching for peace within myself every day as difficult as that may be. I don't wait around for Prince Charming to arrive. I decided to build my own kingdom. If he cares to join me and I see he's worth sharing my colorful though sometimes boring introvert life with, I might open the gates to the castle and let him in. And we may not live happily all the days of our lives but at least we'll be backing up each other through the tough times, fighting trolls and evil witches together, winning battles or walking away from fights we don't want to bother joining together. You get the picture. Yeah, youth is wasted on the young. Now I know what George Bernard Shaw means. Gulp. I'm getting old. Well, I'd rather be old and wise than young and careless. Growing old is inevitable so my goal is to age gracefully. I'd get there eventually so why not arrive in grace. Right? What about you? Do you like to wait? What are you waiting for? Hey, did you find this post helpful or entertaining? Please go ahead and share. Share buttons on the left and at the bottom of the article. Big thanks! Subscribe to About Life And Love by Email
Faith Reflection: God's Crazy Love 8:00 AM For God loved the world so much that He gave His one and only Son. -John 3:16 I thank God for giving me my passion to write. That's why as a thanksgiving, I decided to start a Reflection series. Because despite not being a technically good writer, despite some grammar slips here and there, despite the criticisms, insults, and mockery I've received from people telling me I'm not a REAL author, I know in my heart that this is a gift from my Big Daddy. I know this can only come from Him---from God's crazy love for me. I'll always be grateful for Him providing me with the tools and skills I need to use this gift. For leading me to the right people, bringing me the right opportunities and allowing me to build pipelines for His blessings to flow into my life. Truly, my God is crazy in love with me! God's crazy love I'm a nobody. I'm only a speck of dust in His vast universe. I often find myself asking, "Why, Lord? Why do you love me this much? I am a sinner. I often neglect you. I often blame you for my misfortunes. Why sacrifice your Son---Your life for me?" And the only answer is love. Pure, unadulterated, complete, infinite, unfathomable, crazy love. Who can explain love? Even science fails to give it justice despite its intellectual research and theories. It's still not enough. Nay, it's not needed by people in love. "I don't know, I just love her. That's all I know." That's what you'll often hear people respond when you ask them why they love someone. It goes beyond the physical. It is more than just what is certain and what's there. It is beyond human comprehension. And that is only human love. God's crazy love is so much more. For this world's wisdom is foolishness (absurdity and stupidity) with God. (1 Corinthians 3:19) That is why the proud, intelligent ones despise Him. For they cannot put Him in a box. For they can never explain His beginning and end. He is their failure when it comes to displaying their wisdom. But that's what makes Him God. He is infinite. He is beyond our grasp. If we can understand Him, then we will be equals. God's crazy love is not for the perfect. It is for those who are humble enough to admit they are not complete, they are not enough and they are not well. Those who will receive Him and allow Him to heal them. God's crazy love is for those who are crazy enough to admit that they need His craziness in their lives. Hey, I am crazy. That's why despite my flaws and imperfections, despite my difficulty to accept His love and feel His presence, despite my unlovable and unloving state sometimes oftentimes, I accept Him. For He's crazy enough to accept me in the first place. (Just between you and me, I think He's crazier than all of us put together). The Lord your God is with you. He is a hero who saves you. He happily rejoices over you, renews you with his love, and celebrates over you with shouts of joy. (Zephaniah 3:17) Kind of hard to imagine an almighty, all powerful, majestic, glorious King rejoicing and shouting with joy, right? I mean, I've always thought kings are reserved, dignified, solemn. We know some kings could even be tyrants, taking delight in punishing his people. Oh, but this King we have is crazy in love with us. He is our Father before anything else. And that is something we may never come to understand. We can only allow Him to love us or reject Him like we always do. God's crazy love is inviting you to accept Him today. Are you in or out? Hey, did you find this post helpful or entertaining? Please go ahead and share. Share buttons on the left and at the bottom of the article. Big thanks! Subscribe to About Life And Love by Email